Author Topic: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]  (Read 79515 times)

Collaborating with TAG on attack helicopter 2

The most swag feature currently is painless integration with movehandler - the pack will automatically detect it and then set some stuff up so that it can be used with the helicopter. This means you will be able to hold space to ascend and shift to descend without the requirement of a client mod. If movehandler is not present, it will default to the default method of using E to switch between ascend and descend. In the future, it will be able to detect Support_HeightControl as a further level of redundancy. When not ascending or descending it will attempt to maintain it's current altitude, which should provide for a decent helicopter experience

Only the tandem 30mm chaingun is implemented so far, which is the hardest to implement. Here is a video demo featuring visual heating and some reloading elements. (should aircraft return to a base to resupply?)

More work was also done on the patch for TAGs tank. I also wrote some cool tank AI to test it. Here is an obnoxiously loud video to showcase it along with the awesome pitched up blockhead voicelines that everyone is going to love unanimously and not criticize
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 01:05:55 AM by Crook »

i unanimously love the voicelines and do not criticize it in the slightest :^)

chaingun looks insanely op and extremely cool. love the recoil anim, do you also impart recoil on the helicopter as well?

also noticed the heliblade touching the wall tilted the vehicle rather than just offset it - is that you applying impulse to the top of the vehicle, causing it to tilt?

Thanks man
The tilt is intentional, the impulse is occurring at the point of contact with the blades, along the normal of the surface it's hitting. I figured that would be the most expected result

I remember receiving criticism for imparting recoil onto the helicopter with the first helicopter I made... apparently it's not realistic?  It's probably a good idea to implement it anyway though to make the gun harder to use

id prefer making the mg not explosive rounds over adding recoil, to balance it better, but then again you *are* adding seeking missiles so its not like infantry targets are 100% screwed even if its op. if everything is op nothing is

i have a pretty big bias towards longer ttk for blockland stuff so depending on what you like you may or may not want to ignore me.

I'm kinda banking on the hitbox system to help with this: while it's very resilient to most forms of damage you can down it in one shot with any explosive to the engines or the tail rotor. The Blast/Anti-Material rifles are also designed to do heavy vehicle damage - the blast rifle will take down almost any vehicle with 2-3 shots to it's engine or other critical components, and the HAT rockets will kill everything in one hit except for armor hitboxes on tanks. Taking down a vehicle can be very doable if you know how to do it and have the skill to land the shots, and conversely, skilled pilots can protect their vehicle with good situational awareness and positioning. I also made a spreadsheet with all the values for planned vehicles and weapons because I have autism.

Vehicles are weird to balance because the whole idea behind something like a tank is that it's very hard for infantry to actually destroy a tank, but tanks also have to output enough damage to destroy other tanks, so you end up with very hard to kill vehicles fighting other very hard to kill vehicles and all the ground troops caught in the crossfire just getting grinded. This is the packs most problematic theme, because at the end of the day in order for these low TTK firefights to work out, you need distance, which means a lot of space in your maps. This doesn't play well with Blockland's dwindling player-count. But it does make for a lot of chaotic fun on unconventional servers like Tito's.

The 30mm does have more bark than bite though. The lethal radius is around 8 bricks, I will adjust the explosion to represent this better. I really am a sucker for big damage output though. It does suck getting pwn'd by mega death fail tanks but blowing stuff to pieces in an attack helicopter makes up for it
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 05:39:49 AM by Crook »

The most swag feature currently is painless integration with movehandler - the pack will automatically detect it and then set some stuff up so that it can be used with the helicopter. This means you will be able to hold space to ascend and shift to descend without the requirement of a client mod. If movehandler is not present, it will default to the default method of using E to switch between ascend and descend. In the future, it will be able to detect Support_HeightControl as a further level of redundancy. When not ascending or descending it will attempt to maintain it's current altitude, which should provide for a decent helicopter experience
Right, there are DLL mods now that fix the problem. Probably works a lot better.
Though it is nice that you consider Heightcontrol for redundancy, not everyone likes to play with DLL implementations due to different reasons.

+ the benefit of having a fallback if the game ever updates again and breaks DLLs

It's great to see you add this insanely high quality stuff to the tank and apache models, I almost feel like I should be paying for it lmao.
Just hit me up if you want more (though I understand you're already doing a ton of work), I have enough stuff rotting away in my blender folder.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 07:17:23 AM by TheArmyGuy »

More work was also done on the patch for TAGs tank. I also wrote some cool tank AI to test it. Here is an obnoxiously loud video to showcase it along with the awesome pitched up blockhead voicelines that everyone is going to love unanimously and not criticize
Very cool tank and helicopter with a great choice of sound effects. Voice lines aren't personally my cup of tea, but they're cute. One nitpick: the ear ringing sound from explosions being heard inside the tank. I have no clue what's realistic, but I just feel like the tank crew should be insulated from stuff like that.

Yeah that's kinda a bug - it definitely shouldn't play for players that are protected by vehicles. Won't be in the release

It's great to see you add this insanely high quality stuff to the tank and apache models, I almost feel like I should be paying for it lmao.
Just hit me up if you want more (though I understand you're already doing a ton of work), I have enough stuff rotting away in my blender folder.
No problem man, your models are great, thanks for those blends!
rockets and missiles + some visual/audio flare

But where can I find the anton shotgun

Have you tried checking my paypal

Yes it says you took $493.71 from my account.