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Total Members Voted: 235

Author Topic: People with numbers in their name are generally less mature.  (Read 16592 times)

For example, I cannot stand Evar678, Cybertails1998, Narkro555, Kanew2000 or Shafin25. I'm sure there are plenty of number named people that are fine, but people like those I just mentioned lower my expectations of them.

Well sorry we cannot meet your expectations. We're not people who would live for the expectations of others.


Sup, I'm xXxmasturcheifarbitersoncisha dowmodernwarfare2ak47m4killer coolcarismokepotihave24girlff riendsmegasupercooldude214238 5738573483940xXx

I have a number in my name, but I chose it not because "bithead" was taken, I thought it sounded a little better, although now, I'm thinking of dropping the 9.

Though of course, once you make a name it sticks, so even if you were only ten years old when you made an account, you will be stuck with that same name at eighteen, assuming you stay on one forum that long, and can't ask for a name change.
This probably clears a lot of you from this, obviously it's possible that a username you made a while ago could convey things that are eventually untrue.

Also, why would anyone want to but a bunch of numbers at the end of the name for the hell of it?

Also, why would anyone want to but a bunch of numbers at the end of the name for the hell of it?

Some people put their birthyear at the end of their name, and that bugs me even more than just a number.

I have a number in my name, but I chose it not because "bithead" was taken, I thought it sounded a little better, although now, I'm thinking of dropping the 9.

I think it would've been pretty clever if you were named bithead8.

I've never had a username with numbers in it

Maybe because I'm so original

Maybe because I'm so original


There's a spy in our mist men.

I've never had a username with numbers in it

Maybe because I'm so original

no, you're generic. get it right.


There's a spy in our mist men.


(Grammar national socialist) I also caught that right after I posted, but there is no edit.

Some people put their birthyear at the end of their name, and that bugs me even more than just a number.

I think it would've been pretty clever if you were named bithead8.

Lol! Bithead you should be offended!

Does this count for me?