Author Topic: My Reasons for Being Atheist  (Read 17024 times)

My parents have actually had problems with certain churches over Theology disputes. This one Church actually believed subtlety everyone was actually saved despite what they believed, which the bible clearly goes against. We left that Church after a couple services.

Slight derail much?

Define ignorance in this context.

I actually agree with their methods. Just because a good person doesn't follow a certain religion doesn't mean they shouldn't be "saved".

It seems like Christians just want a personal reserved spot in heaven because they're supposedly better than everyone else. I can find a lot of ignorance in that post.

Also keo, they don't force you to convert, they convince people.
Again, forcing people to convert is just another example of a person who is dumb in their beliefs.

Of course no one is holding me at gun point and telling me to believe in evolution or god but they don't have to shove it down my god dam throat. I've seriously had people get hostile with me because I wouldn't believe in what they believe.

Of course no one is holding me at gun point and telling me to believe in evolution or god but they don't have to shove it down my god dam throat. I've seriously had people get hostile with me because I wouldn't believe in what they believe.
More evidence that there are people clueless about their religion.

It seems like Christians just want a personal reserved spot in heaven because they're supposedly better than everyone else.

It's funny because some of this argument is based on stereotype.

christians have violently forced many a person over the years lol.

i cant even begin to get into it, i dont even have the time in 1 day to list it all

I actually agree with their methods. Just because a good person doesn't follow a certain religion doesn't mean they shouldn't be "saved".

It seems like Christians just want a personal reserved spot in heaven because they're supposedly better than everyone else. I can find a lot of ignorance in that post.

Humility is taught a lot in the bible. I'm sorry that the religion can't automatically save everyone, I wish it could, but there are hard facts in all aspects of life. I'm sorry there aren't as many natural rights in our religion that scholars like to preach, but again, there are hard facts within the religion. Giving up your own self value is a key aspect of our religion, as I said at the begging with humility.

Anyways, if anyone tries to convert you SOLELY based off the fact that if you don't convert, you will go to hell, I give you permission to slap both of their cheeks as hard as you can.

christians have violently forced many a person over the years lol.

i cant even begin to get into it, i dont even have the time in 1 day to list it all

To further prove Bisjac's point.

Salem witch trials
churches killing/imprisoning heretics

Anyone who didn't believe in god was a degenerate and we stoned them with large rocks!

To further prove Bisjac's point.

Salem witch trials
churches killing/imprisoning heretics

Catholic Church is the perfect troll of history.

I'm pretty sure that's just you. Lol?
I guess we can exclude the Asians because Asians do exactly as their parents say to.

Either way this argument is stupid and everyone is blindly at each other's throats over a topic that isn't going to change.

If religion didn't exist people would find another reason to have an excuse to fight with people or not agree with them. Here's a message to both sides.

-rambling nonsense and bullstuff-
The problem I have with religion isn't even the war it's caused. 9/11 doesn't piss me off half as much as an abortionist getting shot. Sure, 9/11 is a tragedy and it shouldn't have happened and you can blame religion, but you could substitute "religious hatred" with "culture hatred" and the reasoning behind the attacks has barely changed at all.

Religion does something to society that terrorists could never do: Religion stymies science. Religion is a roadblock in every technological and scientific advancement we've had for the past 4,000 years. From when it was proposed that the Earth orbits the Sun, to when it was proposed that the stars are not holes in the black canvas separating Earth from Heaven, from when it was proposed that the Earth is not a mere 6,000 years old, from it was it proposed that we are the product of millions of generations of creatures mutating, from when it was proposed that there might be life outside of our planet, to the heated debates over trivial matters such as Abortion that we are having now, Religion has been there to make sure nothing happens quickly.

The rate at which technology is doubling every 5 years happens because half of the world's technophiles are not proclaiming that the box monitor had the best picture, or that 1024kb of disc space was all we needed and using any more is immoral. Humanity could be the same way. We could improve our society two-fold every generation if half the Earth wasn't a bunch of delusional, inbred, loving halfwits.

Then we can get to the part where we kill each other over resources.

Organized religion is a bitch, yes.

The only "science" which technically goes against my belief is theories that suggest that humans were created naturally, not through creationism.

My reasons:
1. You can't prove god exists.
2. The burden of proof is on theists.
See? Short, and I don't need to make a thread about them.

I'm an athiest and I think you're a handicap for making a topic about it.
I think nobody gives a stuff.

end of topic

Giving up your own self value is a key aspect of our religion, as I said at the begging with humility.

Oh ok my value as a human being is meaningless. I am nothing. I deserve jack stuff and I should just drop all my beliefs.

Can I go to heaven now?

I guess we can exclude the Asians because Asians do exactly as their parents say to.

Yeah my parents never forced any religion upon me so you can go forget yourself.


Why discuss something that is gong to lead nowhere?


Thank you for being redundant and repeating your entire statement again. That's a stupid argument. I can understand religion being used as fear and control but your theory is just downright stupid.

Thank you for being redundant and repeating your entire statement again. That's a stupid argument. I can understand religion being used as fear and control but your theory is just downright stupid.
And now that you're a confirmed dumbass I will take this moment to mock you.


And now that you're a confirmed dumbass I will take this moment to mock you.


Ha, I have no argument so I'm going to laugh at you through the internet. HA HA HA!