
Do you think Marijuana should be legalized?

Never got high before.
Don't care.

Author Topic: If you could make something legal/illegal...  (Read 24559 times)

Smoking illegal
Furries illegal
Fluffy Puppies Legal

Unlike the line, where you have to wait for 1 hour to 1 day. You probably have to wait for months to years to put your child up for adoption with a busy job.

In some cases, some people were fired from their high paying jobs because they spent too much time taking care if their kids. Don't use babysitters as a solution for this, especially if there are several mishaps in which babysitters accident killed the baby.
I'm fairly sure giving a child to an orphanage or placing them in another person's care is not that long of a process. Adoption itself, yes, but not placing them in a foster home. And there are some places that you can leave a newborn in the care of a Church or Hospital, no questions asked. Of course, you're forfeiting your rights as a legal guardian, but at least then they will be in good care. As it was once said "Love is wanting a person to be happy, even if they can't be happy with you."

If they couldn't afford a child, why are they having one? If they can't care for one, why are they having one? Money is not everything. They should make enough to keep themselves and the child safe and well, that's all that matters. And I, personally, don't believe in the usage of babysitters except during certain occasions. And I'm fairly sure you can't get fired from your career just for caring for your child. If it cuts into enough work time, yes, it is possible, but you should not be having a child if you are in no position to care for one. :/

If they couldn't afford a child, why are they having one?
Rape might be an issue.
If they can't care for one, why are they having one? Money is not everything.
When it comes to your child, probably yes, I'm sure that you would want your child to get the best education possible, considering that most college classes are too expensive.

Rape might be an issue
Like I said, I think abortion should be illegal unless on grounds of an absolute emergency.

When it comes to your child, probably yes, I'm sure that you would want your child to get the best education possible, considering that most college classes are too expensive.
The extra money I'm speaking of. You can go to a good college for a decent amount of money. A parent has about 18 years to save up for such. Plus, just because you have financial issues while pregnant doesn't guarantee you always will.

Essentially,you may not be able to afford everything you child wants or that you want for your child. But it is that Love within the family that is what truly matters. Nothing can replace that, not even a college education, as important as that is.

Something tells me Magick has no loving clue how the 'real world' works.

Something tells me Magick has no loving clue how the 'real world' works.
He sees the world in a positive way.

Just because you are pregnant does not mean the contents of your womb is a human being? Why is abortion an issue, if what you're aborting is about as aware as a piece of celery? Late stage abortions are a different story, but most abortions happen in the earlier stages of pregnancy.

i would make black people illegal

Something tells me Magick has no loving clue how the 'real world' works.
Why's that?

I would make idiots illegal


I would make abortion illegal.
Marijuana legal
The forget?

Those are incredibly contradictory if you ask me. forget.

The forget?

Those are incredibly contradictory if you ask me. forget.
How the hell are they contradictory?
One is legalizing the use of a drug, which using in itself doesn't harm anyone but yourself, and superficially? at that.
The other, well, I honestly can't picture a fetus really being conscious, then again, I can't picture a lot of animals being conscious, either way, it's best to have a child like normal, and it's completly unrelated to marijuana.