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Messages - lordician

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 697
Off Topic / Re: Letters from Lizzy
« on: September 24, 2021, 06:23:34 PM »
Sure hope you're doing better then I am.
Most of your points are true, to an extent and it actually hurts.
Though I don't think I ever said any of that to you because that's just plain mean.

But in the end, I hope you'll also be more successful in leaving this place behind.
It's clearly still having some hold over you and that is not good.
Enjoy your (better) life, you did well and got out of a bad situation if I read it correctly, that is admirable.
Keep doing well and don't look back too long.

Add-Ons / Re: Among Us Crewmate ඞඞඞඞ
« on: June 09, 2021, 05:51:18 AM »
Integrating the hat nodes in these player models was a very nice choice.
Though I got to say, they look kinda sus.

Add-Ons / Re: ShoeMod v1 [+ Shoe Pack 1, Hand Shoes]
« on: January 18, 2021, 06:13:56 AM »
Gotta hand it to you, this is at least a couple of feet higher on my tier list then hats.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: January 17, 2021, 09:56:28 AM »
Forbidden orange juice.
But let's get real, that looks amazing!

Modification Help / Re: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]
« on: December 20, 2020, 04:48:20 AM »
The most swag feature currently is painless integration with movehandler - the pack will automatically detect it and then set some stuff up so that it can be used with the helicopter. This means you will be able to hold space to ascend and shift to descend without the requirement of a client mod. If movehandler is not present, it will default to the default method of using E to switch between ascend and descend. In the future, it will be able to detect Support_HeightControl as a further level of redundancy. When not ascending or descending it will attempt to maintain it's current altitude, which should provide for a decent helicopter experience
Right, there are DLL mods now that fix the problem. Probably works a lot better.
Though it is nice that you consider Heightcontrol for redundancy, not everyone likes to play with DLL implementations due to different reasons.

Add-Ons / Re: weapon_grenades - a whole 9 unoriginal grenades!
« on: December 02, 2020, 05:17:39 AM »
Actually looks really interesting, not sure why I always skipped this topic.
Grenades usually are not that well represented in weapon packs or just lack some.
Mines could be an interesting addition, making this more of an explosives pack rather then a grenade pack.

Though I wouldn't be opposed to traps and/or turrets.

Creativity / Re: Made part of ACM City out of Legos, plus some BL avatars.
« on: November 06, 2020, 01:36:25 PM »
I'd probably sit on the gazebo steps, yeah.
Just watching the chaos unfold.

Nice build!

spotted in the comments of todays yogscast video....
Yeah, i am still around too, but nice to see some people recognise me.
I mostly lurk, trying to get some old add-ons and updates to add-ons out though, so i am still somewhat active.

Modification Help / Re: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]
« on: October 25, 2020, 03:17:53 PM »
whens rallypack gonna get a muzzle loaded gun
Knowing a blockhead called Muzzles does not help me trying to imagine this.

Modification Help / Re: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]
« on: October 13, 2020, 04:49:36 PM »
Shameless plug for the HeightControl mod goes here.
Currently only available on RTB archives, but i hope to find some time and motivation to finish the rewrite soon.

The big part of heightcontrol is that is allows users to instinctively use their crouch key to descend.
The old/current version only goes straight up and down but the rewrite will make it dependent on the vehicle.
Also included in the rewrite will be a somewhat cleaner way to plug into the system so you can make it even more realistic or do other stuff with the buttons by actually calling the onTrigger of the vehicle with the same arguments as a onTrigger does for playerdata.

I really need to get off my ass to finish it after seeing this and TheArmyGuy's helicopters lately.

Modification Help / Re: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]
« on: October 05, 2020, 05:58:43 AM »
Oh hot dang, that is really nice.

Modification Help / Re: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]
« on: September 30, 2020, 11:19:38 AM »
An actual deployable mortar instead of the current mortar weapon we got? Sign me up!
I was kind of trying to get a deployable mortar to work with bots and stuff, but that is just 100% better.

When i read about the possibility of fireworks doing this i had my doubts.
For reference, there was a fireworks related explosion in the Netherlands in 2000 (that led to a lot of fireworks regulations being improved afterwards):
While sure, there can be a difference and not all of them will look like that one, this surely looked like an explosion way, way stronger then just a bunch of fireworks.
It even had a damn mushroom cloud, that is really scary.
It is somewhat fascinating to see such an explosion filmed though. Hope the death toll is not too high. :(

Games / Re: What’s a bad game you enjoy playing?
« on: July 19, 2020, 07:14:56 AM »
The game can feel clunky and buggy at times, but i do love it for it's style and interesting ideas.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: May 05, 2020, 05:52:38 AM »
havent posted in here for a REALLY long time
-AoD image-
I like how the creatures look.
The inspirations of the originals is clearly there, yet the models show a bit more detail and style.

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