Retail Blockland Countdown!

Author Topic: Retail Blockland Countdown!  (Read 12687 times)

Wow, look at this countdown Irk89 has on his forums!

Retail blockland, we await your arrival :D

XD he enlarged the numbers and now they look all pixelated XD could you tell him to find numbers that big without pixelation or just make it smaller?

Well, you have to set the paramaters.  It looks different.

You can see it on or

Use this code to put it on your site
Code: [Select]
<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src=""                                         enableJavaScript="false"  allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal"  quality="high" width="450" height="100" allowScriptAccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />
Count down is set to February 11th at 12:00PM your computer clocks time.  Yes, I made this countdown and coded it.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 05:26:11 PM by Irk89 »

Blatant advertising? :-)


  • Guest
idea  :cookieMonster:

why don't you try to somehow make the numbers look like legos? xD

Nice counter, gay redirection.

I seriously do hate our new mod.

Why, because he tries his best to make the forums something?

Nice counter, gay redirection.

hm...How is it gay...It just redirects you.  And yes,  I do try to make my forums something.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 03:58:08 PM by Irk89 »

XD he enlarged the numbers and now they look all pixelated XD could you tell him to find numbers that big without pixelation or just make it smaller?
Its smaller on Irk's site and forum

Add width=50% height=50% into the embed tag, That should work. :)

Or just use the ones i already have (width="450" height="100").  That is the dimensions I designed it in.

Didn't see it in there, with so many spammers on this forum, I tend not to read quotes.

Woot, 3 more weeks (It has been for a while but I just realized my account was activated today)