Author Topic: My Reasons for Being Atheist  (Read 16995 times)

a real creator of the universe wouldnt give a rats ass what we do. we are utterly insignificant.

religion exists because fearful people need to be given significance, rather then make it for themselves.

athiests are of higher mind. = better, stronger minded people.

Then what about people who don't care about religion and also don't care about proving religion false.

The neutrality between atheism and religion.

Then what about people who don't care about religion and also don't care about proving religion false.

The neutrality between atheism and religion.
that's called not giving a stuff.

Many ask me why I'm Atheist. I'll tell you why, it's only common sense. But if that's an invalid reason here's an essay.

People have to be on crack to believe that bullstuff about life after death and some magical being that created the omniverse and somehow spawned everything WITHOUT using up energy or matter thusly breaking a law of physics (along with the other 2334896793468 it defies). I mean... seriously, think about it.

God is sitting there in complete NOTHINGNESS no empty space or ANYTHING.  So, he is now sitting in a place with zero room. There's no universe yet, he can't exist until AT THE VERY LEAST the universe is created so that space and time exists. Let's pretend he COULD have created the universe (which is also impossible because he is made of atoms, like every other bit of matter and atoms haven't formed yet). The massive amount of heat and energy and matter would instantly kill him. Besides, if mere PARTICLES don't exist yet, neither can the clouds making the heavens.


He finds a ball of rock and magically points his finger and somehow BLAM instantly a river and mountains and grass forms instantaneously (okay, maybe it took 7 days,but you get my point). Explain to me how this is physically possible. ALSO, how can angels, when they are created from DEAD (if you're dead you are not alive, you have no working brain and are dead you cannot live plain and simple, again angels are impossible) and somehow grow wings, how the hell would they fly up and in no time at all they switch dimensions into this magical realm of pure clouds. Which makes your brain (which is actually DEAD right now) automatically get happy.

Most of the same concepts are in science, but minus God.  And really your essay is opinion based, without any links to articles of "super smart science cripples like Steven Hawking" or any evidence to back yourself up.  Nice logic there.  And no.. I'm not on drugs.

OP's post barely has any real Christianity and acts as if Christianity is the only religion out there.

What my worst fear is - The end of the universe. Imagine the fact that eventually, there will be nothing forever.

And the worst part is that this could happen any day. Why is it scary? The sheer fact that it would happen and nothing would exist.

If everything disappeared suddenly, everything we've done would be worth no effort. Eventually, our whole dimension will die out, and there will be nothing there. EVER. This is scary because once everything is gone, nothing will come back.

Something cannot come out of nothing.

Now here's a concept to think about; what would happen if you were immortal? Eventually you will be stuck forever drifting through space. Why? Because if nothing can kill you, the end of time would eventually come right before your eyes, and you could do nothing to stop it.

It's said that as you grow older, time passes quicker in your mind, or whatnot.

This means that by the third century of your consciousness, time will be passing by as years would be seconds.

So being immortal would be bad.

Now then, discuss your thoughts on how scary the end of time is.
This does bring up a good point. What if, God is an immortal being who was in the old universe. Then, when it ended, he came and made earth and the people and whatnot.

I think I just proved Christianity correct...


well forget I'm on drugs all the time and I still don't believe in an afterlife

I believe in Jesus but I hate the Catholic Church

I'd prefer to have afterlife than not, living just one life then nothing after death is boring.

Catholics say: Mother Mary is a magical magician not living in the skies because she gave birth to Jesus and stuff
Christians say: Mother Mary is just a normal person used by a magical person living in the skies to give birth to the Saviour and stuff

This is why Christians don't get along with Catholics.

Also: Saints and other people stuff.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 11:00:41 AM by LegendZ »

It's funny because the picture in the Op first page works both ways with minor edits:
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 11:09:01 AM by TheArmyGuy »

Oh My God. Why did You post this. Just why.

If You're going to bitch about Religon, a Forum is the worst place to do It.

I believe in my own god; the god of Metal.

Not all. But it is a sad truth that some Christians hang on to God for everylovingthing and expect him to drop manna everywhere for them.

Well, i am a Atheist though i can see why those who believe in a god (or multiple lol) really believe.
It is in the nature of humans to find a cause for something.
People got to know everything, if they can't explain it they just make up something eventually or believe semi-logical things.

The theories of a god existing somewhere and that he shaped us all is very unlikely in my opinion, but hell, perhaps he is a very good hider and makes us believe things to hide himself or something.
I dunno.

Well, i am a Atheist though i can see why those who believe in a god (or multiple lol) really believe.

I'm an Athiest, but I respect people who believe. Everyone's entitled to their own beliefs.

However, if you get in to a debate, there is always the "Being an Atheist is a bit like being the only sober person in a car full of drunks and they won't let you drive" mentality, which is kind of true to some extent - sometimes it's hard for Athiests to get their point across as sometimes certain believers are stuck in their ways, refuse to even hear an argument and seem to have comebacks to everything.

I'm just going to sit back and watch the flaming.
*gets popcorn*