Author Topic: Steee & xalvakanian | Blatant trolling. Threatening: private investigating, ddosing, swatting.  (Read 35840 times)

no u

is your ass jealous for all the stuff you spew out

He posted a Rule 34 link on Über SpeedKart, so we banned him. He also admitted to trolling.

For real though, Glass' chat needs to be solved because I see too much bullstuff that people get away with, it needs better administration.
that's my special interest! how you know??

That's Glass Hosting US2. It's a fair guess that's the IP that Steee said in the chat, meaning the "VPN" he thought the host was behind was really just Glass Hosting.

holy loving /support.
what an starfish.
deserves to get his key revoked

He admitted to troll

he was only pretending to be a handicap you see