
Do you think Marijuana should be legalized for purchase and usage above the age of 21?

51 (53.1%)
45 (46.9%)

Total Members Voted: 96

Author Topic: Weed superpoll/Discussion thread 2: Do you think Marijuana should be legalized?  (Read 7372 times)

forget no, I loving hate this stuff, you can never make stoners do stuff. If they smoke it and drive they'll be too out of it to stop when told to.
"Hey man, your hair is on fire"
"That's so cool"
I don't want that stuff in public.

You are so close minded.

You are so close minded.
Like I said
They will be too out of it to stop when told to.

Like I said
They will be too out of it to stop when told to.

Which is why an altered version would be sold and mass produced. Just like cigarettes/tobacco.

Which is why an altered version would be sold and mass produced. Just like cigarettes/tobacco.
Altering? I for one know altering a living thing can have major negative effects, but I won't argue with you because I know it will go on for like 2 pages.

Which is why an altered version would be sold and mass produced. Just like cigarettes/tobacco.
Lol hash

Which is why an altered version would be sold and mass produced. Just like cigarettes/tobacco.
Dude, weed is the largest application of eugenics in the world as far as i know, but there is no such think as "normal" weed anymore.  It's weak, mild, strong, or White Widow

Weed is no worse than alcohol. It should be legal, and cigarettes should be illegal.

i was going to construct a logical and convincing argument as to why marijuana prohibition is a complete failure and will continue to fail regardless of any attempts to combat its use. and how much better of a system it would be to legalise, regulate, and put taxes on the substance to allow it to be easily controlled by age restritions thus not letting any 10 year old kid with 20 bucks to get some. and how much it would improve the economy to legalise it, by taxation and from diverting the millions of dollars currently spent on attempts to destroy it, and the money from mrijuana sales that would usually fund actual criminals could instead be put into healthcare or education.

or how it's countless times better than alcohol of tobacco for you, not causing cancer and possibly even helping to fight cancer. or how it's physically impossible to overdose on, or die from.

and don't even get me started on the benefits of the hemp industry being allowed to thrive after being illigal for so long (fun fact: back in the 20s it was actually illigal to not grow marijuana if you were a farmer, as hemp was that useful).

.....but then i got high.

Cigarettes and Alcohol gave us tons of problems already. Don't add more, No.  :cookieMonster:

You guys are acting like all the stoners you know now would be doing it legally if weed was legalized. I assume most stoners you guys know are under 21, so remember that it would still be illegal for them.

forget no, I loving hate this stuff, you can never make stoners do stuff. If they smoke it and drive they'll be too out of it to stop when told to.
"Hey man, your hair is on fire"
"That's so cool"
I don't want that stuff in public.
You idiot, public intoxication is illegal. THC automatically falls under that law.
You guys are acting like all the stoners you know now would be doing it legally if weed was legalized. I assume most stoners you guys know are under 21, so remember that it would still be illegal for them.
That's a pointless law, because the primary consumer is under the age of 21. The age should be 16 or 18.
Cigarettes and Alcohol gave us tons of problems already. Don't add more, No.  :cookieMonster:
AND I already explained the Marijuana is far less destructive than both of those.
No, people would be come incredibly addicted and do it daily as a hobby. No one wants pothead parents or brothers or neighbors and stuff.
There's already neighbors that are drunk all the time, the only way this would be different is they'd be in their house too stoned to move, instead of breaking people's stuff. That's up for society to decide and punish people who do that, not the law.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 08:51:48 AM by yuki »

It should be legalized because not only would that remove the need for criminals to be discreet about smoking it, but they should remove all the poisons that cause it to be addictive.
Also, cigarettes should be illegal unless they remove the nicotine.

Not to mention this would alleviate our prison situation.

"Everyone will be smoking pot in the streets!"


Get it through your thick heads people. Legalizing marijuana won't create an epidemic of people roaming the streets stoned out of their mind. The same argument could be made against alcohol in public, and as said before, there are laws against public intoxication.

"But I don't more want people talking about it all the time because it's annoying!"

Dumbass kids already talk about how drunk they're going to get at that party over the weekend. It's the same situation with the same type of people: douchebags. These douchebags are going to do annoying stuff and brag about annoying stuff no matter what.

Responsible people already enjoy alcohol and marijuana without boasting about it constantly to look cool. These same people aren't doing it in public and causing a scene. stuffty people do stuffty things, legalizing marijuana may just give them a different medium to be starfishs with. Just ignore them. The same exact problems occur with alcohol. You don't notice it because alcohol is legal and normalized in our society.

No because it has more cancer-causing agents in it than cigarettes.
By the way, Otis, it still pollutes the environment and it also murders your lungs, almost as bad as cigarettes.
Marijuana has no filters. It produces smoke. It's not good no matter how you try to put it--even if people use it as "right" as possible, they're still loving stuff up.