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Messages - J MASTER

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 [12] 13 14 15 16 17 ... 116
Cheating is for the weak.
The space is not strong with this one.

General Discussion / Re: HI
« on: April 04, 2013, 01:47:29 PM »
The first 7 posts of this thread summarize this entire forum.

Not sure how that would be done though, from the person's perspective it could be very strange. And if it was based on distance from other players, then the person up high would see the people down low twinkle. So if there was a height requirement for the twinkle I suppose that would work, and for the person to be a certain distance away from you for it to trigger.

The first few picture with the rooves up close made me not like the roof style.

But I liked it in a later picture on the thread.

Gallery / Re: Brick Harvest Video
« on: April 04, 2013, 01:38:09 PM »
Looks nice. I'm glad someone finally added animals to take care of.

Make sure you have alot of lift to account for your mass, and make sure the center of lift is just behind (hugging) your center of mass.

I started a mission to land a solar powered rover on the Mun.

^This is the ship design I went with. Alot different than what I'm used to.

^Got it into orbit and begun refueling. It's very difficult to dock on a laggy computer.

^Half way done. I hope this works.

Use the key recovery on to get it back
I don't have the original email it was purchased for. Only the key.dat file.

I can't find my BL key, but when I do I'll check this out again for sure =)

Off Topic / Re: What are your pet peeves?
« on: March 29, 2013, 09:55:48 PM »
People making assertions when they aren't experts.

Modification Help / Re: Pizza Model Opinion
« on: March 29, 2013, 09:03:46 PM »
I think you could've captured the look of "Pizza" better.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: A Portal Turret AI using Bot_holes
« on: March 29, 2013, 08:49:28 PM »

Suggestions & Requests / [REQ] Sky Twinkle and Random Brick Placement
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:09:39 PM »
You know that classic Twinkle when something gets knocked out of this world.
... So yea. ^ That. Someone make that.

Situation: You need to place a bunch of duplicated flowers in a random area on a 32x32 plate.
Action: Painstakingly walk around and place each one.
Request: Gui to select size of area to make your ghost brick place at random, amount of placements, etc.

Please and thank you.

Gallery / Re: Japanese-esk Arch - [scenario build]
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:00:58 PM »
I like it.

You should add 16x's onto it a few times a week.

General Discussion / Re: What eight rules should every server have?
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:24:08 PM »
One rule.
Be respectful.


This thing screamed through the atmosphere at around 25km at 1400~m/s.

I'm planning on launching my mun rover mission today. Trying out an interesting ship design too.

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