Author Topic: Boltster: An obsession with IcyGamma  (Read 21755 times)

You can tell that hes really got nothing to go on when he's reduced to petty insults by only the second page.

I think I've said all I need to say now. Toodles.

Were the forget did you come in? You are no help and your opinion is not very well supported, please back up your opinion and get the hell over it. You need to also read like skill, learn to loving listen and shut up for once.
Calm down there bub. He was completely right, and his opinion was supported.

Were the forget did you come in? You are no help and your opinion is not very well supported, please back up your opinion and get the hell over it. You need to also read like skill, learn to loving listen and shut up for once.
What I said was perfectly in line with the discussion. Maybe you misread what I was saying.

Were the forget did you come in? You are no help and your opinion is not very well supported, please back up your opinion and get the hell over it. You need to also read like skill, learn to loving listen and shut up for once.
As much as I do not like Bloody Mary, she is on a public forum and may post her opinions where ever she pleases to.

I, and I'm sure you, expect the same respect when you post.

You can tell that hes really got nothing to go on when he's reduced to petty insults by only the second page.

How can you tell me I have superiority issues when you post a load of baloney then tell me what I wrote was trash. You are such a sham.

You can tell that hes really got nothing to go on when he's reduced to petty insults by only the second page.

Wait, what about..

you jump up and down like a spastic little girl, screaming "EVERY DAMN TIME".

As much as I do not like Bloody Mary, she is on a public forum and may post her opinions where ever she pleases to.

I, and I'm sure you, expect the same respect when you post.
Yes, you guys are right and I did misread, I would edit except there is none. Now, Icy. This should die off now.

As much as I do not like Bloody Mary, she is on a public forum and may post her opinions where ever she pleases to.

Yet when I post, suddenly its all petty and egotistic. Look at yourself.

Wait, what about..
A petty insult and an offensive statement are two different things.

Petty Insult: "Icygamma is a friend."

Yet when I post, suddenly its all petty and egotistic. Look at yourself.
I am allowed to post in this thread. That does not mean I am going to command respect and be praised for everything I say -- that's Badspot's job.

Petty Insult: "Icygamma is a friend."

Oh I see, being called a spastic girl is totally on the side of acceptability. Mmhm.

Calm down there bub.

I just wanted to add this was another example of how the only one clearly trying to be superior is ßoltster, with comments like that. How blind can you people be. Its too late though, he is too spineless to stick around.

You just don't read do you. /facepalm
you dirty slutbag.

Everyone including you is a jerk here.
everyone here who posted in this thread before that post said something against the topic itself. which then leads to me posting my post that basically describes how you think of people in the thread.
people don't agree with me, what jerks they are.
you blue little stuff.

Oh I see, being called a spastic girl is totally on the side of acceptability. Mmhm.
Okay, lets think about it.

If I call you a friend, what does this mean? What is revealed to the reader? Nothing. The word friend is so overused it doesn't even imply that you may be a homoloveual, I'm just slinging stuff at you.

Bolster is saying something here. He's saying that when he responds to you, you act irrationally in his opinion. Instead of saying this like a bureaucratic robot, he speaks in English and laces his words in such a way that it offends you.

"You overreact to harsh criticism" becomes "you jump up and down like a spastic little girl, screaming "EVERY DAMN TIME"."

Although this is insulting, it's not a "petty insult."

Sigh, damn forums everytime, Icy whenever you make a drama.

I give him 5 posts until he can't argue and instead resorts to post counts to use as insults and other stuff that isn't relevant.