
What do you think

great idea
good idea
ok idea
bad idea
terrible idea

Author Topic: Tron SpeedBike vehical  (Read 4236 times)

Me likey. :panda: :panda: :panda: :panda: :panda: :panda: :iceCream: :cookie: :iceCream: :cookie: :cookieMonster:
in the future, don't use excessive emoticons. It's rather obnoxious.

No no no, bricks wouldn't work. If you had 5 people riding around, the brick count would skyrocket. I'm thinking projectiles (long, rectangular ones) with no velocity would do well. We can change projectile color, so that's fine. But could you program a vehicle to have a constant "onProjectileHit event"? If we could, this is pretty simple.

Relays and pongs, bro.

Bricks would work if the "trails" had a delay where they just deleted themselves after awhile.

Bricks would work if the "trails" had a delay where they just deleted themselves after awhile.
Why not just use projectiles instead?

what you people don't get is that if we used bricks it would create WAY to much bricks and lag up the server UNLESS possibly we could use that script that is used in trench digging minigames but the opposite, instead of it breaking apart into little parts in groups together. Mabey....

what you people don't get is that if we used bricks it would create WAY to much bricks and lag up the server UNLESS possibly we could use that script that is used in trench digging minigames but the opposite, instead of it breaking apart into little parts in groups together. Mabey....
because everyone didn't JUST explain that.

Ok Anyone else got anything to say cause topics already old and no one else is replying without any attention this wont get done....

this is a great idea. I also think that if a projectile would be made then tins would be MUCH easier

this is a great idea. I also think that if a projectile would be made then tins would be MUCH easier

cough bump cough

mini bump :D
Could use a emitter that collides and kills the player and when the player making the trail dies the emitter that collides is gone.