Author Topic: Blockyard - What the hell?  (Read 17256 times)

for people who dont trust unity

its not a virus
i downloaded it, its safe.

im also hosting.
host: phantomjack
password: blockland

status: DOWN

houses are pretty easy once you figure out duplicate.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 10:31:36 AM by PhantomJack »

This is gonna end up like fortresscraft.

Why is everyone distrusting unity because of this site when it's used for 3d games/flash games like J.O.E which you've all downloaded and several games on kongregate and the like?

no! blockland for life :c

It's pretty much the axles and things from roblox with the 3d graphics of blockland. That's all it is, it doesn't have any deathmatching or anything.

I had to find something from blockland to add :/

That actually looks pretty interesting..
Edit: Never mind the physics are ass.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 02:33:27 PM by Demian »

I had to find something from blockland to add :/

 I don't even see the slightest resemblance to Blockland graphics.
This has real-time dynamic shadows.
Blockland is pre-rendered concerning the interior models.


 It has weapon systems. You can create tanks, turrets, etc.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 05:26:21 PM by Riot »

I wanna play it now that I actually know what to do :U

EDIT: Made myself a car and an elevator - both very hard to control. lol
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 06:13:19 PM by Kingdaro »

We just started developing Blockyard about two months ago.  We are taking a very iterative approach releasing often and gathering feedback from the community to improve it.  None of us had previously played Blockland so any similarities are coincidence.

Would love to hear more feedback.

"unity web player
install it now!"

forget no.
Unity is a pretty badass engine.
If you want to try something on the engine.