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Messages - Dannu

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Off Topic / Re: Youtube forgets over small content creators
« on: January 17, 2018, 07:32:22 AM »
what's that "4000 hours of watch time in 12 months" bullstuff


It's combined view time on your videos. Meaning 4000 people need to watch 1 hour of content from you in the past 12 months. Or that 2000 people need to watch 1.5h and 2000 people .5 h etc.

Modification Help / Re: good scripting resources/guides?
« on: January 15, 2018, 12:13:34 PM »
Look in the meta-sticky.

Help / Re: Blockland wont launch
« on: January 15, 2018, 09:50:10 AM »
Try running Blockland with administrator privileges.

it takes talent to be this handicapped
True master-class at picking apart an argument.

How is it that whenever anything related to the glory hole is brought up, everyone's unresolved feelings about NickPB are projected onto the issue.

Disclaimer: I feel it necessary to state beforehand that I am a member of GH, but I haven't been as active lately so I found out about this drama through the forum

As far as Verification goes, and I truly mean this, how detached from reality are you? So far, you have unironically compared the GH to the kool kids klub and tried to legitimately construct an argument for GH being a "cult of personality":

do whatever you want with this info, i left the glory hole a while ago, this entire thread should be considered old dirt.
if you want to support beachbum thats fine with me, but you have to acknowledge that he was doing the exact same thing as Nick, at the same time.
only beach decided to make a drama about it 3-4 months later
I left the kool kids klub in early summer. Every news article about me should be considered old dirt.
If you want to support the News Boogieman then that's fine to me, but you have to acknowledge that he was doing the exact same thing as White Supremicists, at the same time.
Only beach decided to arrest me 3-4 months later.
A group of friends is like the clique - a friend group which is private but not selectively mean to certain users. Your group is a cult; a group of people who share common interests (nickpb or otherwise) with nckpb or it's a cult of personality (a group of people who look up to something in your group), and the difference is that you don't allow things like beachbum's private investigating out - it has to stay private or the leakers get kicked from the group. They're no longer nick's friend because they reported nick doing something illegal. Him leaking out that you blatantly cheated just to get a good name for your buddy on a poll that's supposed to be a light hearted vote on who people like in the community and getting banned for it means that you're blocking out the negativity even if it's your fault. That's why it's a cult as opposed to a friend group.

The ridiculous nature of comparing a belief that thinks black people should be lynched (kool kids klub) to interpersonal problems (this drama) should be blatantly obvious.
However Verification, for your benefit I labelled them for you since you seem to have no problem equating these two issues.

Now to address the cult issue:
Your primary argument seems to be that what constitutes a cult of personality is when there is a group of people sharing private things and they look up to a person or an idea.

By that logic, a Facebook group chat could be a cult. After all, certain people tend to be more charismatic than others. In addition to that, if someone is found out to be sending screenshots of the messages to other people without the group's consent, they would most likely also be removed from the group.
That decides it, most Facebook users are cultists.
Except you skipped over a few key details about cults, or rather most of them. To name just a few:
Quote from: - "Characteristics Associated With Cults"
  • Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, or debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
  • The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry—or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth). (Editorial note: Before you go on to theorize that Nick somehow mind-controls us into defending him, I'll just refute that beforehand to save us all the time and effort. We are independent thinkers who make our own judgements on issues and it is perfectly acceptable to disagree with Nick just like with any other member of GH)
  • Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

Therefore I propose an alternative theory:
The Glory Hole is just a group of friends with similar interests and opinions. And as far as the strict privacy rules go, I would argue that they are completely necessary. I wouldn't be comfortable with sharing almost any of the things I have up to this point if I wasn't confident that only reasonable, normal people would have access to that information. That guarantee is undermined when screenshots of the messages from the chat are posted on a public forum.

As far as changing the rule to include context, my counter-argument is the following:
I'm not comfortable with someone else deciding what info regarding me is worthy of privacy and what isn't. Sure, some cases are clear-cut, but others are not. It is much easier to have a black-and-white rule where the consent of the group is required to share anything.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.2
« on: January 15, 2018, 07:34:25 AM »
A patch, 4.2.1, has been released.
4.2.0 no more :(

Modification Help / Re: Help: Custom turret aiming
« on: January 14, 2018, 07:03:16 AM »
I don't understand what you mean by each of the animations being exported as a separate dsq file. It might be just Port's exporter, but all of the animations are exported as a single file.

In addition to this, the extremely basic FAQ says that for setting priority of the animations, you are supposed to create a text block called Sequences.

It might be that Port's exporter has some unique quirks.

Taking inspiration from something called TurbolaserTower that I had in my add-ons folder, I managed to get something into Blockland. I simply created sequences to which I added
Code: [Select]
look: priority 8, blend
root: priority 0

After that, I exported DTS (turret.dts) and DSQ (turret.dsq) as one file and coded it as follows:
Code: [Select]
datablock TSShapeConstructor(TurretArtilleryDts)
        baseShape  = "./turret.dts";
        sequence0  = "./turret.dsq look";
        sequence1  = "./turret.dsq root";

But now I have a problem.

My aim is pointing the wrong way. How can one go about fixing this?

Modification Help / Re: Help: Custom turret aiming
« on: January 11, 2018, 12:07:32 PM »
I will also be modelling and animating it on my own.

The latter is what I need the most help with. Probably due to my complete lack of experience in animating for Blockland. :P

Modification Help / Help: Custom turret aiming
« on: January 11, 2018, 11:43:56 AM »

I'm looking to get back into Blockland modding by completing a long-term aspiration of mine. I want to use Port's DTS exporter to model and code an automatic ballistic turret. This would of course require some projectile math and standard 3D modelling that I could handle.

The problem arises with actually properly rigging a model and then controlling it. If at all possible, I would need as much pointers as possible.

Basic concept:

I can get as far as working out the angle A, but how would I accurately set up the movement on even a basic level on a turret and then actually set the angle A via script.

Any help is appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: Glass' Fort Wars
« on: January 11, 2018, 08:04:02 AM »
I would, but I don't have the connections on here that I used to back in my heyday. My admin team is very small and the majority of them have full time jobs now, including myself. Also doesn't help that my job is mandatory overtime so i'm almost never around to host.
I'm pretty sure I held a staff position back in the day with Thorfin, though I don't remember very well since it was a while ago. I was really active either way. Anyways I'm European so I should be able to hop on occasionally and get the server up if you need my help.

Doesn't sound like a good idea to me. Imagine add-ons being dependent on the fcbn function. Then, instead of developers being assed to write out findClientByName, every end-user needs to have an extra add-on in their add-ons folder or have the entire add-on not work for an obscure reason.
(I understand that you could add an auto downloader or a more sophisticated error message saying that you need to have Support_Devtools, but that would already put both the developer and the end-user through much more discomfort than necessary currently)

What you could do instead is make a module that developers can include in their add-ons.
For example:
Give out a custom .cs file that developers place in their add-on. Give instructions that at the very beginning of their client.cs/server.cs they add a code piece such as:
Code: [Select]
    exec("./path to devtools.cs");
    $devToolsLoaded = 1;

i dont want to waste all my hats
It buys every 400 ms when on and you turn it off with the same command to stop buying.

General Discussion / Re: Crown's Jailbreak
« on: November 09, 2017, 07:05:22 AM »
Please make a system to check who was last in a lr/fr game.
You can't rely on moderators.
This is why this rule was amended

Quote from: Rules
First Reaction (FR) / Last Reaction (LR)
In a game of FR/LR, the Warden says either "fr" or "lr" followed by a command. The first/last person to do the following command is killed. The Warden is automatically the Designated Shooter of FR/LR unless they designate somebody else. You may not play FR/LR with more than 10 Prisoners.

Modification Help / Re: function to spawn bricks?
« on: October 26, 2017, 08:05:17 AM »
stuff my bad

Modification Help / Re: function to spawn bricks?
« on: October 26, 2017, 03:46:47 AM »
This is something that's lying in my pastebin. Important things to note are as follow:

%color is an ID (integer), to get it manually, count on the paint menu starting on the top left, moving down and then going to the right, it would look smth like this:

So color ID for green would be 1.

EDIT: Corrected colorID to start from 0

%client field in that example is going to represent the host, since getNumKeyID() returns the host's BL_ID.

stackBL_ID in that example is %client.bl_id, but in retrospect, you probably want to use whatever you used for findClientByBL_ID. For host, this would then be
Code: [Select]
stackBL_ID = getNumKeyID();
This is in case the server is dedicated and the host isn't in the server, or the player you want to own the bricks isn't on the server -> the %client wouldn't exist.

Code: [Select]
position = VectorAdd(%x/2 SPC %y/2 SPC "50", $Temple::Position);
$Temple::Map::chunk[%x, %y] = %brick;
These are snippets that are specific to the project I was working on. The position is a string of three numbers (x y z coordinates) separated by spaces (i.e. 12 5 3) and the second part can be deleted alltogether.

Code: [Select]
This is mentioned in the paste as well, but BrickGroup_### is a simset for all of a client's bricks. The ### is the BL_ID of the client.

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