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Messages - Nitramtj

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Off Topic / Re: Guy in Arizona gets gunned down by SWAT team
« on: November 28, 2011, 12:32:27 AM »
The SWAT team raids I've seen lozok prettt traumatic, I wouldn't blame the guy for grabbing a gun. Even if they did announce themselves, it could have been lost in the confusion. Still, they were perfectly justified in shooting the guy for being armed. I'd say no one at the scene is to blame, it's more of a conflicting issue that the SWAT team needs the element of surprise and how possibly innocent people react to that.

Off Topic / Re: I'm looking for a decent video streaming service.
« on: November 17, 2011, 12:44:51 AM »
If you're streaming games, is a great site. It's been very stable for my usage and it has a great community. It's basically a branch off of which is a general streaming site.

General Discussion / Re: Default Builds being "Bumped"
« on: November 07, 2011, 12:31:43 PM »
WoW operates that way, having a 'Fix.exe'. It is a legit workaround for this inconvenience.
Id love to see it implemented.
Badspot purposely made the game check itself each time as an idiot proof feature, he's not going to change that any time soon.

Is this the only reason you want the auto-restore feature to be removed? Why remove the whole feature when this is just a localized problem? Something such as just ignoring the save directory or hard coding to only check the default saves would be better.

Off Topic / Re: My dad is a huge jerk.
« on: November 04, 2011, 09:28:31 PM »
You stuffting me?

He spent ages saving $200, he finally gets it, and his dad steals it. Either way, he's out $200 and the product he spent ages getting excited for. There is no better phone in his opinion.
Yes I am, it was a cruel joke.

Is an iPhone 4S only $200?

Off Topic / Re: My dad is a huge jerk.
« on: November 04, 2011, 08:56:44 PM »
Maybe he's planning on getting you a better phone for Christmas?

Drama / Re: Heedicalking: Badmin and meanie
« on: November 03, 2011, 10:55:47 PM »
I went on his server and shot a helicopter by mistake because he told me to click it, and I said sorry, and 5 seconds later he banned me for -1 minute for the reason of ' cannot play. '
I did take a picture of the ban, but I can't find it on my computer.

If you just wait awhile and kindly ask to be unbanned, you might be able to get back in. In big servers it's easy to be over ban since it's hard to maintain control. As long as it isn't personal (doubt this is,) you can probably get unbanned later if you approach an admin calmly about it.

Drama / Re: Boomerandog - Screw friends I want DRPG!
« on: November 03, 2011, 10:49:25 PM »
I'm sure it's annoying but what can you expect in a game like this?

Boom has been very very very desperate for DRPG lately.

He's done some super cigarettegy stuff in the past and I thought he was over with it, but evidently he hasn't completely matured yet. I'll still be his friend and all, but I'm not joining his server with DRPG on it.
Honestly the best choice of action is probably to stop talking to him. He's done stuff similar to this in the past, and just did it again. Do you really want to be friends with someone like this? You don't have to hate him, but it sounds like a better idea to just kick him out of your circle of friends.

Off Topic / Re: Does anyone every feel this way?
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:31:41 AM »
It's definitely natural to feel like that. Generally just think about what you post before you do it. When you get older it'll be easier to judge things from the get-go on whether they're nice enough to post or not.

Development / Re: Blockland r1395 features
« on: October 25, 2011, 09:12:27 PM »
You could just call it manually.
You need to call FxDTSBrick::plant() in order to plant the brick. That automatically calls FxDTSBrick::onPlant() which is the problem.

Development / Re: Blockland r1395 features
« on: October 25, 2011, 08:59:10 PM »
FxDTSBrick::onPlant() and FxDTSBrick::onLoadPlant() are now correctly distinguished from each other.  onPlant is called when a player plants a brick in the game, onLoadPlant is called when a brick is planted via loading a save file.  This should fix issues like duplicate events showing up on checkpoint bricks when loading a save.  However this bug has been around so long that many add-ons have been programmed around it and this fix may cause them to stop working.  The solution is to update the effected add-ons. 
Is there a way to trigger FxDTSBrick::onLoadPlant() instead of FxDTSBrick::onPlant() ? I'm working on some scripts that copy bricks around and would benefit from that.

Off Topic / Re: I've had it with my sisters friends.
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:58:20 PM »
I know them really well,

very very well

Like, 4 years, well.
So you know them well but just don't like them?

And do you think your view would change if you were 20.

Off Topic / Re: I've had it with my sisters friends.
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:53:39 PM »
Could you approach the friends and ask them if they can work with you so your needs are taken care of? If you're really 13 and don't know them really well it might be hard to not come off just some kid, but you are a member of the house so they should consider what you say.

There's also the "If you can't beat them, join them" approach that you could take. If your parents like their personalities, that might say something good about them. I'm sure if you get to know them (in a good way) they'll respect you a bit more and the problems will go away.

General Discussion / Re: v20 problem - Automatic file downloading
« on: October 09, 2011, 07:26:10 PM »
Let's brown townyze the situation:
You're just going to have to suffer the tedium of properly renaming your modifications instead of raping the default game files.  Sorry.
Yes he could have said this in a less rude way, but it really wasn't that bad in the first place.
That's ok, I can live with that. Just had to make sure there wasn't en easier way.
Good response!
There is a rumor going around that you can prevent files being replaced by setting them to read-only. Apparently Badspot doesn't like this and silently deletes topics that mention it. Maybe if you pack the add-on to a zip-file and set it to read only you could stop the file downloading and prevent all this silliness?
You just made a particularly offensive accusation, all formalities can be dropped at this point.
If you do that, you WILL forget up the game.  What's going to happen is I'm going to have to make an update to one of the default add-ons and it's not going to work and everyone is going to blame me when it is really 100% your dumbass fault.  All I want to be able to do is update my own goddamn loving addons and friends like you ruin it all because you can't be bothered to learn how to program stuff properly.  Go ahead and do it but don't be surprised when future versions of the game tell you to forget off because your files are read-only.  
I can see how you were offended by this, but he's got the right to be blunt now.
See it this way. Your goal is to make sure everyone get the updates they should. I understand that viewpoint, of course. You do this by making sure the default add-ons cannot be changed. I will try to explain why I think this is inconvenient for us hosts.

To modify a default add-on you have to un-zip it to a folder first. This ensures the modified add-on is not overwritten when a Blockland update is released (In v20, you can do this by extracting, renaming, then disabling the original add-on). Then you remove the zip to make sure your modified add-on is the one that runs.
(Of course, you could also write a script that changes datablocks, but that is not my preferred way of doing things.)

As of now, the launcher automatically downloads the original .zip files back into the add-ons folder. This means the files in the zip will be executed in place of the modified files.

What exactly is there to gain from this? The people who modify default files will never notice if a default add-on is updated anyway, since it will always be disabled!

If I may suggest some solutions:
1. Make automatic file downloading optional. This could be simply a somewhat secret added parameter. This does no real damage since the only ones to use it will be server hosts who will either be using the read-only workaround or have default add-ons disabled.
2. Have Blockland execute files inside folders by default, instead of the ones within zips.
Badspot has made his point, this doesn't really deal with his concern directly.
I am not ranting, I am merely trying to help improve the quality of this game. It's too bad that you apparently had a bad day, but this is really no way to be addressing one of your paying customers.
Who are you to tell him how he should treat others? I'd be pissed of from here.
Alternatively, you could pull your head out of your ass and make your add-ons properly.  
This is insulting, but at this point you've proven to be dense on this issue.
Do you enjoy being a richard to everybody? This is constructive criticism, not an attempt to insult you, as you obviously have difficulty understanding.
This is more nagging than constructive criticism. You can't make these points until you take care of the issue that Badspot presented (making the system idiot and future proof.)
All you have to do when you want to make your own add on is make your own add-on.  The game allows you to do this.  You can make your own version of the add-on and disable the original.  You can copy an add-on and rename it.  You can make your own version of an add-on without overwriting the original.  Do you understand this?

You are deliberately resisting the idea of doing things correctly in favor of doing them wrong. 
You got a serious response! This one wasn't insulting at all! You could have used this as an opportunity to redeem the situation.
The bolded part is what Badspot sees you doing. Remember what I said before this quote? You have to give a legitimate response to his previous concern otherwise it's nagging.

By this point you seem pretty angry, but I don't think you were treated that bad at all.

If Maddy banned me for this topic alone, he would prove exactly the point I am trying to make.
Jorgur I respect you, but you're really being thick and stupid in this case. Maybe it's even just a bad communication over the internet, but if I was Badspot, you'd be banned by now for being so thick on this issue.

Anyways I'll take my leave now, I only took the time to say this because I like what you've done in game Jorgur and look forward to seeing you in there again, but I'm just embarrassing myself now by still being here.

General Discussion / Re: v20 problem - Automatic file downloading
« on: October 09, 2011, 06:42:56 PM »
We are all entitled to being properly treated whenever we ask an honest, straightforward question.
No we aren't.

I think the bad response is because you hit a soft spot.

General Discussion / Re: v20 problem - Automatic file downloading
« on: October 09, 2011, 06:38:17 PM »
Yeah, that's right, I am mad. The reason being the way he treats his paying customers.
But you're the one who's in the wrong here, why does he have to be politically correct with you. You're still able to play the game and develop for it.

Also you're probably going to get treat worse now that you're responding like this.

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