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Messages - Qwepir

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Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 06, 2018, 11:57:27 AM »
"Well, you know more about your own military than I do. The formation of our unit is only what officer Gunter Eisbehotz declared to us mere moments after touching down on the Indomitus. Really, the only thing I have to prove to you our squadron exists is the patch in my chest pocket."
The old man reaches into your chest pocket and pulls out the patch, examining it with a flashlight.
: Well then. What was that about some soldiers down the street?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 05, 2018, 03:25:26 PM »
"... I betrayed my nation well before arriving here," Ash states plainly, "I'm Lieutenant Ash Zaman of the Imperium's First Auxiliary Squadron of North Aesthia. I was fighting the Coalition's nuclear bombing escort when my aircraft was shot down. Your soldier found me as I was wandering the streets trying to escape the city."
: An Aesthian auxiliary squadron? Ridiculous, there are no Aesthians in the auxilia.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 04, 2018, 04:57:19 PM »
"He's still in hiding another street over," Ash explains, "I lured the Aesthians away to the corner of this street, but I don't know how long they'll stay there. There's five of them in total, all of them armed with automatic rifles and wearing plate carriers."
: I don't understand your people. You hold out this long, come all this way, and then betray each other to your enemy?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 04, 2018, 02:31:57 PM »
Ash lights up as he recognizes the older man's voice.

".. You're the one that was speaking to the young man through the radio! Can you understand me?"
: [Shut! Up!]
: [No, let him speak!] Where is he? Is he okay?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 04, 2018, 11:56:34 AM »
Ash walks forward to the pace of the soldier's shoving.

"Will I have a chance to speak?"
: Anasilais!

The soldier brings you around back of the SAM truck and addresses one of the other men nearby.
: [This Aesthian was trying to sneak up on us. Noisy bastard, though.]
: [I see. Take his weapon and keep an eye on him until we can hand him off to the Guard.]

You recognize the old man's voice as being the one from the boy's radio.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 04, 2018, 12:36:52 AM »

Ash puts his hands on his head and slowly gets up--not that he could stand up any faster, with the ground twisting and turning underneath his feet and stars appearing where there shouldn't be any.
The soldier moves his rifle over his shoulder and lets it sit on his back by its sling, drawing his sidearm instead. He jams the barrel of the pistol into your side and plants his other hand on your upper back, urging you towards the AAA site.
: Inwagjis, nu!

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 03, 2018, 11:56:14 PM »
Ash throws his hands up and prays to the Ark mother this soldier has the trigger discipline and kindness to not immediately brain him.

"Wait! I'm not an enemy!"

He reaches in his memory to find something that might more easily identify him as one of theirs.

"... V-Vulthus Austerra!"
Not the best choice of words, given that the generic phrase "Glory to Austerra" could hardly be considered unknown to foreigners.
: [You dare make a mockery of-]

The soldier rifle butts you in the head.
: Hands on your head. Stand up. Slowly, or I shoot.

Ash feels a sense of deja vu- either this guy and the last one are reading from the same script, or that blow to the head just knocked him a few minutes into the past.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 03, 2018, 11:33:58 PM »
forget, that was close!

Ash takes off his helmet. He calms himself down and decides trying to call the soldier directly in front of him.

"Help! Help!," He cries, keeping his voice hushed.
: [What the-]

The soldier wheels around and steps towards you until you feel the cold metal barrel of his rifle press against your forehead.
: [Hey, you! Don't move!]

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 03, 2018, 11:08:19 PM »
Ash takes the pistol in hand.

"... You know, my whole flight was shot down. No-one else ejected but me. I was so loving bent on tearing up any imp I saw I-," Ash trails off again and sighs, "Well, point is I'm glad you guys showed up and smacked some sense into me. Like really, thanks." He puts the gun in his holster and takes another deep breath. "I'll do what I can to scout the place out."

Ash peers around the corner once more to make sure the coast is clear. "Alright, wish me luck," He moves out and down the street, careful to keep his silhouette concealed.

Holy stuff, this might actually work.
You get closer and closer to the grumbling sound of an engine, making use of the sturdy concrete streetlamp bases as concealment. As you hunker down behind cover about a hundred feet from the corner, you hear a voice shouting, followed by a rocket engine igniting. The glow of the exhaust bathes the street in light, allowing you a few brief moments of clarity before it streaks into the distance and leaves you in darkness again. While the street was illuminated, you saw:
-A trailer-mounted SAM launcher, pointed down the street towards you.
-Two soldiers in cover in front of the truck, dressed similarly to the young man you saw earlier.
-An armored, tracked AAA vehicle, hatch open and commander sitting exposed.
-A soldier on the sidewalk less than ten feet away who would have certainly seen you if he wasn't watching the missile instead.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 03, 2018, 10:12:56 PM »
"I'll deal with them one way or another." Ash takes a moment to peak around the corner. "To tell you the truth, I wasn't planning on making it back."
: What are you, forgetin' stupid? No. Here's what you're gonna do. Get closer, see if you can get a head count, then come back to us and tell us what you saw. Then we can get a better idea of if this is a fight we even want to pick. None of us want to rot away in an imp POW camp, but I for one am not about to piss my life away. Here-

He hands you his sidearm, but no extra magazine.
: Things go tits up? Just start shooting and we'll come out swinging.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 03, 2018, 09:48:42 PM »
Ash clenches his knife handle and strums it for effect.

"With what I have in mind, a survival knife might be enough. It's sharp enough to sever a couple electrical or hydraulic lines. That's enough to take it out of commission.

"Maybe that sounds a little far fetched," he admits, "But I'll take any chance I can to get back at these sons of bitches."
The point man peeks around the corner again.
: You know there's gonna be like, guys manning the thing right?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 03, 2018, 09:34:58 PM »
"I saw a missile launch down this street not too long ago. Went in to take a closer look, and that's when they started firing bullets. Pretty sure that's a SAM battery they have down there..."

Ash trails off again and takes a deep breath to appear as if he's collecting himself.

"... I'm going to try to sabotage it."
: Pfft. You? With what, your survival knife?

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 03, 2018, 04:48:38 PM »
Shortsword's wing receives another transmission:
: Kobalt flight, this is AWACS Oracle, descending from Angels twenty for priority one resupply. Reduce airspeed to 350 knots and allow us to overtake if you require munitions.

The stars above Skytracer's group go dark as the jet black support plane flies overhead.
: AWACS Spyglass, reporting for resupply op.

Ash lets out a sigh of relief.

"I'm... alright," He trails off before picking back up, "Holy stuff, I never thought I'd see another friendly face ever again. I don't know exactly where the gunshots came from, but my guess was probably from over there," Ash turns around and points to the side street. He motions for the airship personnel follow him as he walks there and presses himself flat against the corner.
The crewmembers, all five of them, turn off the flashlight attachments on their weapons to avoid giving their position away as they follow you. One of them briefly peeks around the corner.
: Can't see stuff. I hear an engine though.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 02, 2018, 11:59:32 PM »
"I heard the word Kobalt. What did that guy say about us?"
Jaakko keeps looking at his radar, assessing the Aesthian formation. He watches as the Imperial squadrons sweep in and close ranks with his flight.
: He said we're all with you.

"Affirmative, commander, much thanks. Falling in pursuit with the rest of the squadron."
She takes a quick pause, looking at the state of their maniple.
"Command, is there any opportunity for resupply, at all?"
: AWACS Spyglass will make a run to resupply your unit.

Ash looks at the soldier trembling in front of him and takes pity. Poor sod probably isn't even out of his teens, he guesses.

"... Hey," he taps the young Imperial on the shoulder, "Stay here and keep out of sight. I'm going to try luring them away."

Taking a deep breath, Ash gets out of cover and starts moving towards the side street where he recalled seeing the ignition of the SAM booster. Ark preserve me.
The soldier nervously glances up at you and watches you go without moving or saying a word. Even though you're certain he didn't understand your suggestion, it seems unlikely he's having any ideas to the contrary. As you start walking down the street, you are bathed in harsh white LED light.
: Hey, look! It's one of ours!

One of a handful of Aesthian airship personnel runs up alongside you.
: We just got out of our escape pod when we heard gunshots this way, where's the fight at? You okay, man? You look a little out of it.

Forum Games / Re: ABS FIESTA REDUX
« on: October 02, 2018, 08:14:49 PM »
Bell falls into formation and looks around to see if there are any incoming craft.
A handful of Aesthian planes are retreating to the battlegroup, but don't look particularly interested in picking a fight along the way.

Jaakko looks at his radar MFD to find a new target.
“Copy, how long until they’re here?”
: [Kobalt! We're on our way to back you up, we'll follow you in on the next attack.]

Ajka clicks on the comms.

"Commander, are our forces in any condition to pursue the retreating enemy airframes? I don't think the strike package would appreciate the enemy coming in at an inopportune time for them."
: They are already in pursuit. I must say, your little attack run ended up causing quite the rout.

"If we survive, I can land this scrap heap. Getting back alive is a bigger concern."
Markus checks the status of the landing gear, airbrake, and flaps, just to be sure.
The landing gear works, at least. As does the brake.

Ash darts to the storefront and finds cover adjacent to where the Imperial soldier is hunkering down. He draws his pistol, takes the safety off and pulls the hammer.
You reach the alcove, startling the boy across from you. Reaching for your holster, you find nothing. You worry you may have lost your sidearm somewhere along the way, but no- the Imperials disarmed you when you surrendered yourself to them. Racking your brain for solutions, three things immediately come to mind for Ash Zaman:

You recall seeing a pistol on the belt of the soldier now trembling in fear in front of you. Based on his poor marksmanship earlier, you reckon you could make better use of it than he could, and he certainly doesn't look like he'd be able to stop you from taking it. Then again, there's no telling what someone under that level of stress may do, and assaulting what you assume to be a member of the Imperial military may be hard to justify later.

You are still wearing your Aesthian flight uniform and helmet. It's why the guy you're sharing cover with tried to take you prisoner in the first place. Perhaps the Aesthians making their way down the alleyway would be susceptible to your signature silver tongue to steer them away? Of course, they may get suspicious if you don't go with them, and that carries a whole host of other risks.

The voice on the other end of the radio seemed to understand you. The boy clearly didn't when you warned him about the Aesthians, but he got the gist of it once the radio said something. Travelling alone and by foot, the soldier must not be very far from the rest of his unit, so backup could be literally around the next corner. But that's just a hopeful guess, and a conversation over an open speaker may alert the Aesthians. It's not even a certainty the boy is even a member of any official unit, and not just some naive punk who thought he could play soldier.

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