
and how does this poll make you feel?

the old poll was better
a sudden urge to kill my father and seduce my mother
large and in charge
like a plastic bag

Author Topic: Reverie Fort Wars  (Read 27302 times)

reverie (plural reveries): Noun.
  • A state of dreaming while awake; a loose or irregular train of thought; musing or meditation; daydream.
  • An extravagant conceit of the imagination; a vision.

A dreamer surveys the landscape from atop a vantage point.

Reverie Fort Wars design document - this is a near-comprehensive semi-technical overview of the project, including information on upcoming features.

Reverie Fort Wars is intended to combine elements from Fort Wars and fantasy RPG servers to create a team-oriented player-versus-player survival game. Players begin in a hostile world with nothing but their fists and their wits and must craft weapons and build a safe haven to ensure their survival. Groups of players can band together to form tribes and gain favor with religious deities which can be used to enhance their buildings or summon magical allies.

Players have compared early gameplay to Minecraft and Rust.

Menu controls
Press your brick plant key (default: enter) without a ghost brick active to open the menu. Use your ghost brick movement keys (default: IJKL on laptops, numpad 2468 on desktops) to scroll through the menu. Use your ghost brick up/down movement keys to control quantity selection in relevant menus. You can use your cancel brick key to close the menu at any time.

Resource list
Underlined materials do not occur naturally.
  • Dirt: Found in grassy areas. Very low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Snow: Found in cold, wet areas. Very low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Sand: Found in warm, dry, windy areas. Very low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Plant matter: Soft parts of plants. Very low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Wood: Harder parts of plants. Good for building. Low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Cloth: Made from woven plant fibers. Colorful. Very low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Glass: Made from molten sand. Colorful. Very low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Flesh: Meat harvested from a corpse. Very low durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Stone: Found in mountainous areas in formations in grassy and desert areas. Moderate durability. Can be mined with any weapon, even your fists.
  • Obsidian: A pitch black sort of glass. Found in mountainous areas, especially near volcanos. Commonly used by primitive tribes to make weapons. More common underground. Decent durability. Requires at least Stone tools to mine.
  • Surtra: A dark brown metal. Found underground throughout the world. Commonly used by weaker tribes to make weapons and armor. Decent durability. Requires at least Stone tools to mine.
  • Calcite: A tan-colored metal. Found underground, but most commonly in deserts and tundras. Some say magicians can transmute it from bones. Good durability. Requires at least Surtra tools to mine.
  • Nithlite: A pale, magentine metal. Synthesized from light by alchemists. Good durability. Requires at least Surtra tools to mine.
  • Sanguite: A blood-red metal. Often believed to be evil. Rarely found underground, only in mountainous, desert, and tundra regions. Some say skilled alchemists can transmute it from blood. Excellent durability. Requires at least Calcite or Nithlite tools to mine.
  • Sinnite: A pale brown metal. Synthesized from only the purest light by skilled alchemists. Excellent durability. Requires at least Calcite or Nithlite tools to mine.
  • Crystal: A coveted material granted by the gods to their servants. Exceptional durability. Requires at least Sanguite or Sinnite tools to mine. Note that all crystals and crystal items will drop on death, even if they are equipped.
  • Upon death, you will lose 3 randomly selected items in your inventory (not your equipment) (you can lose no more than 20% of the amount of a stackable item that you possess). These items will remain on your corpse, which lasts for 60 seconds.
  • You can loot the items from a corpse by activating it.
  • You can butcher a corpse to obtain flesh, bones, and blood by attacking it.
  • Totems are used to claim ownership of an area and to protect the bricks you have placed within an area around the totem.
  • All players are able to see when they are in a totem's area of effect and the name of the totem's owner.
  • All totems provide some level of damage reflection, which will cause players who damage those bricks to receive a percentage of the damage they deal.
  • Players cannot place bricks in a totem's area of effect if they do not have build trust with the owner.
  • Totems do not affect players who have full trust with their owner.
  • Totems do not affect themselves.
  • For now, players can only place one totem.
  • In the future, totem material will only alter the totem's own durability and will have no bearing on the amount of durability, damage reflection, etc. that it provides to other bricks. These properties will instead be gained by spending religious favor.
  • List of totems:
    • Wooden totem: 1% damage reflection, doubles HP of bricks
    • Stone totem: Increases tier of tools needed to damage bricks, 1% damage reflection, doubles HP of bricks
    • Flesh totem: Bricks regenerate 2 HP per second, 2% damage reflection, doubles HP of bricks
    • Surtra totem: 1.5% damage reflection, quadruples HP of bricks
    • Obsidian totem: 4% damage reflection, doubles HP of bricks
    • Calcite totem: 3% damage reflection, quadruples HP of bricks
    • Nithlite totem: Increases tier of tools needed to damage bricks, bricks regenerate 2 HP per second, 3% damage reflection, doubles HP of bricks
    • Sanguite totem: Increases tier of tools needed to damage bricks, bricks regenerate 4 HP per second, 3.5% damage reflection, doubles HP of bricks
    • Sinnite totem: Increases tier of tools needed to damage bricks, 3% damage reflection, quadruples HP of bricks
New Player's Guide
Getting started
  • When you spawn, check which environment you're in. If you see grass or stone, you're good. If you see snow or sand, pick a direction and keep walking until you find a different environment. Avoid red biomes - these are flesh biomes, and they are very dangerous.
  • You can open the menu by pressing your brick plant key (default: enter on a laptop, numpad enter on a desktop). You can navigate the menu with your brick shift controls (default: IJKL on a laptop, numpad 2468 on a desktop).
  • Use your fists to gather some wood from trees and other plants. You need 32 Wood to make the Wooden crafting tools.
  • Make some Wooden crafting tools with /craft Wooden crafting tools or by selecting them in the menu under Crafting > Weapons and tools > Crafting tools > Wooden crafting tools. The crafting tools will be placed in your inventory (NOT your equipment) - they cannot be equipped, and are only used for crafting.
  • Gather 48 Stone and 8 more Wood. Craft yourself a set of Stone crafting tools, and then a Stone pickaxe.
  • Equip your new Stone pickaxe with /equip Stone pickaxe. You should be able to figure the rest out from here.
  • You can place a spawn point to set your spawn point.
  • Place a totem to protect your fort. Totems will make nearby bricks more durable and will cause players who damage them to take damage themselves.
Frequently asked questions
Do items have durability? - No. Item durability may be added in the future, but only equipped items would lose durability, and then only when you die.
What is the best material/sword/armor? - Sanguite/Sinnite. Crystal is occasionally distributed by admins, but will be obtainable by participating in your tribe's religion in the future. You can also obtain crystal by killing players who possess it.
Why can't I equip the pyromancy wand/the ossi totem/the sangui wand? - These items do not yet have models and are not scripted.
How can I get Nithlite/Sinnite? - They are synthesized with the photometallisynthesis lens. How the lens works is a mystery that you'll have to solve yourself.
Is Nithlite/Sinnite better than Sanguite? - Nithlite has the same qualities as Calcite, and Sinnite has the same qualities as Sanguite. However, armor made from these materials will grant a slight bonus to magic attacks.
It says I need a Wooden bow to craft a Faerie bow, but I have one! - The wooden bow needs to be in your pack. Use /unequip Wooden bow and try again.

thx 2 tigls for the pickaxe models
thx 2 rggbnnnn for hosting
thx 2 pecon7 for the dedicated server service
thx 2 participants in bisjac's tree building contest for some tree doodads
thx 2 gmo ferret, vonski, and magus for some doodads
thx 2 Mr.Noßody for the photometallisynthesis lens, pyromancy wand, ossimetallisynthesis staff, and sanguimetallisynthesis wand models
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 10:04:20 PM by Amade »

pretty fun but I wish the map was smaller because it's hard to randomly run into people.

pretty fun but I wish the map was smaller because it's hard to randomly run into people.
The map is actually supposed to be about 4 times bigger than it is :p But the spawn area is relatively small.

I'm in love with this server. I would love there to be a bigger map; I can't hide my base.

i ran into a guy and he killed me with a red hammer - 10/10 IGN

wtf no mention of the most divine material of all


wtf no mention of the most divine material of all


So I made my house really, really far from the map
I need some way to get between house to map, because I do not have enough flesh for a meat bridge, and flesh biomes don't spawn
Or some way to add velocity

So I made my house really, really far from the map
I need some way to get between house to map, because I do not have enough flesh for a meat bridge, and flesh biomes don't spawn
Or some way to add velocity
you should maybe just not make your house really, really far from the map lol

What happened to the server?

What happened to the server?
There was a bug that was causing a crash anytime someone took damage. I fixed it but now I have to go to bed

yo what are some of the dieties

also, flesh biome sounds neat-where do you find those

Cool environment in the picture. I will check out this server sometime. Is it dedicated?

This is definitly a really good server.

yo what are some of the dieties

also, flesh biome sounds neat-where do you find those
Flesh biomes do not spawn naturally. All of the flesh biomes were hand-spawned for fun. As I implement the religions, one of the religions will be able to trigger the Meatpocalypse, which will gradually turn the entire world into a flesh biome.

Here are some of the planned religions:
  • Shessism worships Shessim, the god of blood and slaughter. Shessists believe that sanguite is a holy metal and gain favor with their god by scoring kills with sanguite weapon, sacrificing blood, and consuming human flesh.
  • The Kafonekan religion worships three evil gods.
  • Naramatism worships three gods: a god of order and light, a god of balance and life, and a god of chaos and fire. Naramatists believe that the synthetic metals (nithlite and sinnite) were granted to them by their gods.
  • The Fae religion worships Faeries, Dryads, and other woodland spirits.
  • One religion worships the Darkins, a shadowy race of malevolent shapeshifters. Some say that devout Darkinists are capable of changing their own appearance or even rendering themselves invisible.
  • Fire giants have become objects of worship among fire cultists, who also believe obsidian to be a holy material.
  • Rimuto, god of death and bones, has also become the subject of cult worship. His followers believe calcite to be a holy metal, and obsess over finding the secret to transmuting it from bone.

Cool environment in the picture. I will check out this server sometime. Is it dedicated?
It's the cliffs of insanity skybox from the redsorceress pack if you're interested.

The server is not dedicated, but I will leave it running it more often (e.g. while I'm at work) when it gets to a more complete state.

This is definitly a really good server.
Glad you like it!