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Topics - sonic_knx

Pages: [1] 2
Modification Help / saveBricks();
« on: February 25, 2020, 02:06:19 PM »
Howdy folks, been a while. I'm modernizing a bit of code in a mod and I'm stumped on saveBricks(); and where it went after RTB. Is there a modern equivalent or is my best bet re-utilizing old code to bring the function back from the dead?

Code: [Select]
if(!$Server::Dedicated) {
} else {
saveBricks("Autosave", 1, 1);

Any suggestions are very much appreciated!

Off Topic / Omegle stuff
« on: March 03, 2011, 06:35:12 AM »
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
Stranger: m f?
You: Get a camera and you'll find out
Stranger: my cam is on
You: don't see it, fix it lovey stud
Stranger: u have skype?
You: I'm a dude by the way.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Off Topic / I'M MAD AS HELL - One Billion Starving
« on: October 16, 2010, 07:36:10 AM »
One billion people right now can't sleep because they are starving to death. At least 15 MILLION CHILDREN die every year because they can't eat and yet Americans (including myself, and I'm ashamed) will throw a tantrum if they get the wrong pizza topping, or pickles on their burger. WHY? It's food, it's all food that could save a person's life.

Fact: Statistically a person dies every 3.6 seconds from starvation. In the time it took for me to write this all out and look at the figures, at least 115 have died. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120.

It is a referral link, yes, but it is just so I can track how many people I persuaded to sign the petition; no profits, nothing of the sort.






Off Topic / Your WinAmp Library
« on: June 20, 2010, 03:40:00 PM »
If you have WinAmp, screenshot your library!

5000 songs

15 days and nearly 5 hours :O

33.57 gigs, goddamn! Out of only 140!

General Discussion / Shorty Shorts is BACK (srsly this time.)
« on: June 20, 2010, 02:36:47 AM »
For the last 3 months, Venom, FaTDoG and myself have been brainstorming, filming and writing. Now that we have done that, we're proud to announce that we actually have secretly made a new movie.

And it can be found on:

Or just go to our YouTube Channel (and subscribe please!).

The website isn't really that great but the main thing is the news is out and just know we are working on it.

Thanks guys and hope you like it!


Snot approves!

:D (snot's seal of approval)

UPDATE: 6/29/2010
New website guise! also redirects to it.

Check it out. Look at the news and click 'read more.'

Off Topic / 5th year and 2 day anniversary
« on: March 24, 2010, 03:20:12 AM »
Of being a Blockland SMF Forum member!

(Though was originally on PHPBB)

Couldn't post on the day because I was in Seattle.

General Discussion / Shorty Shorts - Problem Customer?
« on: August 03, 2009, 05:06:24 AM »
That's right, the film crew you know and love has returned from hiatus and a new movie is in post-production.

The new film, entitled "Problem Customer?" is one of those films that you just want to sit back, relax and watch a couple times while taking some ibuprofen for your sides (if condition persists please visit a physician).

"Problem Customer?" is expected to be released MONDAY, AUGUST 3RD at 10:00 AM PST, 12 CENTRAL.

Until then keep this thread alive so I have an easier access to it to put the movie link in ;).

Off Topic / Hard Rock Block
« on: April 15, 2009, 07:44:44 PM »
Well, BloodN1ght, Venom and myself (mostly Venom and myself) have set up a SHOUTcast called Hard Rock Block. We play today's heavy hits as well as 70s, 80s and 90s.

There is no actual schedule currently but at around 6 PM we play what's called "Mandatory Metallica" which is 3 back to back Metallica songs.

Please navigate yourself to

And remember that this is just a project and is not complete yet. The website needs a bit of help with its style and such and needs a new logo.

If you have WinAmp or foobar2000, please go here: to listen.

I'm no sure if the request function works on the site so if it doesn't, please request songs here. (May not be able to get to them right away since I'm not on Blockland Forums 24/7)

But yeah; request, make shoutouts and whatnot here and I'll play them on the air.

Off Topic / Vote for a tattoo
« on: April 11, 2009, 05:20:48 AM »
1. Go to
2. Type in "rapist" (without quotes)
3. Press vote
4. ???????


Games / My 'lil Bastard
« on: February 17, 2009, 10:06:25 AM »
For those of you who are regular Adult Swim viewers, you'll know about this one.

Basically, it's that stupid Tamagotchi game but with better graphics and it's fun to play to boot.

What you do is you hatch a bastard egg and care for it. First thing you do is feed it a stuffload of bones. Next, it will take like a bunch of stuffs, so you'll have to buy a bunch of TP. Third, you toilet train your bastard, etc.

Have fun!

Off Topic / New Alice In Chains Album
« on: December 13, 2008, 03:03:21 PM »


Off Topic / Ffruustration
« on: December 13, 2008, 07:38:00 AM »


A Good One:

General Discussion / Shorty Shorts is Back
« on: December 06, 2008, 09:27:04 AM »
We are in production of a secret project that we like to call "Vigilant Northern Lights" and we had the idea of also making a new "The Cereal Life".

Shorty Shorts was founded in 2005 by a few guys who had a passion for comedy. Our friend Maveric (who left Blockland and making movies to do stupid Podcasts and to go to this place called "college") created the name "The Cereal Life" and was the brain behind a lot of it. We have gotten up to 7 episodes, the 7th episode mysteriously disappeared and we haven't seen it since.

Please, feel free to visit our newly established website at and register to make sure you're up-to-date on when "VNL" is going to be done and released. We are also thinking about a pre-screening for a selected handful of members before the release.

(tl;dr: Making new movies called "VNL" and "The Cereal Life" and join site, click here.)

Suggestions & Requests / Yokosuka D4Y3 (Type 33) Kamikaze Bomber
« on: August 14, 2008, 06:54:57 PM »
Something I would like for a movie I'm thinking of making, involving Pearl Harbor.

Would be really appreciated.

EDIT: It needs to be able to bomb stuff, from drivers seat if possible. If not, then passenger will work fine.

Gallery / Mario Mushroom Pixel Art
« on: May 08, 2008, 01:44:18 AM »
Here's the Mario Mushroom Logo I made.

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