Games / Re: League of Legends - The Edgelord to Rival Yasuo Announced!
« on: June 30, 2017, 06:57:57 PM »
heyy I'm back because I lost contact with the forum as it was coming back up and have been moving stuff from one location to another
anyhow, rumble changes kinda screwed me in a match vs kennen. it hurt. a lot. was sad.
new champ looks cool but I dunno how fun he's going to end up being. having a champion that isn't super difficult to play(other than getting that ult timing at key moments) in the jungle like Yi and still do well is good. Mastery can't really be shown unless people get really creative with jungle pathing or his ult.
looking forward(tm) to the new rune system. somewhat excited but also terrified at what they might bring along for the ride.
I play a lot of tanks at top lane(malph, galio, maokai) as well as a lot of adcs/sups. I like the thornmail change on the pbe but I'm down with having lifesteal reworked. I love having extremely high sustain in any role, but I'm buying death's dance on every champion I can get it on after the buff they did. mostly on arams since I tend to frequent the abyss but it's all around overpowered. at least by some margin. basically if they nerf bork/dd/etc on ranged champs or something. I feel like bloodthirster should be that main lifesteal item that you have to sink a lot into and relies on other items to really get any use out of it.
I wasn't around for it but I've seen some older content via videos and I'm pretty sure spellvamp was a tad more busted. lifesteal is busted tho. love it, but needs change for game health
anyhow, rumble changes kinda screwed me in a match vs kennen. it hurt. a lot. was sad.
new champ looks cool but I dunno how fun he's going to end up being. having a champion that isn't super difficult to play(other than getting that ult timing at key moments) in the jungle like Yi and still do well is good. Mastery can't really be shown unless people get really creative with jungle pathing or his ult.
looking forward(tm) to the new rune system. somewhat excited but also terrified at what they might bring along for the ride.
I play a lot of tanks at top lane(malph, galio, maokai) as well as a lot of adcs/sups. I like the thornmail change on the pbe but I'm down with having lifesteal reworked. I love having extremely high sustain in any role, but I'm buying death's dance on every champion I can get it on after the buff they did. mostly on arams since I tend to frequent the abyss but it's all around overpowered. at least by some margin. basically if they nerf bork/dd/etc on ranged champs or something. I feel like bloodthirster should be that main lifesteal item that you have to sink a lot into and relies on other items to really get any use out of it.
I wasn't around for it but I've seen some older content via videos and I'm pretty sure spellvamp was a tad more busted. lifesteal is busted tho. love it, but needs change for game health