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Messages - Shappeh

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Suggestions & Requests / Re: guns that are actualey accureate
« on: June 09, 2018, 02:01:37 PM »
Muzzle can jerk to the side but not up.
Like Rally said...

All weapons I've used set the projectile to a random trajectory when it spawns from the weapon's muzzle point. The correct way would be to keep the projectile trajectory in line with where the muzzle is aiming (or where the eye is aiming depending on user preference) and rotate the player object each time the weapon is fired. This allows the player to have some control over the recoil.

Unfortunately, in my experience, you cannot modify the player's pitch server-side. You can only modify the player's yaw using setTransform so the best you could do is have recoil left or right, without any recoil up or down. The only two options that I am aware of is a revision to the game allowing pitch to be modified or the addition of client-sided commands to control the player's pitch. Client-sided commands won't work on multiplayer because it would be extremely easy to block those commands and remove weapon recoil for yourself.

Code: [Select]
package FakeRecoil {

function mouseFire(%bool) {


pitch(getRandom(-8, -4));
yaw(getRandom(-6, 6));




Modification Help / Re: Reverie Fort Wars (New poll: First tribes!)
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:17:00 AM »
The Kazezi or Faeborn tribes first. I voted for Faeborn though because they seem to have a more important role. The Sarti would make an interesting second tribe to put against the Faeborn because they seem to be opposites of one-another, especially the biomes they would inhabit.

Line 1843, the attacker attempted to give Biller admin:

Code: [Select]
eval error >> %name = $OutputEvent_Name_output;findclientbyname("biller").isAdmin;

Modification Help / Re: Reverie Fort Wars
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:05:14 PM »
I'm liking where this is going!

Cube recombination would only save trivial amounts of bricks, and using a 256x world seems to have solved the problem.
Be sure to consider the brickcount when adjusting material rarities. I'm certain you're aware of this but you mentioned making Sanguite even more rare than it already is. I've collected over 40k Sand in an attempt to find Sanguite and I'm certain for every 8 Sand I've collected, I've also added at least one brick to the brickcount. This is probably the biggest contributor to brickcount.

Also just out of curiosity, is the map's Z-size the same as X and Y?

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 30, 2015, 11:13:37 AM »
Not long ago I would not have hesitated to tell anyone that I did not support homoloveuals.

It was not until for whatever reason I asked myself, "Why do homoloveuals exist?" and the answer was not that homoloveuals were the result of anything but that they have existed throughout all of history and will continue to exist whether they had my support or not.

The next step was understanding that treating people poorly just because they're different does not encourage them to change who they are but rather it just makes their situation increasingly difficult. This is a community and like it or not, making any member's situation difficult for the aforementioned reason affects other members of the community, if not all of them.

Don't be a jerk to people just because they're different unless those people are jerks themselves. Transgenders fall into the category of non-jerks. Taboo falls into the category of jerks.

If people didn't like me just because I'm different I would be curious to know who and why too. I don't think Taboo realizes that some people care what others think of them considering he's been removed from the forums multiple times for being a jerk.

Modification Help / Re: Reverie Fort Wars
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:58:08 PM »
I am of the strong opinion that every effort should be made to make this as easy as possible to play without a client-sided mod as possible. That's where my efforts are going to go. In the future I may consider making a client-sided mod.
I agree, I really don't like when a server is reliant on a client-sided mod. Additionally, I will not play on a server that will disconnect you for not having the appropriate client-sided mod.

You should experiment with using the default mini-game list for either parties or the inventory. You could also make shorter commands and/or "typo" commands, just in case a user incorrectly spells /checkinventory or something long.

I still enjoyed the server for hours without these enhancements though.

Modification Help / Re: Reverie Fort Wars
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:46:30 AM »
Really neat server, great work!

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | Item Saving!
« on: June 22, 2015, 12:56:08 AM »
The AA guns seem to cause "ghosting lag" when there are multiple in use at the same time. I think they are firing too many projectiles.

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | Item Saving!
« on: June 19, 2015, 03:23:20 PM »
You should PM Greek2me because I can't think of anything that needs coded that isn't being coded already. I know we are looking for capable builders though.

Also regarding the use of default weapons:

My initial fear of using the default weapons was that there is only a small variety of weapons available so combat would favor only a few weapons and the gameplay might get old quick. I'm continuously seeing that Tier+Tactical has the same issue. I would like to give the default weapons a chance now but I want some suggestions for balancing them. Here are the items I would like to see available:

  • Gun
  • Guns Akimbo - Pickup Only
  • Rocket Launcher - Pickup Only
  • Shotgun
  • Sniper Rifle
  • HE Grenade
  • Pill
  • Parachute
  • Minigun
  • Bomb

Anything else?

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | Item Saving!
« on: June 16, 2015, 10:08:56 PM »
The problem here is that it's hard for players to actually tell where the zone begins and ends. Also, what would the mechanics of this be? It can only be controlled if your team is the only one with planes in the sky there?
Use of a special emitter might help. Maybe even like a beacon, similar to an airdrop beacon, just to show the general location of the zone. To capture the zone, just outnumber the enemies or do you think that will be too imbalanced?

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | Item Saving!
« on: June 16, 2015, 09:46:59 PM »
How about large floating "zones" that can be captured when you enter them for a certain amount of time? The Trigger class adds a nice built-in tick feature that can be used to increment the capture percentage. These capture points should be close to air defenses so ground units can have an edge.

it makes it really hard to shoot anything in the air because you have no clue where the bullets decide to go
The example in the first image is a bad example; rarely will you be attacking a target that is below you. Instead, Greek2me, consider when an enemy you are pursuing banks. When you bank to counter the new movement your aim will be shooting behind the enemy's plane.

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | Item Saving!
« on: June 16, 2015, 07:42:18 PM »
A user, which I don't remember how to spell the name Gytyyhgfffff, pointed out that the accuracy of the Combat Biplane is a little off:

It looks like the the raycast is fired from the player's eye point, not the vehicle.

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | New planes
« on: June 15, 2015, 11:38:49 PM »
Thanks for the information, Val!

Also even though I am already an incompetent builder I am going to be taking that to a new level by investing what little free time I have into helping Jasa with a project that might help the dogfight when it is completed.

In the meantime I wouldn't be opposed to someone else taking the lead role in creating a new map for the Dogfight. I know that Conan has already put a lot of effort in improving his helicarrier and Guardian has shown interest in helping with the creation of a new build. I'll try to help in any way I can when I feel like taking a break from coding though.

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | New planes
« on: June 14, 2015, 03:20:36 PM »
Just on the flight deck. They aren't so properly positioned as the other planes but it works.

General Discussion / Re: SS Dogfight Reincarnated | New planes
« on: June 13, 2015, 10:40:27 PM »
Added an additional Biplane and Stunt Plane to both ships. I have also decreased the recover plane delay to 5 seconds. When the server reached close to a maximum population it got kind of annoying to find a plane without waiting on the 15 seconds recover time.

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