Author Topic: Sandvich got a girl prego.  (Read 39823 times)

She's 17. If anything it'll just be handicapped.
You know what?
That's illegal here.
Don't know about wherever you live, but if you lived here your trouble wouldn't stop with your parents being pissed.
You're going to end up with serious child support bills and a few STDs if you don't stop this stupid bullstuff real soon.

better drop school and get a job to pay all the CS

I like how sandvich isn't taking any of this seriously

I like how sandvich isn't taking any of this seriously
Have you ever met Sandvich?

wait, you're 13?...

what the forget
you're not even having love legally (unless you have different laws where you live)
and now you probably went and ruined that girls life, and probably yours

if this is legit

is this legit?
2 minors can have love. It's legal in America

I like how sandvich isn't taking any of this seriously
Because he's trolling.

seriously, you're forgeted. You will NOT be able to keep the baby (if this is true)

You couldn't support a child, you don't know how to handle a child and seeing from your previous actions, you're too stupid to.
Lol'd how teenagers get others pregnant and then they expect it to be eas to raise a child. Good luck paying for those bills with all of that money you have from your job yo don't have adn won't get. Trust me, no one will hire a 13 year old. I'm oretty sure its illegal in the US

It's funny because everyone is all serious. If this is legit, I'm the biggest starfish ever. Until then, it's funny because everyone is all serious.

2 minors can have love. It's legal in America
Isn't it over 16 + over 16 okay but under 16 + over 16 not?

It's funny because everyone is all serious. If this is legit, I'm the biggest starfish ever. Until then, it's funny because everyone is all serious.
If its a joke, he deserves to die in a more horrible way. If its true, less horrible, but still horrible.

Have you ever met Sandvich?

I apologize for not getting to know everybody on the forums

I apologize for not getting to know everybody on the forums
You can get to know me~

Lol'd how teenagers get others pregnant and then they expect it to be eas to raise a child. Good luck paying for those bills with all of that money you have from your job yo don't have adn won't get. Trust me, no one will hire a 13 year old. I'm oretty sure its illegal in the US

I have issues with HOLDING a child.

I couldn't have a kid yet, and neither could sandvich.

I doubt he ever could handle a kid if he got somebody pregnant at Thirteen.

hey katamari lets meet in a dark alley

I'm never having kids, for their sake.

Isn't it over 16 + over 16 okay but under 16 + over 16 not?
under 16 (18 in most areas) is illegal. Its considered rape.