Author Topic: Multi-Stage Scripting Contest  (Read 20265 times)

I'm gonna drop out of the contest, otto-san can take my place if he wants

I'm gonna drop out of the contest, otto-san can take my place if he wants
yes pls

would that be allowed?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 11:31:29 PM by otto-san »

If anyone else wants to join I'd like to :cookieMonster:

If anyone else wants to join I'd like to :cookieMonster:

 no you're a loser
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 11:35:56 PM by Legacy »

Well I guess you don't have to drop out if Res wants to join. Do you guys want to join this round or next? Either way you need to make a money mod because the next round requires it.

EDIT: Irk wants to join Legacy, do you still want to drop out or?
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 11:38:55 PM by Destiny/Zack0Wack0 »

otto is replacing Legacy and Irk and I are battling it out to the death

Well I guess you don't have to drop out if Res wants to join. Do you guys want to join this round or next? Either way you need to make a money mod because the next round requires it.

EDIT: Irk wants to join Legacy, do you still want to drop out or?
I'll go ahead and say it.

OK, done.
EDIT: By the way, Irk has submitted his first task.

OK, done.
EDIT: By the way, Irk has submitted his first task.
I have another BTW, though it's naught at this point.  :cookieMonster:

otto is replacing Legacy and Irk and I are battling it out to the death

OK, done.
EDIT: By the way, Irk has submitted his first task.

It shall be a quick death!  Is this a ladder or bracket tournament?

so far mine's coming along nicely

Is this due by tonight or tomorrow night?

Is this due by tonight or tomorrow night?
EDIT: 28 hours from this post time for non australians

I may have to drop out as well. I have too much going on right now to worry about forcing out a script.