Author Topic: "minorities" are ruining a tradition in my country because muh racism  (Read 4393 times)

my perception: black people used to be oppressed, black people see white people wearing black paint as costumes as being tribal because it may have been 100 yrs ago. imo is something outdated and stupid to be angry about
We're actually talking European history here, and the Zwarte Piet tradition actually ridicules North African Moors, who weren't enslaved by Europeans, but have a long history of being demonised in European art and literature on account of the medieval invasions of Spain by the Moors from North Africa.

There's no doubt a connection/parallel to the racism surrounding the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the fact that a blackface tradition centered around North Africans began at the same time as blackface regarding Western Africans/African Americans isn't just mere coincidence.

But the fact that it focusses on Moors makes it part of a divide/animosty between races and religions that is several hundred years older than the Atlantic Slave Trade.

i know almost 0 american history

my perception: black people used to be oppressed, black people see white people wearing black paint as costumes as being tribal because it may have been 100 yrs ago. imo is something outdated and stupid to be angry about
Not exactly.

Basically, the practice dates back to an art form from the turn of the 20th century called 'minstrel shows'. White people would dress up as black people with giant red lips and white gloves and sing songs with exaggerated black dialects, basically making them look dumb and silly. Black people were also pretty much restricted from attending these shows, meaning it was just a bunch of white people laughing at some other white guy's black person impression.

its like if white people after nuking japan would make a play where they painted themselves yellow and pulled their eyes back with hairpins and tied their hair in a bun and would make a bunch of random asian noises and acting stupid

its kinda forgeted up

i mean i observe many "should have a 3rd nuke" jokes daily.

i am going to sue the simpsons for yellowface

We should have used a third nuke and more nukes
But on russia right after WW2 just to take complete control and prevent literally every conflict since WW2

However ur a nip none the less

i mean i observe many "should have a 3rd nuke" jokes daily.

i am going to sue the simpsons for yellowface
its kinda different for you because you didn't have your family name erased and your ancestors raped and oppressed and denied success until the 70s-80s

We should have used a third nuke and more nukes
But on russia right after WW2 just to take complete control and prevent literally every conflict since WW2

However ur a nip none the less
lol next time u go to a finish line or other chain store expect shoebombs

its kinda different for you because you didn't have your family name erased and your ancestors raped and oppressed and denied success until the 70s-80s
internment camps...?

its like if white people after nuking japan would make a play where they painted themselves yellow and pulled their eyes back with hairpins and tied their hair in a bun and would make a bunch of random asian noises and acting stupid

its kinda forgeted up
isn't it soot

This reminds me of a similar event that happened at my school:

Despite the tradition of blackouts for over 10 years, it's only suddenly a tribal issue now. A lot of people were pissed off they couldn't wear body paint (of ANY color) anymore. So why wasn't this banned earlier? My guess is just current events with the whole BLM controversy mixed with teenagers trying to rile up everybody, but it's still dumb the greatest solution they thought of was just banning everything.

i mean i observe many "should have a 3rd nuke" jokes daily.

Those aren't jokes