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Messages - -Fate-

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General Discussion / Re: Is JJstorm's RP_Weather mod not working?
« on: September 05, 2017, 11:13:12 PM »
Badspot removed precipitation code for part of it (not sure if it still works like that)

Can you post what you have?
I remember trying to fix it but didn't know what to replace precipitation data with or whatever lol

Suggestions & Requests / Re: taking ModTer other game texture requests.
« on: August 21, 2017, 11:38:17 PM »

Creativity / Starwars MS Paint GUI Design
« on: August 17, 2017, 11:57:43 PM »
I've been developing a server and I need a GUI so I designed this in ms paint tell me what i can improve or change on.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Playing Cards Item
« on: August 16, 2017, 11:32:22 AM »

Suggestions & Requests / Re: $$$ for Code (Gamemode Project)
« on: August 10, 2017, 09:29:16 PM »
i can mash out a few models for free and pretty quickly if someone is willing to handle the scripting portion
Ive got a couple lightsaber models and a bunch of clothes all I really need is some alien heads?


Suggestions & Requests / Re: $$$ for Code (Gamemode Project)
« on: August 10, 2017, 06:12:10 PM »
a fair amount of people do
I think there's an addon that does that already
these could probably be evented, or easily scripted
those are probably the harder bits, and would require models
I know theres stuff I could do but theres others that I cant without coding thats why a gamemode would be best.

General Discussion / Re: Continue Server Development?
« on: August 10, 2017, 05:16:42 PM »
I think that is up to you decide if you want to continue development, not us.
I really want to but I cannot find any help whatsoever I think ill go at it again

Suggestions & Requests / Re: $$$ for Code (Gamemode Project)
« on: August 10, 2017, 04:49:34 PM »
of all the things you have here, inventory system is probably the most difficult and its probably best to try to just use item storage rather than have someone write something just like it. gui's are esp time consuming and only a few know how to make them (im not one of these people)
Using item storage is fine I just need someone to add a lightsaber inventory and have it somehow detect the crystal stats you want to use

Suggestions & Requests / $$$ for Code (Gamemode Project)
« on: August 10, 2017, 01:41:45 PM »
Hello! Yesterday I posted a topic in general discussions about if I should continue development in my server and stated that I had some cash to spend on helpers, I did a poll to see what people would think or if they cared and amazingly 6 people voted Yes to continue. If you don't know my server is based off of a game mode on Garry's mod called Jedi Vs Sith, its basically a game mode in which you start as a youngling(jedi) or initiate(sith) working your way up learning new force powers and upgrading your lightsaber with cosmetics and such, its a star wars roleplay game with rpg elements.

Im hiring 1 Coder to develop this gamemode, if you want to help for free (who does that)that would be cool because today is my birthday so nice.

If you want to take this "Job" post your BL_ID, previous works, and your $$$ pricetag or shoot me a pm.

What I Need
(Ill try to give as much detail as possible?)

Levels, XP, Force, Strength System - Every 100 XP you get a level, meditating grants you force over time, and strength goes up with combat practice

Force Powers - Meditate, Push, Pull, Heal, ect?

Faction System - Ability to create a team/faction as well as white list people to them

Inventory System - Ability to store items in a gui like Item Storage

Lightsaber Inventory System - 2 slots inside your lightsaber one for the crystal and the other for your module, crystal stats reflect lightsaber damage

Mining - You can mine crystals from certain bricks with a random chance at Item Grade(Rarity): Percentage(Structure): Combat Rating(Damage):

Crafting - A crafting system to improve your crystal, you will take 5 crystals and craft them into one stronger or weaker depending on crystal stats

I will go into more depth later on down the road, feel free to ask questions.

General Discussion / Re: Continue Server Development?
« on: August 09, 2017, 08:21:39 PM »
If you pay you may get epic stuff so mabe
I have moneys but I don't know who to go to.

General Discussion / Continue Server Development?
« on: August 09, 2017, 06:56:29 PM »
Last year I was developing this server inspired by this Garry's mod gamemode called Jedi Vs Sith and fell out of it because I had a lack of help. Now that I have some money to hire people I was thinking about continuing development. Im going to do a poll and if people think I should keep going ill just go ahead and continue.

Heres a link to the old post which was kinda bad....

General Discussion / Re: World of Blockland
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:03:38 PM »
bump lol this is already irrelevent
nooooo this sounds cool

Off Topic / Re: I miss the fake Ad Bot. Thanks a lot Ephialtes.
« on: June 21, 2017, 03:47:24 PM »
am i an idiot for thinking they were legit ads

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: June 19, 2017, 04:23:32 PM »

Suggestions & Requests / OnVariableTrue -> Bot *REQUEST*
« on: June 19, 2017, 03:56:03 PM »
Im using VCE dealing with bots and I realized this isn't a thing? Anybody willing to add it in im sure it wouldn't be that hard.

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