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Messages - Narkro555

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« on: August 20, 2015, 02:40:49 AM »
omg omg
I feel like bronies are just fodder for cringe. All of them. They're almost regular in this topic.

Off Topic / Re: Nonnel's Tekkit Classic Survival Server
« on: August 20, 2015, 12:00:09 AM »
Hey, does anyone else just experience a white screen in a newly opened Tekkit Classic window?

Fairly OddParents was pretty damn funny when I was a lot younger, but it seems like it's gone downhill. Who knows, maybe this season will be a positive change?

Off Topic / Re: My brother got converted.
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:13:05 PM »
When you put it that way, it actually seems pretty narcicistic. My bad. I'm just trying to convince people that it isn't just liked for one thing it does different than other cartoons. The gender role defiance in the show is a positive aspect of it, but most of the hate for it comes from people thinking that's its only merit.

However, it still fits the definition of Space Opera pretty well:
Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction that emphasizes space warfare, melodramatic adventure, set mainly or entirely in outer space and often romance.
Only issue with the definition is that it takes place mostly on Earth, although they frequently interact and fight with off-world aliens. And not to mention the backstory is two space wars.

Off Topic / Re: My brother got converted.
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:00:30 PM »
Essentially, Steven Universe is a space opera about a half alien boy and his three alien caretakers, bent on defending the Earth. The aliens are gems that create essentially hollograms with mass, and from those gems they can produce specific weapons or change their appearance.

It's awesome imo, with a lot of action and cool backstory, but then again, it also has the SJW stigma. Since the aliens don't reproduce like we do, and can change appearence, it means that they choose to look like female humans. This is what gets the Tumblerinas salivating. But that's only a minor tidbit about the aliens' backstory. I don't think they ever talk about it on the show in the first place. It also looks dumb on the surface because Cartoon Network likes advertising things "lel so random funny" now, rather than showing any action or the parts that are simply disturbing.

If he starts talking about gender identities or so much utters the word "cis," then you can disown him or whatever you claim, because that's the stereotype people seem to hate. Otherwise, leave him alone. It's a good show if you disregard the more rabid SJW fanbase.

Off Topic / Re: My brother got converted.
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:42:53 AM »
Depends on the kind of fan. Is it tumblr SJW fan, who only cares about gender roles in the show? Or someone who likes dark, original space operas with a massive backstory?

Off Topic / Re: Nonnel's Tekkit Classic Survival Server
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:05:10 AM »
Did the server die?

Off Topic / Re: So I found out was available...
« on: August 17, 2015, 02:30:10 PM »
Blockland 3 confirmed.

I'll take a stab: Huion? I had the same awful experience with them and their poorly translated everything.

Kinda weird to compare a genre to one of its subgenres. I voted Heavy Metal because I like other variants too.

Nice pants, belt, dress shirt and tie does just fine. Also remember not to be too humble, that is key.

Impersonate me doing work as I go off and do fun things.

CNN is one of the most corrupt news networks you can find
they take money from foreign dictators to make propoganda and force america into wars, not to mention that they spearhead the tribal witch hunts

There are plenty of cases of covering abuse by the Bahrain regime, both before and after locally and internationally. The documentary iRevolution was aired numerous times, including local and internationally, and was about numerous different uprisings, not just Bahrain. Choosing to not air something that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars because 13 minutes of it features a certain regime is ridiculous, especially since it would probably pour in more than what a minuscule dictatorship could offer.

News companies want attention, it sells. If you're talking about coverage of violence in Iran and Syria, then sure. I don't blame them. But the way they report factually on matters, especially in regards to my earliest post, they're the most trustworthy out of all major news networks in the US.

Off Topic / Re: Nonnel's Tekkit Classic Survival Server
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:55:52 PM »
I've always thought Blockland Forums tended to be really, really bad at these "group" things. Judging by the comments here, I was right.

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