Author Topic: How Blockland has changed FOR you over time.  (Read 6270 times)

remember when night fox wasn't here?
good times.

the first server i joined was Super Puppys freebuild and i was a 12v er so i never had something big happen to me.

v8 Zombie mod was lush.

Titanium's Blockland experience seems to pretty much sum up mine. I bought the game at V8, and delved in with my simplistic builds and complete ignorance for how the game worked. (Really, I felt like I was back at square one when events came out. I was confused all over again. I still don't think I understand them completely.) However, I don't think the feel of Blockland has changed much. It's basically stayed the same for me this whole time. I came, I built, I concurred. (Though, that last part varies a bit.) I've always felt like building my own thing, and I've always been a bit put off from the rest of the community. Increasingly so, actually. Making a post just for the sake of insulting another user behind their back is something I've found unique to the Blockland forums. Unwritten Calender. >_>

Though, I don't think I'd mind another huge update like events that WOULD change the feel of Blockland. The thought of such an update is really what keeps me playing the game.

I joined in v8, and I remember joining the Block Party, where some girl told me to richard off cause I said hi.  :panda:
From there I went to some food stand and I asked "how do you sit"
So I sat at the stand and then left to explore. I took up the name hoohmaster1246. Eventually my sister and I would share our key, until the day I asked mom to buy me a new one. She agreed, and my sister took the old one, cause I thought having a new one would be better or something, I dunno. One day I saw a strange change, called "Space Guy's event mod". I went to a server and saw a build shooting rockets out. I was utterly confounded. I asked "OGM HOW U DO DAT :DDDD" and tried to make my own to no avail. I downloaded it but I didn't understand how it worked. Then in v9 I started eventing, doing simple things like a brick that shoots bullets when clicked. In V10 I began to mature a bit more, but I still acted like those 10 year olds who THINK they're mature but they aren't. In v11 I met my friend, A Guy, who was hosting a zombie dm on a ship. T'was fun. I became friends with him and joined his clan, which to this day I remain in as co-host. From there I learned and grew into the person I am today.

stuff's changed a lot. I remember when you'd join a server in v8, you'd know at least one person in that server. Things were simpler. Less addons, so less bullstuff. Then around v12 things went to hell for me. stuff load of new members, stuffty addons starting to be made, good addons started to fade away.  Then all the little friends that play now all make stuffty family RP's, knife TDMs and DM's. Each stufftier than the last. I eentually stopped playing due to lack on inspiration to do anything. the last actuall build I made was in v15. Re-app for iEvent. Didn't make it in. As of now, I haven't gone on Blockland in about a month. TDM's aren't fun anymore because they all use TT, which has no set bullet. stuff's too complicated. I liked it in the old days when you could shoot a gun and actually dodge the bullet. or when you'd blow up a building and the bricks didn't respawn half a minute later.

Edit: First server I ever joined was some Bedroom exploration server. After that was USSR fort wars. and don't even get me started on USSR. They were the highlight of fun to me back in the day. Their DM servers weeere the basis of simple weapons, with a stuffload of fun and architecture to admire all at the same time.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2010, 03:11:04 AM by Joker Card »

I Remember Spamming the chat saying "How did you make those doors".
This was in v8 so you couldnt just place one. It took my weeks before I could dl addons properly.

I started playing at the transition of v9 to v10. I never understood event scripting until v12 something. I showed me how good PC gaming can get. C:

It is interesting, because back then, being a jerk was OK, however, a lot of people were nice. Now, I find it's just the opposite, everyone is hypocritical, they have an imaginary line of how mean you can be without cause. I find it weird because now it's not OK to be a jerk, but the community is generally meaner.
Looking back on this quote, and looking more into the community, I find it actually hasn't changed. I just slowly slipped into a different part of the forums.

The add-ons board is still what it was, which is actually a lot different than the drama board.

I think it's the switching of sections you post in over time that create the illusion of the forums changing. I find that now I am starting to post in Drama less and less, and, magically, the forums seems to be a nicer place.

So basically, I'm saying that the forums really haven't changed at all.


My first play of blockland was vanilla

Then I had things to do like school, etc.
but then I heard of a "New" building game, I was intriuged, so I downloaded it.
it was blockland
I was overjoyed with the demo (My first build was a red castle with castle walls and windows) and I soon ran out of bricks. I hammered them down and started over
I soon bought it and was interested in all the other servers

Actually, the first server I joined was "Fooly cooly's airplane server"
I learned how to not build spam, how to make vehicles (Kaje's bi-plane was the rage back then :D) and how to spray-paint bricks

from then on I learned how to port forward, host servers and stuff

Those were the days :P I remember when you got butthurt and spammed my inbox when I said the MK2 looked strange, and those stuffty models I gave you.


I forgot about that.

Blockland as a game has got better, where the community has gotten worse. A trade off.

I was around when all the old/fail binned/lost add ons were here. It was awesome. I loved the rideable bomb by bushido, and some other stuff i can't remember the name of....OH! like the rc controller (controls any close car/vehicle).