
What do you think of my maps?

Horrible >:O
25 (5.1%)
3 (0.6%)
Not so great.
4 (0.8%)
15 (3.1%)
They're alright.
40 (8.1%)
86 (17.5%)
318 (64.8%)

Total Members Voted: 486

Author Topic: Ostinyo's Maps - Goodbye old friends :(  (Read 191853 times)

i noticed that in the downtown map you can't build any where in the city part. pls fix this

I may fix it if I get the time.

Nope not fixing anything, or making anything new. Looks like my leave of Blockland has been made permanent ;P
Badspot and Komp helped me not want to come back (;

Sad? Be happy! Time to move on into the future...

You shall be missed.  When v21 comes out, are you giving {BC} to me?

Shipwreck Island will probably never see the light of day.

Shipwreck Island will probably never see the light of day.

That was actually one of the first maps I made, it was pretty sweet.

And no, Swat, the balance of power between the members of BC is equal. I'm just the eh, organizer. Anyone can start and lead map projects.
I'm thinking of making some new projeczts for extremely lovey skybox maps and DTS objects to fit the new beauty of Blockland.

Will you eventually start doing slate maps?

Will you eventually start doing slate maps?
What's there to do...skyboxes and ground textures... :panda:

What's there to do...skyboxes and ground textures... :panda:
Yes exactly. You could do tile slate from kitchen or carpet slate from bedroom. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.

I just got an idea!

OT: ur maps r cul bye

I just got an idea!

OT: ur maps r cul bye
I really hope you didn't just take my tile and carpet slates idea :|

Yes exactly. You could do tile slate from kitchen or carpet slate from bedroom. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.
But the finished product is near useless.

But the finished product is near useless.
When the next update comes slate will be the only maps to play on. It won't be useless then.