Author Topic: New Plant Errors that didnt Take 20 Secs to Make  (Read 28818 times)

If these took you a week, you must have taken some insanely long breaks.

Yeah, starts the first day, works and gets them all done in 5 minutes except one, then a week later he does that last one in 30 seconds and says it took him a week.

If you Dont Stop annoying me Ill post each as 1 addon.
Took 20.00000000000001 seconds to make, didn't it?

You can't be grown. It's just not how a (decent) grown person acts.
WAIT he can be grown. Just stupid.

This Place is Full of 10 year olds
I Have to Say I Even bought a Book to Show me the Advanced side Of tourq To Script

Are you sure??? These books usually cost $20 - $64... Did you really buy these books just to make scripts in blockland... These books are also pretty time consuming. They're like text books and they require a lot of time taking notes and studying. Are you really doing that just to make a script in blockland?

The answer is below
But Its Not Even worth making stuff for the community Because of the Morons here.

Yup the answer goes with the question.

So I Will now Post All my Mod separate 1 mod per Topic And there be just as good as this.

Good go get yourself banned. Your starting to piss almost everyone off anyway.

This is Bs that you Tear people down like this.
It's cause you show no effort in making any mods. Someone can just make a simple UI edit, but some scripts require testing in order to make them right. All you do is replace an image file...
SO On the Note Good Day Sir
Good day to you to sir. Hopefully you'll understand more.

Needs more text variation.

I like the buried one though.

Ok, currently i have no respect you on these forums. You say that youu know how to script, But i havent seen 1 Add-on that youve made besides these bad Ui Edits. So if you want us to stop flaming then start making things that people actually want. Because i have not seen Once a person asking for a Ui edit. But then you say you dont want to make one because the Blockland comunity dosent deserve it or whatever. Do you know why everyone flames you? Its because you stick to making these... these... Things So if you want to make us stop flaming then lock this, make something thats good, and we will love you.
Screw you.

What UI? THERE IS NOT A UI SECTION! Your going to get yourself banned soon if you dont stop making these and spamming the addon section.

You have no taste in life Moron
Loel, YOU sir are a moron, not him.

But a UI Edit is a UI Edit is a UI Edit And therefore its a UI Edit.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 12:08:39 PM by Cybertails1998 »

Notice in "You have to many bricks" the "to" should be a too

Notice in "You have to many bricks" the "to" should be a too
I noted this already.



They're nice.

Agreed. Why does everyone have to flame on this? This is very well edited and it AT LEAST has transparency... Unlike many.