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Messages - Aide33

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 669
Off Topic / Re: Hiring dev(s) for a Blockland-inspired game engine
« on: August 12, 2022, 12:06:02 PM »
my going rate is about
based on the current market salary for my field

dm for resume

General Discussion / Re: v21 was ten years ago
« on: August 09, 2022, 03:18:59 PM »
I remember finding out this stuff didn't work on my laptop and being mad as hell. and on the one PC we had in the house it did run on, it ran at 5 fps on low.
badspot bricked like over 50% of the games install base so he could advertise it better on steam lmfaoo

theres no kid in 2012 that was running blockland on a good computer, im sure if he had polled the hardware capacity he would've known like 8 people could run it

that and the fact that blockland is so dogstuff optimized that it run poorly on new computers as well

why is everyone mad at DT getting raided who the forget cares

Off Topic / Re: Unreal Engine 5
« on: August 07, 2022, 03:40:06 PM »
supposedly UE is going to get a scripting language soon. I've read that it's expected this year, but apparently epic keeps their cards pretty close to their chest until it's nearly time to release, so it's hard to know for sure
personally I don't really get the appeal of designing a brand new language for stuff like this. you're making it harder on yourself and the game developers who will use it. but maybe it'll be cool
i'd rather them not designing a language lol
the funny thing iirc is ue3 and older versions had unrealscript, but was so full of stuffty holes that let you do dangerous stuff on clients from the server that they dropped it. a friend once demonstrated this to me by having me join their killing floor 1 server and showed me they got my client to download zip files off the server into places outside the kf1 directory + modified my client files so i had everything unlocked
for these reasons exactly

Off Topic / Re: Unreal Engine 5
« on: August 07, 2022, 12:16:11 PM »
too bad about the part where you have to use C++ to do anything real. blueprints (like any other visual programming system*) suck ass. by far the best thing unity has going for it (perhaps even the only thing) is that it allows you to use C#. use godot instead. I don't like gdscript much myself but it's Okay and you can also use C# instead if you want. the main benefit of godot though is the whole licensing situation

*I would make a distinction between "visual programming" and node-based editors that don't define program behavior; node graphs are excellent for shaders and materials in general etc, along with lots of other use cases where it actually makes sense like organizing dialogue trees
visual programming on the other hand results in impossible to maintain software that is frequently slow to boot

also to be clear I'm not a C# stan or anything it's just that C++ sucks fat balls and if it's between C# and java I will choose C# every single god damn time. but there are other options that are probably better. rust might be neat in a game engine
i wholeheartedly agree, c++ is probably the thing that is kneecaping the growth of ue5. if I where them I would invest considerable amounts of time into making their game development process less of torture experiment.

but honestly, they seem to be moving in that direction anyways with how they have refactored their editor these last few years so inshallah they keep making good improvements

i would personally suck off every dev at epic games if they introduced rust in a non-buggy way like some people are doing right now. I would even settle for some kind of scripting intermediary language like how torquescript worked

i've never used godot because it used to be only 2d until recently so I might look at it

Off Topic / Re: Unreal Engine 5
« on: August 05, 2022, 10:25:54 PM »
while unity is pivoting towards becoming a mobile gambling game maker, UE5 is actually becoming the most insane piece of software anyone can get

Humble Water Filter Merchant got absolutely owned in court lmfao

Off Topic / Re: What is AoT again????
« on: August 05, 2022, 10:16:19 AM »
attack on titan

Off Topic / Re: do u ever explain this stuff to anyone?
« on: August 03, 2022, 08:12:49 PM »
when i explain this I mostly explain the game/mods/programming because thats the actual interesting part. ive explained the culture to a few friends and they just looked at me in a forgeted up way when I had to explain there was dozens of people constantly outing eachother for being predators. People seem to understand more when I explain that its more or less just like looking at reality TV play out over a lego game backdrop

if china shoots down Nancy Pelosi's plane it will be quite possibly the funniest thing anyone's ever done

Drama / Re: Plastiware was arrested for child research
« on: August 01, 2022, 12:56:54 PM »
We had talked on steam and skype a bit, but I had already had a run in with Racerboy and another group prior so I realized they were predatory early on and cut contact. They knew I was underaged but really liked sharing research and trying to get me to talk about that stuff with them.
racerboy was sus as forget, i used to make mods for the dude and he did the exact same where he kept trying to talk to me about really sus stuff when i was like 13

i used to have him on facebook as well but he seems to have nuked his fb so

From a more pragmatic sense.

If your idea is to pass these laws to have less gun violence. Instigating and supporting gun violence
against Americans who don't eat, breath and sleep Federal Policy kinda makes it seem like this
has nothing to do with protecting life at all.
i didn't know foxscotch was a senator

Yeah I said royal you to denote Im not talking about you specifically
ah sorry didnt catch that

I think arguing semantics like handicaps makes (royal) you unqualified to speak on constitutional rights
2A is pretty direct, arguing nonsense about what a "well regulated militia" is makes you look handicapped
you are confusing me for someone else, I wasn't arguing against your interpretation, I was arguing your leap in logic where you went "if one amendment is dumb by modern standards we should repeal everything"

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