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Messages - Derroith

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 190
Gallery / Re: Brickadia City - Cohort Team
« on: April 04, 2019, 10:03:00 PM »
I love it, so glad you are still working on this. I come by and check the forums only for this. <3

General Discussion / Re: Still building that medieval RP.
« on: March 18, 2018, 05:58:48 PM »
Bump because this community is ass at building/collaborating now and Tony is one of the remaining OGs.

Modification Help / Re: [call for talent] - help with a project
« on: March 15, 2018, 01:43:05 PM »
I can help build.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: March 09, 2018, 02:01:15 AM »
down coat
I'm a bit late but you should add a line for where the zipper is zipped. That's awesome though, would love to see more clothing in Blockland.

General Discussion / Re: Delta Bot & Panpour5's CRPG
« on: March 09, 2018, 01:57:52 AM »
Can you just shut up and go forget off somewhere? Truthfully, nobody could give two forgets about what you think about CityRPG in this topic at this point. Nobody has made a decent brand new CityRPG in years anyway. Go make your own thread to complain about.

Burying this guy's thread with all your complaints is extremely unattractive to all sorts of visitors.

Add-Ons / Re: Plate Armor
« on: March 04, 2018, 09:24:35 PM »
This is perfect, I love it. Would love to see some heavier or lighter variants based on your style!

General Discussion / Re: all city rpgs suck
« on: February 08, 2018, 03:31:44 PM »
CityRPGs do suck, so me and a friend of mine are working on something new.

Everything is being redone and jobs are going to be structured differently. There will be a heavy emphasis on manufacturing and production. Even lots will work much differently. It will also be potentially released to the public. There is a lot of things planned out and I can't go into much detail because there isn't much assurance it is going to go somewhere for sure due to both of us having personal lives of our own to manage.

If anyone is interested, feel free to PM me. Modelers are welcome as well.

Game Modes / Re: SkatePark Gamemode
« on: January 16, 2018, 11:13:03 PM »
alright sorry about that lol
btw you may want to fix the env file (pretty sure this is a problem on my end but im not sure)
also are the trails gonna get a standalone release cuz these are sick
You should resize the image, it's stretching the page.

did you ever consider that maybe people do like them and that's why they're popular
I don’t know if I can agree on that. They’re popular because of the hosts, most servers use different weaponry but I hardly ever see a long lasting and/or player filled server with Quake-style weapons. Perhaps yes, I am wrong about classes but classes personally feel like no place for competitive servers on Blockland. Gunplay is weird in Blockland and in general even the simplest of elements in shooters are nonexistent in Blockland. The combination of these stuffty unbalanced weapons combined with classes provides unsatisfying gameplay.

I don’t know if I am being nostalgic but gunplay used to be much different many years ago. The new change of direction of gunplay just sucks. I don’t know if it the community weakening or the popular add-on creators putting new things out but something just sucks about deathmatches or competitive gameplay. Things aren’t as simple, comfortably responsive, or in high quality.

People used to build team deathmatches in a couple days then host them for a week. Now everything needs a thread, add-ons are unoriginal or poor quality — and even getting off topic but the community is full of even more stupid people then I have realized! When many big active and/or contributing players left the community or forums, it just got worse. Like what is this garbage in the previous two replies? General discussion used to have some great discussions and projects.

Neckbeards like the above contribute nothing, create problems, and stick their greasy loving hands in anything they can get a cackle or e-peen boner from. And therefore, leaving their Dorito encrusted fingerprints to stuff and piss in this, what could be, wonderful game.

Excuse my derailment but it has come to my attention how annoying this community has become with the influx of idiots.

My final statement is just make and host anything, just make it fun and welcoming. But hard to master of course.

stop hajving fun g uiz
Thank you for contributing to this thread with your useless and stupid image that resembles you aboard this community.

Make a classic Blockland weapons tournament with the shotgun, sniper rifle, spear, sword, etcetera. Test each peoples skills specifically with certain weapons in duels. These dumb class and Quake-like deathmatches have been flooding everywhere. Nobody wants to learn how to use your dumb "balanced" weapons and its become extremely un-fun to see the same stuff quite literally everywhere.

Do something different.

Gallery / Re: some guns i am making
« on: January 08, 2018, 07:30:21 PM »
They look like a good start. You definitely need more variety in shape other than squares, but the concepts are pretty good. I would lose the hands based on personal opinion, but everything is proportional so the hands do work.

Drama is a garbage section to begin with.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: January 03, 2018, 01:14:48 AM »

Wow, so proportional to a Blockhead... so perfect.

I played a little bit and I think there is too much of a variety of weaponry. The volume of weapons should be relatively low so people can learn to use the weapons instead of facing a random variety. Additionally, it would be much easier to perfect and balance (for instance) five weapons, then add more based on the reaction of said added weapons.

Overall, excellent GameMode, cool and balanced maps, and the lobby looked neat and reminded me of the good old days. I would even recommend having maps be the same in the beginning bracket, and change with every bracket change/elimination. It would have people be ready for what maps they are up against, and the higher up brackets could involve things such as lava or traps.

Last thing I will add is that I think people fly a little bit too much when they get hit. Perhaps a weaponry overhaul would be nice, or just use classic weapons like Destiny's version that had the spear, sword, gun, guns akimbo, sniper rifle, shotgun, etcetera.

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