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Messages - Tophat2

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heyy I'm back because I lost contact with the forum as it was coming back up and have been moving stuff from one location to another

anyhow, rumble changes kinda screwed me in a match vs kennen. it hurt. a lot. was sad.
new champ looks cool but I dunno how fun he's going to end up being. having a champion that isn't super difficult to play(other than getting that ult timing at key moments) in the jungle like Yi and still do well is good. Mastery can't really be shown unless people get really creative with jungle pathing or his ult.

looking forward(tm) to the new rune system. somewhat excited but also terrified at what they might bring along for the ride.

I play a lot of tanks at top lane(malph, galio, maokai) as well as a lot of adcs/sups. I like the thornmail change on the pbe but I'm down with having lifesteal reworked. I love having extremely high sustain in any role, but I'm buying death's dance on every champion I can get it on after the buff they did. mostly on arams since I tend to frequent the abyss but it's all around overpowered. at least by some margin. basically if they nerf bork/dd/etc on ranged champs or something. I feel like bloodthirster should be that main lifesteal item that you have to sink a lot into and relies on other items to really get any use out of it.

I wasn't around for it but I've seen some older content via videos and I'm pretty sure spellvamp was a tad more busted. lifesteal is busted tho. love it, but needs change for game health

Games / Re: League of Legends - age of the yasuo permaban
« on: June 14, 2017, 05:04:16 AM »
I'm looking forward to the rumble changes honestly. early into the game he isn't just an autopushing machine anymore. Plus more damage on his Q I won't complain about. the two support items of locket/redemption are a good change, though I'm going to be favoring locket a lot more since most of my support builds stack a lot of health. anti-burst makes people pretty mad when playing assassins

Games / Re: League of Legends - age of the yasuo permaban
« on: June 10, 2017, 01:11:04 PM »
I was tired when making that last post. rip english. anyway yeah I mostly worry about other lanes because I can destory Yasuo or at least lane against him just fine, unlike most teammates I end up getting.

Games / Re: League of Legends - age of the yasuo permaban
« on: June 10, 2017, 12:37:45 AM »
there's a lot of back and forth in there. my input: Yasuo is one of my three permabans currently just due to the wind wall and I play adc a lot. My teams don't kite out of it then flame me for not doing damage unless I put myself at a *huge* risk to get any damage in. Honestly I just think it's an awful combination for an adc(or anyone immobile)  to deal with; your allies are being used as ways to you, he's faster than you, can three shot you if someone let him farm or get fed(which goes for most assassins but at least I can react to a Zed). Then in most of the games I had, my allies never paid any attention to the Yasuo who dove me and instead dove the enemy backline. this is in low elo however. I don't know how much more annoying Yasuo is higher up.

Games / Re: League of Legends - age of the yasuo permaban
« on: June 09, 2017, 07:44:44 AM »
aw that's sweet. it's always great to see synergy between two players. those moments are some of the best in league

invisible text

I had a feeling. didn't think to check, derp

You won't be getting any sympathy from me.
but your mom will

wtf? unnecessary, dude

hey man, hope she gets well soon. Was in the same situation just a few months back, though my injuries ended up being pretty bad. falls can get real scary, I feel you.

1.15 ap ratio on ult. there's totally nothing wrong with /that/.

though I did not know his ult was doing 45% of max health at rank 3, so I guess it's a nerf when trying to be a tank buster. didn't know he was able to tank bust tho.

I'm excited to try Kindred some more, I play a lot of adc but kinda suck in the jungle unless I'm playing Vi or Graves. So hopefully I'll get to have some fun once the hype dies down due to people forgetting she's an adc and not a bruiser.

also the item set creator is AWESOME. Click on potions to stack them, having past 25 items in a block and a very slick way to add champions to a build.

quick questions, is there a good place to upload highlights to and is webmshare allowed on the blf? thought to ask before I put a link and got autobanned or something. Just got a gem in a game of mine recently and wanted to share

actually looked back and streamable looks pretty good


A failed smite nets me a rifty :D

Interesting. I didn't know Kass had that small window of time to do an ult flash combo, very cool

either executioner's culling, ignite, or morellonomicon works. otherwise I thought it was try to outpush him or burst him after baiting the pool. never really fought vlad in mid though, don't have experience

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: May 04, 2017, 09:21:03 PM »
Nice. I don't really comment on politics, but type 1 diabetic here. Wasn't born with it, but did develop a nasty seizure at the age of 7 so it's basically been with me my whole life. woo.

The only gameplay I've had was doing a custom 1v1 with a friend, playing Sej vs Zac. So even though we both built full tank, unsure how much damage they can take from an adc or something. But I ended up doing more physical damage than magic to the Zac. The W doing physical damage threw him off because it honestly looks like it's AP based. Her ult seems extremely undertuned now, but maybe it would be different in a real game. But I still didn't feel like I would be "leading" anyone with my ult, kind of just threw it out and hey there it is, cool. Point click stun seems more annoying to do than anything, there's also the offchance that you don't reach the target in time to stun them. Probably just my misplay though.

Side note: Why can they escape situations so easily? I know Zac hasn't changed because his E is his thing, but with around 20% CDR if I recall, Sej's q had a 9 second cooldown that could go over walls. What even? I thought they didn't want tanky champions to be able to get over walls. I think they mentioned that in the galio review or something.

If Urgot's playstyle sort of remains the same(but not entirely), I would probably be on board with playing him. Semi-hype. Who doesn't want shotgun knees though

Eve rework, wonder if eve players will no longer have to lose their q key. Might get back into playing her after the rework. Not many people know how to play around her so I feel like that should be something that stays; the fact you have to ward her camps, but people are lazy. Or just don't know.

sej jungle clear is still good. though she's doing more physical damage compared to previously. that frozen proc is an easy first scuttle since it does like 400 damage. clears raptor's fairly well too, doesn't really have a problem early. I can confirm it's very nice to use, though the second part of the W is extremely important to land but also takes some getting used to. her passive doesn't break on the smaller krugs so if you freeze, break then smite the big one, she basically takes no damage whatsoever. Pretty neat, I like the kit, but I'm gonna need to actually play against people. Just got wrecked by a sej and pals too. I think she could work fine top lane, however. Maybe when you've got a melee jungler and an assassin mid. I'm thinking like a Xin Xhao and Diana for the really hard engage and follow up combo.

sorry kind of hyped up this patch

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