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Messages - Mr.007

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Help / Re: unable to access account, can't access e-mail it's tied to
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:40:59 PM »
i didn't store it anywhere. also I have replaced my main drive ~5 times since i stopped playing, so that wouldn't be an option either.
Like I said, there is no way I can get into her e-mail. she didn't leave any of that stuff.

Help / unable to access account, can't access e-mail it's tied to
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:48:24 PM »
old thread here :

I'm not able to bump it anymore and i still haven't gotten any reply.

in short :
i don't remember my mom's email (the one that is tied to this account)
and my mother passed away meaning i have no way to access the email
meaning i can't get the key

I would really appreciate some help on this, it's been 4 months and I still want to play this game but I don't want to drop another 20$

Hey, I still have not gotten any word from badspot. any help ? it's been about a month and a half now.

I see what you're saying. I changed it to my own email and i tried to recover a key with that email, but it says that there's no keys found for my email.

honytawk, that is the problem. I know the email but i can not log into it as i do not know the password.

I will send badstop a private message.

by the way, i apologize if this is the wrong place to put this. i did try emailing blockland support but i haven't gotten a reply yet. Thanks.

Hey, you may/may not remember me.
I used to play blockland a lot around two - three years ago.
I ended up playing less, moving onto competitive tf2.
A few weeks ago i decided to redownload blockland to enjoy the fun i had again.
Unfortunately, the key to my account is tied to my mother's email. She passed away 4 months ago, and i have no way to log into her account.

if there is any other way i can find my account key, whether it is through forum account or if there's a way to change the email tied to the account, please let me know.

Thanks for any help you give me.

I remember reading a series of books in elementary school. from my remembrance, it starts with a squirrel with a name that started with t, and his sister. they were both in a tree or something and it was storming outside. soon after it flooded the tree and after that the squirrel wakes up at a city. the city was a wasteland and abandoned, the only sign of life the squirrel found was a snake that attacked him or something. he then searches some more to find some female bear that's really smart and builds things. the next thing i remember is that the squirrel, the bear, and some other animal were flying out of the bear's place, which looked like a huge storage building. they then go back to the forest or wherever the squirrel's habitat was, and they find some racoon and the squirrel's sister. i remember some other stuff from the book, but it's mostly unnecessary information.

any help would be nice, i was searching this book up on google for atleast an hour.

the front of the book was a scene where the plane crashed into the forest, and the top of it was the squirrel's name in red.


Games / Re: Old games you played but forgot the name of: the thread
« on: January 18, 2015, 07:43:54 PM »
i am forever in your debt thank you so loving much

Games / Re: Old games you played but forgot the name of: the thread
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:58:56 PM »
ok so like i played this a lot when i was in elementary school when we had library class and when you finished you can play games on their stuffty macintosh windows computer. basically you were some random kid and there was 3 buildings that were either filled with car parts, plane parts, or something else i dont remember
and there was this old guy that looked like einstein and he filled the building with these random robots that were enemies and stuff and they usually were around these car parts that you needed and you needed the car parts because you were racing against the einstein guy and if your vehicle was good enough and beat einstein you would complete one of the buildings
and there was like doors to open that had stuff like puzzles to do like "what angle should this ramp be to get the basketball into the hoop" and other stuff
oh also you could throw bananas hoping that the robots would run into them and die because they slipped

please tell me the name of the game pslpslpslpslspsl
ok ty

Games / Re: what the forget is this game???
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:58:11 PM »
alright, i'll post on that thread. an admin can delete this is he wants

Games / what the forget is this game???
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:47:27 PM »
ok so like i played this a lot when i was in elementary school when we had library class and when you finished you can play games on their stuffty macintosh windows computer. basically you were some random kid and there was 3 buildings that were either filled with car parts, plane parts, or something else i dont remember
and there was this old guy that looked like einstein and he filled the building with these random robots that were enemies and stuff and they usually were around these car parts that you needed and you needed the car parts because you were racing against the einstein guy and if your vehicle was good enough and beat einstein you would complete one of the buildings
and there was like doors to open that had stuff like puzzles to do like "what angle should this ramp be to get the basketball into the hoop" and other stuff
oh also you could throw bananas hoping that the robots would run into them and die because they slipped

please tell me the name of the game pslpslpslpslspsl
ok ty

Off Topic / Re: Could some redraw my avatar?
« on: August 11, 2014, 09:10:55 PM »
you guys are bad at this

Off Topic / Re: i need help my text is really blocky
« on: August 11, 2014, 09:03:10 PM »
I adjusted cleartype, didn't do anything. Steve, that is checked and i am not zoomed in / i have my native resolution

Im thinking its something with OBS, because it didnt start until i was streaming.

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