Author Topic: Girl at my high school gets stabbed... WTF?!  (Read 5676 times)

i keep saying student teacher but it's more like "teacher who's new and everyone treats like a student too"
And you're still on a forum about internet Legos?

One of our principals just about got beat up today, this kid he had pulled out of a fight had him up against the wall.
Damn publick school.

Humans are revolting creatures, aren't they?

tsk tsk tsk
humans these days
You say that as if you aren't one.

Humans are revolting creatures, aren't they?

Theres alot of drug deals at my school. We gots some crack over hear does anyone want sum?

tsk tsk tsk
humans these days
And you are totally saying that like you aren't one.

Get over it, stuffs going to be done, you have no control over it.

The only way to stop bitches stabbin' bitches is to make like the Columbine and shoot some mofos.

Back when I was in 6th grade, a 7th grader got arrested during a drug search at school. They brought the dogs and stuff.

Back when I was in 6th grade, a 7th grader got arrested during a drug search at school. They brought the dogs and stuff.
Someone in my grade, eighth, failed a drug test.
And, the fact that his probation officer gave him the test doesn't improve the situation, at all.

Also, there's a pregnant girl in my grade.

Also, there's a pregnant girl in my grade.
I'm having a hard time believing that.

...Shadow, what school do you go to? :o

I'm having a hard time believing that.
It happens more often than you think.

Humans disgust me
If you excuse me ill be finding a way to escape my physical human form