
and how does this poll make you feel?

the old poll was better
a sudden urge to kill my father and seduce my mother
large and in charge
like a plastic bag

Author Topic: Reverie Fort Wars  (Read 27300 times)

wtf no mention of the most divine material of all

the server crashed before I got your lovely flesh doodads exported :(

Really neat server, great work!

this actually looks like a really interesting concept
you shouldn't call it fort wars, because I expected a generic fort wars server with nothing special put in it

It needs a ui mod for it to work better, otherwise it's fun ish

They hit the brick limit today.

Really neat server, great work!
Glad you like it!

this actually looks like a really interesting concept
you shouldn't call it fort wars, because I expected a generic fort wars server with nothing special put in it
I think the hundreds of thousands of bricks should have given you a clue :p

It needs a ui mod for it to work better, otherwise it's fun ish
I am of the strong opinion that every effort should be made to make this as easy as possible to play without a client-sided mod as possible. That's where my efforts are going to go. In the future I may consider making a client-sided mod.

They hit the brick limit today.
We were actually about 50k bricks under the limit but it was very close.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2015, 09:03:24 AM by Amade »

I am of the strong opinion that every effort should be made to make this as easy as possible to play without a client-sided mod as possible. That's where my efforts are going to go. In the future I may consider making a client-sided mod.
I agree, I really don't like when a server is reliant on a client-sided mod. Additionally, I will not play on a server that will disconnect you for not having the appropriate client-sided mod.

You should experiment with using the default mini-game list for either parties or the inventory. You could also make shorter commands and/or "typo" commands, just in case a user incorrectly spells /checkinventory or something long.

I still enjoyed the server for hours without these enhancements though.

Pretty rough, but a great concept that already has a lot of content to it.

Drew up some religious icons.  Perhaps you have to slap up an idol of your religion to have people worship it?

Also perhaps rename "Darkins" to "Mirajinns" from the word "Mirage."

Also another type of material "rot" for any meat or corpse that is left out might be nice.  Carrying rot or having it around is not good over time.  Keeping things cool will stop rot.  Rot bricks can be placed in others' food or water supply as a form of biological warfare.  Or just place it around someone's base and it messes with health.  Just an idea.

I like the concept a lot so far!

Something that would make a nice addition might be for there to be a levelling system. Should be pretty easy; you have the GUI done, and you can just make it command based. Whenever you level up, make it so you can either level up one of many different statistics. Here's a few ideas I had.

Health: Obvious
Mana: If you ever add that Faerie dust in
Melee Damage: Increase sword damage to other players
Ranged Damage: Increase bow and snowball damage to other players
Mining Efficiency: Do more damage to bricks
Building Efficiency: Place bricks with more max durability
Crafting Knowledge: Possibly more levels in this let you unlock more items with /make
Running Speed: Maybe just use that script in the armor (Don't make this increase by much every level. Maybe 2% each level)

You could get EXP from:
Crafting items
Mining bricks/ores that were not placed by a player
Killing players? Could be abused
Killing monsters, when they're added
Building, again could be abused

There should also be a max level, somewhere around 50. By using a level system, we'd have more to get to than sanguite, which you can obtain in an hour or less. We'd also have more of a point of teaming up with eachother, as we could get one person to max out Building Efficiency and Crafting Knowledge, and then others to max out Melee Damage, etc. etc.

Right now, totems are great for most intents and purposes. The only thing is, if nobody's online, people can just break into a totem-protected base and destroy everything. Sure, there's a 1% damage on every attack with a Sanguite totem, but people can just wait and heal over time. This happened to Blades' mountain base. When everyone in the totem owner's party is offline, bricks could have 5x more durability, or deal 5% damage each hit. You could also make players offline turn into bots. While online, you can set yourself to be either 'Aggresive, Neutral, or Passive'. Until you log back on, a bot with everything you owned while online will spawn where you were. It can defend a base, making it like you were online the whole time. Or, you could make it so two parties have to be at war with one another to destroy bricks in their totem radii. Parties could declare war on one another whenever someone from either party is online, and war could only be ended by both parties agreeing.

Parties are also currently bugged to where anyone in a party will leave the party upon logging off. If I'm in the Flesh Party while on and relog, I'm not in one anymore. If you could fix this, that would be great.

A currency system would be great. Right now, the currency is pretty much flesh, and it isn't the best one. Money could work in players being able to sell ore to the server, giving money; or, players could start with a set amount of money, and money would only come in through joining players. Money might also be gotten from killing monsters, which again don't exist yet.

Equipped items currently cannot be dropped. If you enable them to be, this would make dying a much bigger deal, and players would move to using bows, they would raid less, etc. etc.

Spawnpoints can be placed near an enemy base for raids, and you can keep spawning at them. Spawnpoints should be one-time use, and players should only be able to place one spawnpoint, and have a cooldown between spawnpoint placing of five or so minutes. That would stop spawnpoint teleportation, the not-so-good combat system with infinite lives and blood/flesh/bone team spawnkill farming.

When horses are added, please make them have fall damage. If not, they'll be used to fall into huge mining pits, building really high up and over walls into player bases, etc. etc.

Bows currently select the best arrow you have. This isn't always the best idea; what if you're fighting low-level-item players, and know you'll fight higher level ones later? You'd want to save your sanguite arrows for the better players. Or if you just need them to trade, which also brings me to the next one.

Items/materials can't be traded between players, and right now players have to place down huge blocks of material and the other player has to mine it to trade materials. This takes forever when tradng large bulk.

Flesh terrain really ought to be naturally occurring. Flesh should also drain health while standing on it (slowly) for the meantime until monsters are added to stop Sanguite from being so easy to get. Wasn't my idea, forgot who said this.

A way to fix bricks not generating while a brick is where it's supposed to be made making holes in the world is for the brick blocking the generation to just be deleted. Anyone trying to abuse this, too bad, so sad for whatever materials they lose.

Please make it so if I put 4x cubes together into a 2x2x2 cube, it turns into a 16x cube (And for 32x, 2x, etc. etc.) as it looks better and would save brickcount. For other than that, I have no idea how you can get around the brickcount problem. Is there a way you can increase the maximum amount?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 06:17:13 PM by GMO Ferret »

I agree, I really don't like when a server is reliant on a client-sided mod. Additionally, I will not play on a server that will disconnect you for not having the appropriate client-sided mod.

You should experiment with using the default mini-game list for either parties or the inventory. You could also make shorter commands and/or "typo" commands, just in case a user incorrectly spells /checkinventory or something long.

I still enjoyed the server for hours without these enhancements though.
Yeah, there might be a way to put the minigame GUI to use. Just last night, actually, someone found out that you can give yourself the (invincible) standard player by starting a minigame.

Also another type of material "rot" for any meat or corpse that is left out might be nice.  Carrying rot or having it around is not good over time.  Keeping things cool will stop rot.  Rot bricks can be placed in others' food or water supply as a form of biological warfare.  Or just place it around someone's base and it messes with health.  Just an idea.
This is a neat idea but I'm not sure whether I want food/hunger in this. There may still be ways to have this be impactful, though.

A lot of players have this idea that equipment progression is supposed to take a lot longer than it currently does. While this is somewhat true, I think that making the flesh biome actually dangerous (possibly also decreasing the chance of sanguite ore) and adding in the means of creating the synthetic metals and transmuting calcite/sanguite will make the time required to craft a full set of equipment more in line with what I'm going for and also with what players are expecting. The longer it takes to get to endgame gear, the less of a fort wars we have and the more of a (survival) RPG we have. I want to strike a balance.

So regarding levels, I don't like that it's just another arbitrary hurdle that players would need to jump in order to reach endgame.

A big problem right now is that death is not sufficiently discouraged, even with item loss, as players can simply loot (and even butcher) their own corpses. Further, spawn bricks are still being abused, especially since players do not drop equipment on death (karma, when implemented, will help to address this). I think that I may have to go back on my "no durability" stance and have equipped items lose durability each time you die and eventually become unusable until repaired.

Fixing the problem with death helps to address the problems you mentioned with totems. However, I'm quite concerned that players destroyed the flesh party castle even though there is currently nothing to be gained from destroying others' forts. Karma may help address this but the problem may ultimately just be that people are richards which can't really be fixed.

The bug you mentioned about parties is not a bug. That parties ever acted that way was an unintended effect of the way they were originally coded. Tribes will behave in the way that you're talking about.

The fact that flesh has become a currency is probably my favorite part about this entire project. However, I am strongly against creating a dedicated currency item. I believe that increasing the rarity of sanguite (by making its main source - flesh biomes - more dangerous, and possibly by decreasing its spawn rate in those biomes) that it and sinnite will likely become currencies. Depending on how harsh the durability penalty on death is and how rare metals are, calcite and nithlite may even become valued commodities. Faerie dust will be very hard to obtain and obtaining it from its main source will incur a karmic penalty, so I suspect that it will likely be an item that people may trade for as well.

In short, I'm going for a barter economy.

Spawn points are definitely not in a good place. I'm strongly considering having players only be able to spawn at a totem (if not a random spot in the world).

Flesh biomes do naturally occur and are a fully-fledged biome with their own doodads. I do agree that they need to be dangerous.

I will eventually make it so that every item can be dropped, even in large quantities, using a generic 3d model for non-equipment. This would of course facilitate trade. If this proves too clunky, I will also add /commands for trading.

Horses will certainly have fall damage and will not have the ridiculous jump height that the default horse has.

Cube recombination would only save trivial amounts of bricks, and using a 256x world seems to have solved the problem. The server has been up for about 20 hours and although it hasn't been inhabited that whole time, the brick count is only just short of 300k out of 1.05M. That 1.05M limit can be exceeded (and, in fact, did over the weekend), but players cannot place bricks after the limit has been reached and there are probably some nasty side effects that start happening.

Thank you, everyone, for all of your feedback!

I'm liking where this is going!

Cube recombination would only save trivial amounts of bricks, and using a 256x world seems to have solved the problem.
Be sure to consider the brickcount when adjusting material rarities. I'm certain you're aware of this but you mentioned making Sanguite even more rare than it already is. I've collected over 40k Sand in an attempt to find Sanguite and I'm certain for every 8 Sand I've collected, I've also added at least one brick to the brickcount. This is probably the biggest contributor to brickcount.

Also just out of curiosity, is the map's Z-size the same as X and Y?

Flesh Castle

never forget

I'm liking where this is going!
Be sure to consider the brickcount when adjusting material rarities. I'm certain you're aware of this but you mentioned making Sanguite even more rare than it already is. I've collected over 40k Sand in an attempt to find Sanguite and I'm certain for every 8 Sand I've collected, I've also added at least one brick to the brickcount. This is probably the biggest contributor to brickcount.

Also just out of curiosity, is the map's Z-size the same as X and Y?
Sanguite and calcite will be craftable by transmutation from blood and bone, and equipment made from these metals will occasionally drop from especially dangerous foes.

The base height of the map is 256 TU above the fxPlane, but the map is 1,024 TU on a side, so no. You can only dig down about 32 16x cubes on average before you will hit lava or the fxPlane.

this is amazing