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Messages - Ethan

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Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:10:23 AM »
I ended up reinstalling the OS. I plugged the HDD into a new computer and ran CheckDisk on it, and it appeared fine; but still wouldn't boot. And no, it wouldn't boot from last known good configuration or safe mode.
I hope you didn't lose any information you needed.

lol guys whats this "cable management" everyone on computer forums are talking about
That's quite bad but doesn't look too bad because of the huge case you have. Definitely tidy it up haha :P

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:36:03 AM »
I was wondering if the 400$ computer could do casual fps gaming on low - regular graphics at 30+ fps?
The one in OP? It's dated now, I need to update that list but am really busy with study at the moment. I will when I am not busy.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:30:52 AM »
(for the people who are paranoid of pre builts, they can offer pretty great deals at $300-400, some of them even better deals then building a computer.)

Hey I have a question.
I don't believe either CPU or GPU are the problem here, but a combination of both. The specs are balanced and it's a really good laptop. You won't get too much better than that for $1000.
And just as a note, it's not really the CPU speed that matters anymore, it's more the architecture and the amount of cores. Sure, speed does help, but an i7 Quad core @ 2.2GHz would be better than an i5 Dual core @ 2.4GHz anyday.

I wonder if you could stretch your budget a bit:

i didn't bother with the building a PC part because HP refurbished already gave some really great specs for $325. if you're not afraid of refurbished.

if you're willing to go a little bit over budget you can install this motherforgeter for a pretty beast PC:

wait i think that thing is going to have problems with the GPU, not entirely sure since i don't know the watts of the PSU.
actually, get the card later on when you have more cash and replace it with a 500 watt PSU and that GPU.
ooh ooh can i guess?
i'm going to guess you have a DELL!
That GPU only requires 75w as it only gets power through the PCI-E lane, and not through any extra connectors. It would be a simple plug and play job.
FYI for future reference, PCI-E lane delivers 75w, a 6-pin PCI connector delivers an additional 75w, and an 8-pin PCI connector delivers an additional 150w.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:16:20 AM »
I am planning on reformatting my new acer laptop, but I don't want to reformat it with the bloatware, would the OEM windows 7 key work on a downloaded CD/DVD?
OEM = one use, sorry.

Guys I just got my new sweet awesome series gaming graphics card in.  It's so sweet that you can't even handle it's awesome.

Also it was so popular when I was buying it, it sold out!

No seriously if you're stupid and don't get that I am joking then lol.  I have no loving clue why this card was in my house to begin with.  I was lurking about on my second floor after laying in the sun outside and I see in my old computer room in the closet an anti-static bag that I recieved when I bought my Radeon HD 4550 1gb.  So I was like Da fuq, I grabbed it off the top shelve as it was hiding next to the ceiling for god how many years.  I looked at an old computer receipt my mom found from 1998 and it wasn't with that.  So really the forget is this thing doing and why is that no computer that we have owned, or gotten from others it ever came with.
AGP slot. Figure out what model it is :P

This is the one thing that frustrates me most with society that involves computers.  People do not loving understand that PC stands for personal computer.  And mainly you, Boink, are the factor in this scenario that is the factor resulting in this thread that will cause a flame war because you lack the understanding that Mac's are equally PC's just to Window's computers are PC's as well.  So when people say "Macvspc" it's just a mac vs itself nothing else.  Mac's are built the exact same way any windows computer is.  The education of america, europe or anywhere for that matter fails at describing the basis between context of PC being an overall computer and Window's being Microsoft's counteractive to Apple's Macintosh system.  Nothing makes them special but their looks and user basis opinions of the two.  So next time, don't say PC means window's or it means Mac, because it means loving any computer system.

So go to hell 'Boink!'.  My argument is final.
Just saying, even Apple themselves in their marketing try to separate their computers from the PC name. Just look at the "Hi, I'm a Mac. And I'm a PC" advertising campaign they had not long ago.

I'm pretty sure it's removable, but I would honestly have far less pain installing drivers over removing bloatware and getting fragmentation.
It would be far less painful just installing a clean copy and installing the drivers separately since i have separate computers.
Oh, and the Acer recovery DVD's still keep the bloatware, unfortunately.

And one last thing, my webcam drivers don't mix well at ALL with the bloatware. Main reason why I wanted to reformat with a clean slate.
Most computers don't even need drivers installed anyway. Windows 7 has a pretty decent stock hardware driver library already in the OS.

So I took out the hard drive and tried to boot it on another computer, same issue. I used checkdisk on it, and it said nothing was wrong with the hard drive; so what is the issue then?
Sounds to me like there is a corruption in your OS files.
Do you get the error during startup?
If so, press F8 just after the BIOS flash screen, and select Last Known Good Configuration.
If that doesn't work, try selecting safe mode and see if it will boot in that.

If it does boot in safe mode, it appears it is a driver/software problem with recently installed hardware/applications. What was the last thing you remember installing? Try remove any drivers/software you think could be causing the issue.

Report back here after this. But if you are feeling a bit ruthless:

If I were you, I'd do 3 things:

Download HDDRegen, put it on a USB stick/CD and run it on the problem hard drive to check for bad sectors.
Then, put the hard drive into another computer and get all your valuable information off.
Then, if the HDDRegen finishes and the hard drive itself looks healthy:
 - Format the drive.
 - Install a fresh copy of Windows.
 - Transfer your valuable information back over.
Job done. But if the hard drive contains a lot of bad sectors, fails to scan properly or is really slow with scanning, then I would:
 - Buy a new hard drive.
 - Install Windows.
 - Transfer your valuable information on to the new hard drive.

Off Topic / Re: Old vista laptop blue screens on startup.
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:07:19 AM »
It's not even possible to delete any files from System32 without specifically trying to do so.  He couldn't have accidentally lost his major system files like that unless he downloaded something that opens on launch and blocks them from running.
They can just disappear on their own. There are numerous ways, but hardware is prone to fail. There doesn't always have to be much of a reason.

Off Topic / Re: Old vista laptop blue screens on startup.
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:06:04 AM »
Most people don't sit in the help thread giving out random advice that makes no sense.

The reason is that it's illogical to not only waste your own time posting about things you don't know, but it's also anti-productive to offer remedies to problems that you have no experience with.

Saying that vista is a bad OS is opinion, and it doesn't help that fact that he has the "Blue Screen of Death" which is actually a widely known hardware failure signal.  I myself don't have any experience in this field, but I can easily point out this problem.

One last note though.  Above your first post in this topic, Nickelob Ultra already pointed this out as well.  So, it was already answered.


I didn't even finish before you added something else on similar grounds with your last posts!
Thumbs up :)

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:54:17 AM »
99.89% of BSoD's make the PC unable to get back into Windows without a restore disc via Bios. If Windows crashes and loads fine again, you are more than likely fine. It would be pointless to restore unless you had a virus. But any good hacker will make the damage unrecoverable.
99.89% of statistics are also made up on the spot.
I'd say only a good 10% or so make a computer unable to boot without fixing.
BTW Koopa, I'll chuck that in OP. Thanks :)

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 11, 2012, 10:03:25 PM »
Hi there, my friend is looking for the best gaming laptop he can get for £1,300 (VAT included).
Ethan if you could please help hook him up here I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance. :D
Hommona Hommona

I don't like raedeon or whatever its called, Nvidia just suites me more, doesn't have many problems playing games.
You're a flying cowpat

I never got around to taking a picture of my new graphics card.
Also I managed to recreate the flying spaghetti monster in my computer any good way to fix this, or should I just leave it?

Also my next upgrade is going to be RAM I think I am going to jump to 6gbs and 8 if I need it.
Holy what the flying forget is going on in there?
And also your motherboard what

Off Topic / Re: So I have a crush on this 1 girl...
« on: June 11, 2012, 09:59:31 PM »
One (1) girl.
I laughed uncontrollably for about 10 seconds

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:26:21 AM »
OK, sorry for the late question, but recently i've been testing it out and I notice the card never goes up to 100% but the cpu is always 100%. I haven't overclocked either of them.
CPU intensive game?

My brother's buying a new computer and doesn't want to build his own/buy a computer then the extra parts he'll need so I am looking for him, are these three good choices, the graphics cards don't seem that great to me but idk. He'll want to play arma 2 and 3 when it comes out among other games so being able to run those and other modern games at med+ would be nice.

His budget is <$575 i'd say
Any other computers that are around that price that are better than those would be nice

also small bump
The first two are pretty much the same, and the last one has an awful graphics card.
However out of the first two, I'd get the first one. Just that bit better quality with iBuyPower than CyberPowerPC, even though they are pretty similar brands.

Off Topic / Re: License not obtained. :(
« on: June 10, 2012, 05:20:35 AM »
Over here you have to do 120 hours of logged driving before you can even go for the test, so think yourself lucky
It's 400 in NZ

If you put DDR3 RAM with a DDR2 mobo it likely wouldn't boot at all.  I don't think it would work at all if you had the wrong DDR tech.
I don't even think it would fit, haha.
I know DDR2 doesn't fit in DDR slots.

Also, ontopic, fairly sure that your PSU isn't the problem. You've probably muddled up the layout of the channels (some motherboards, especially prebuilts, are very brown town about what order you install the chips in and balance etc). Or something like that.

Off Topic / Re: 16th birthday today (Also happy birthday snot)
« on: June 07, 2012, 08:02:12 PM »

hoaly stuff 12000th poast :P

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 07, 2012, 06:34:29 PM »
There's nothing wrong with Vista, but with the people who use it

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: June 07, 2012, 06:29:23 PM »
6150SE wont even work on my old desktop.
*play minecraft, 5 mins later it randomly restarts for no reason, with no heat whatsoever*
minecraft runs good though.
It's the integrated chip on the nForce 430 chipset.
So it should work lol

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