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General Discussion / Re: Oh God I'm Old
« on: June 07, 2013, 04:51:28 PM »
Oh, and your profile says that your 18, not 17.

I say at the beginning that this happened a year ago. And normally I wouldn't jump on the flame the hater bandwagon, but... it's you're. Not your. Though, I see that your age isn't specified on your profile, so how old are you that you're the "right" age to play it?

I think the biggest revelation I've had about this so far is that even if I wasn't playing Blockland, what else would I be playing? Probably some really productive game, like Bioshock or Remember Me. Yes, that would be both age appropriate and productive. Not to mention they're both super artsy and mentally invigorating.

All sarcasm aside, I can definitely see the oh so rational view point you're taking of "You're adults, go do something productive.", but let's face it. There's a lot of other much more unproductive things people could be doing. Blockland, unlike a lot of other games, can at least give you the feeling that you've done something worth while and have something to show for your efforts. This is coming from the perspective of someone who's spent countless hours in avatar forums, where people 30+ years old whine about their lives and dress up dolls to make themselves feel better about it. Point being, whenever it is that you get too old for Blockland, just take a look around and see all the productive things "grown ups" do with their time.

Long story short, Blockland is just one of many useless things people play to pass the time, and as Xalos said, it's hardly the kind of thing that takes up the entirety of someone's life in order to play. I mean btchplz. Leave that to the 200 million people that play Runescape. -prepares for onslaught of angry runescape players-

(Sorry to pick on you. You basically just brought up a classic view point that I felt the need to shut down completely and utterly.)


I don't know who either of you are but I will vigorously forget both of you with a rake.

General Discussion / Re: Oh God I'm Old
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:55:41 AM »
oh yeah, do a poll.

Will do.

Furling played Blockland and he was like 40.

I always got the impression that the people at these age ranges were kind of null to the whole "you're too old" argument because they typically had Asian-level building skills and would do stuff like create to scale models of all man made wonders of the world with one hand and do their taxes with the other.

hosting a love Family RP server

I lol'd.

This is just occurring to me, but maybe most of these "older" players just don't interact with the community much? Despite having agonized for years on how to set up a multiplayer Blockland server in the past, I'm basically just inclined to turn off RTB's Chat and ignore the server list in its entirety.

From what I remember in the past, whenever I did join a server with someone who was doing something really incredible, they were typically just ignoring everyone and using the server as a sort of a gallery for their builds.  :cookieMonster:

General Discussion / Oh God I'm Old
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:41:28 AM »
Coming back after some sort of ambiguous hiatus a year ago, I had someone join my server and a short conversation along these lines ensued:

"You're pretty good at building."
"You type pretty well, too."
"I guess so."
"How old are you?"
"Woah, a little old for Blockland, don't you think?"

That pretty much killed my urge to play Blockland on the spot. For some reason. Just like legos, Blockland seems to be one of those age-ambiguous games that attracts primarily younger kids, yet can still be insanely fun to play for all ages, as long as you ignore the fact that you kind of look like a senile old person playing in a ball pit full of toddlers.

Anyways, how old are you, and more importantly, what do you think is the primary age range of the Blockland community? And, do you give a stuff?

Judging from some of the "oh now you've done it im telling the admin on you" arguments I've broken up on some of my servers, it definitely seems like the majority is... lower than middle-school range. At most.

Help / Changing Usernames
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:31:49 AM »
If I want to change my forum Username, what do I do? I remember seeing the answer to this some number of years ago, but still somehow remaining totally clueless on what to do. Something about contacting Badspot, I think, but this seems somehow... annoying and third grader-ish. But not nearly as annoying and third grader-ish as keeping a username of a stupid anime character that you decided on when you actually WERE in the third grade.

I'd rather just make a new account, but it seems that I'd need to register my key with that name, and since it's already used for this account, that's not gonna work. But if there's some way to un-register the key from this account and move it to another account, then I guess that'd work just as well.

Help / Re: How to Diagnose a Crash from Add Ons?
« on: June 02, 2012, 02:25:39 PM »
It only happens when I'm hosting a server, which is what makes me think it's one of my own add ons. I'll try to see if I can bring up the console log, but I'm not sure if that will work. The window freezes up entirely, doesn't even give the "Lag" message in the corner of the screen. I don't think it responds to anything but I guess that's worth a shot. :s

Help / How to Diagnose a Crash from Add Ons?
« on: June 02, 2012, 10:35:11 AM »
I've noticed that certain add ons seem to make my game crash after a few minutes while playing. It's literally nothing more than I play for a couple minutes, and without doing anything in particular, the game freezes without any sort of warning message, and I have to force quit.

Unfortunately, I have a lot of brick add ons, and I'm not sure how to figure out which one is causing it, other than process of elimination through disabling and test playing for a couple minutes, and that would take a *lot* of time. Is there any way I could see which one might be causing the game to crash?

Help / Mac Installation Not Working
« on: April 11, 2012, 06:51:32 PM »
I've bought Blockland already and was looking to update to version 20 after not playing for quite some time. However, I have a mac, and I found that both the .dmg link and the .zip link weren't working. Rather, they both crash for different reasons.

The .zip lets me open the Launcher but after some time of loading whatever, it gives me the message "Failed to perform bzip2 decompression", specifically once it reaches 269. Even more irritating, it freezes up and I have to force quit in order to continue.

The .dmg is even more useless in that clicking it simply gives me an error message stating that it couldn't be opened because of "corrupted image data".

So it seems like I'm running into glitches before I've even installed the game, and whilst using the links I got off the downloads portion of the website at that. I'm completely unsure of how to fix this. Is anyone else having the same problem/does anyone know what I should do?

General Discussion / Re: How do i make songs loop?
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:31:09 PM »
When you edit the song to the length you want, it should automatically loop in the game. I've found that the hard part is actually making it sound good on a loop. It basically just plays it from the very end and goes right back to the beginning, without any kind of pause in between, so your music might have an unusual break in the rhythm at that part.

General Discussion / Re: How did you find about blockland?
« on: January 20, 2011, 08:29:30 PM »
I saw the ad, downloaded the demo, and bought the game a couple weeks later.

General Discussion / Re: Why doesn't anybody join my servers :(
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:22:17 PM »
My server is usually a freebuild or a Space or Old times server

From what I've found about hosting my own server, titling it "free build" is just about instant Self Delete. It's undecided. It's typical. It really doesn't stand out from the other 9 million freebuilds out there. Giving it a definite theme that sounds like it has some particular goal can help a lot. I don't know what you mean by an "Old Times" server, but that and Space should make your server a bit more appealing to someone browsing through the server list, just because it sounds unique. You've got to try and think in terms of someone else's perspective of your server. If you saw your server title, would you want to join it? Would it stand out? Would you know that there was something there that you couldn't get on other servers? Sure, RTB allows you to see more in depth into a server, but often times the server's title is the only thing people bother to look at. (As well as possibly the Ping, Player Count, RTB or not, etc.) So whether your ping is high, low, or whatever, a short and sweet description of your server in the title is absolutely necessary to generate any interest from other players. But even then, there's no guaranteeing that people will want to join it after all.

In general, some themes that I find to work particularly well are anything that involves violence or role playing. I suppose there's just a large audience for that. Similarly, "free admin" will probably get you quite a bit of players, but you should generally avoid that because of the mass chaos that'll cause amongst your players.

Currently, I try to put my theme and one fact about my server into my title, in particular my large brick menu. For example, right now it's "Future City Build (Large Brick Menu)". It gets a fair amount of players, about 1 an hour, which is still too much for my own tolerance for other people. But you're best off just experimenting with a few different titles.

BTW, when you say no one joins your server, do you literally mean that no one EVER has joined your server, or you just don't get people often? If you never get anyone, that sounds like your own technical problems. If you're not sure, I'd try testing out one of those super popular titles, just to see if anyone CAN join.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland and Portal 2.
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:45:31 AM »
Where are you getting a month from? Steam store says 3 months and 3 weeks
Weird. I swear that the last time I checked Portal 2, maybe a week or two ago, it said it was coming out on February 4th. Now it just says it's coming "2011".

Well, I'm sure there's a good reason for it to come out later. No use rushing it. Thanks for the info. >_>;

General Discussion / Re: Blockland and Portal 2.
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:33:01 AM »
I see your point, Jay the Cartoonist. Blockland is no where near as high a quality a game as the kind of things Valve makes, so an attempted remake can only go so far.

Personally, Jirue's build of GLaDOS' chamber positively astounded me. It was the most amazing build I had ever seen at the time. So in that respect, I can really appreciate the Blockland remakes because of their idea that they're a sort of "mini-model" of the real game. I play the remakes for their simplified sense of the game, and also for the pleasure of seeing how people have creatively used Blockland's features to make something like Portal. That's one thing that I really look forward to more than anything with the Portal 2 Blockland remakes, is the use of Physics with the rotting Enrichment Center. With the way the Enrichment Center is rotting and falling apart, I think that could create a really interesting effect with the way it falls apart as you walk through it and interact with it, especially in Blockland.

But absolutely, I don't play the remakes for them to be fun. I don't expect them to be as functional as the real game, either.

I've never played Half Life 1 or 2, so I can't say much about that. Do we have features from Half Life in Blockland? I haven't noticed any, yet.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland and Portal 2.
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:19:56 AM »
I know these people. They will find a way to get it to work. They have gotten mirrors, mechs, and anything else they have imagined to work, so some how they will find an opening that will allow such near-impossible feats to be done.
The only thing I am surprised about on these people is there is no portal yet that can be seen through, even though we have now proved it to be possible because of the mirror mod.

When did we get mirrors working? I remember once seeing a map that involved a working mirror, but that was it. A portal that you can see through seems a bit harder, since it'd be changing locations all the time.

Maybe it doesn't exist because it'd be too labor intensive on the server?

General Discussion / Re: The Blockland Bulletin
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:09:01 AM »
As interesting as this sounds, you of course won't be able to document every single thing that happens throughout Blockland and its forums. How do you sort out/decide what's important enough to post in this "Bulletin"? And when you say that something poses an "extreme conflict of interest", what do you mean by that?

Basically my concern is, is this blog giving news about Blockland, or is it a way to get a mass amount of people to see a stupid thing someone did and make fun of them?

General Discussion / Re: Blockland and Portal 2.
« on: January 01, 2011, 01:51:07 AM »
Hey L, long time no see. You know me as Penthoplayer, but I go by this name now.

On topic:
There will definitely be replications of all Portal 2 objects that weren't in Portal 1. And for those that were just reskinned - expect the reskins to come out as their own add-ons.

I think that "ALL" would be pretty difficult, though. Particularly with things like the Gel that causes the player to bounce/speed up. Now, you could potentially do that with events, but the point of the gels is that you can use portals to fling the gel in a certain direction, and I don't even know how to start with something like a physics add on that takes the form of liquid, and can affect the player.

Certain things I can see for sure, yeah. Like the Thermal Discouragement Beam, or the Weighted Storage Ball (Whatever that's going to be.) and other things would be very easily made with events. (The Aerial Faith Plates would be a cinch with some careful Velocity events, I think.) But all of them? I'm totally supportive of anyone who wants to give it a shot, but that'd be a big challenge.

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