Author Topic: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]  (Read 77529 times)

been working on a little system for patching in popular vehicle mods to work with some of the hitbox/missile lock systems im working on like TAG's M1 and strato's F18 (jet looks slightly different because I had to recompile it with new collision shapes), it will detect the addons and 'patch' them accordingly

this stuff is wild and way too advanced for blockland standards so why didnt you make blockland 7 bro please just make a game for building deathmatches please i just want a loving game that lets u build ur own arena and it isnt infested with vermin please bro
i work on and off on some projects with recycled assets but I will never make a block building game because attempting to do will immediately curse you

step 1: host blockland server where planes are stupidly overpowered and mouthbreathing trogs like kalphiter camp above the map in an f18 for hours at a time
step 2: make rally play this server in order to test unreleased build of rallypack
step 3: this infuriates rally so he returns to work on homing rockets and anti aircraft weaponry
step 4: profit
Problem Rally?

step 1: host blockland server where planes are stupidly overpowered and mouthbreathing trogs like kalphiter camp above the map in an f18 for hours at a time
step 2: make rally play this server in order to test unreleased build of rallypack
step 3: this infuriates rally so he returns to work on homing rockets and anti aircraft weaponry
step 4: profit
Problem Rally?
You forgot about the part where this guy called stuart kicked his ass so bad that rally had to keep t bagging his body to stop himself from throwing his key board out of the window

You forgot about the part where this guy called stuart kicked his ass so bad that rally had to keep t bagging his body to stop himself from throwing his key board out of the window
LMFAO okay first of all I was pwning your ass and second of all that's literally what made me think you were a robot because I couldn't get any reaction out of you whatsoever

Hey if you want the .blend for that tank just let me know

and now, guided missile

Hey if you want the .blend for that tank just let me know
Probably not necessary, the collision shapes for your tank are fine. I just had to forget with the jet so you could shoot the wings

Wheres the M202 Flash at you hack fraud

Best I can do is a LAW

Best I can do is a LAW
I know something better. I know where it will be.
It will be brought to me, and placed in my Addons folder.

integration with movehandler allows for things like driving the tank from the turret

+ some other bells and whistles