Author Topic: Rallypack Weapons [WIP]  (Read 77532 times)

finally some csgo spray patterns

Nobody is learning spray patterns for a 15 year old torque game. Get real Crook.
meet me in cs_office for a nice discussion about your recent behavior

is anyone else experiencing console spam? something about suppression.cs

usually happens when a bullet has no player associated with it (fired from a brick event or something)
fixed in next update

meet me in cs_office for a nice discussion about your recent behavior

Let's get it

something like a single shotgun like the one in t+t would be nice, all the shotguns we have are cool but instantly delete everyone in a 10 meter radius so a weaker one for secondaries would be cool

single / slam shotty would be lit like maxy said

something like a single shotgun like the one in t+t would be nice, all the shotguns we have are cool but instantly delete everyone in a 10 meter radius so a weaker one for secondaries would be cool
single / slam shotty would be lit like maxy said


Take notes requestheads this is how you get your rallypack 50bmg revolver made

You know the drill.

What do you guys think about an SVD Dragunova

Yeah my balls dragun ova your face

switching from damped to driven sine wave, horizontal recoil starts low and increases through the burst while vertical recoil decreases. this is closer to counter-strike and makes the bullet distribution more consistent through the burst

here is the before and after for the ak recoil pattern

now i know exactly how far i have to jerk my mouse in order to hit the target nice. this is a cool system, a lot of effort you put in. i can't say i personally like complex recoil spread but it definitely takes the throne as the most complex of blockland recoils, so for the people that do like that kind of strategy it's nice.

akimbo proof of concept featuring handicapped janky bot hacks and the worlds most aggressively stuff occlusion culling, without quadrupling datablock count, or asking the image system to do anything remotely useful
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 05:28:15 PM by Crook »

Here's a less forgeted up and broken demonstration

I think I have a solution to the stuck-in-crouch problem