
What do you think of my maps?

Horrible >:O
25 (5.1%)
3 (0.6%)
Not so great.
4 (0.8%)
15 (3.1%)
They're alright.
40 (8.1%)
86 (17.5%)
318 (64.8%)

Total Members Voted: 486

Author Topic: Ostinyo's Maps - Goodbye old friends :(  (Read 191859 times)

I downloaded Downtown and it will not show up in map list, what do I do?
*Puts of red flag* Same here mayby it takes a couple tries before it works? >_<

*Puts of red flag* Same here maybe it takes a couple tries before it works? >_<

So I'm not the only one... :)

the door + knob in bathroom looks bad but the map overall is really good, and a nice use of lighting.

the door + knob in bathroom looks bad but the map overall is really good, and a nice use of lighting.

Bathroom was my first experiment of a large scale interior, but I feel it came out pretty good for being made by me a year ago now.

*Puts of red flag* Same here mayby it takes a couple tries before it works? >_<

I really have no idea why that would be happening. It works fine for everyone else.

The conspiracy revealed
Wesley Williams is an alt of GSF Ghost!
Two Christian Map Makers who make interior maps and a map based on New York

I really have no idea why that would be happening. It works fine for everyone else.
They probably installed it incorrectly.

The conspiracy revealed
Wesley Williams is an alt of GSF Ghost!
Two Christian Map Makers who make interior maps and a map based on New York

No comment.

The conspiracy revealed
Wesley Williams is an alt of GSF Ghost!
Two Christian Map Makers who make interior maps and a map based on New York
Are you saying Chritians are better map makers then anyone else in the fourms?

Are you saying Chritians are better map makers then anyone else in the fourms?
that would explain my good map making skills (not that good)
I am in the club with GSF and Ost

that would explain my good map making skills (not that good)
I am in the club with GSF and Ost
what the hell are you going on about

you've made like no maps

remember those maps i was gonna make with you
those were never packaged and frankly are lost in my map terrain files and my other map files

remember those maps i was gonna make with you
those were never packaged and frankly are lost in my map terrain files and my other map files
guys i made a new game called half life 3 then i dropped my hard drive in the toilet srry

guys i made a new game called half life 3 then i dropped my hard drive in the toilet srry

guys i made a new game called half life 3 then i dropped my hard drive in the toilet srry
gabe more like FAT MAN newell get a job and/or spouse but not both