Author Topic: Force player to download sertain file  (Read 3252 times)

Sure, I'll just make it so you have to control a 30 slot inventory using slash commands. Sounds fun!
The community doesn't 'flow' at all, I don't even know what the forget you're saying. Downloading a GUI makes the game not a bitch to play, and more fun because you can actually see visually what you need to do. You'll find more people would rather download a GUI then play a game with slash commands.

I never suggested / commands, they do. There's always an alternative. My point is, if every mod makes that excuse, we'll have a stuffstorm of random GUIs with barely any use that you MUST have to play 10% of servers that use just that individual one, let alone the others that take up other percentages.

I've seen similar situations, like how the Variables are somehow an excuse against real coding for most situations. It got to the point you'd expect people requesting weapons, and people might go "You can do this with Variables! :cookieMonster:" and showing some bunch of variables for spawning projectiles. It's an unnecessary long form in such situations, it shouldn't be an excuse for actual coding. Not like it isn't useful in itself, but still.

Do I need to give other examples, or do you still not get my point?

Do I need to give other examples, or do you still not get my point?
Both the same thing ;D

If you don't want the GUI, don't play on the server.

But you should also have access to /cmd versions of the game in case you don't have the GUIs.

and a bloody help article system because i can't find out how to do some things GOD DANG IT
There is access to /cmd because they use  serverCmds, just like /cmds.

However. Please tell me when it's reasonable to use /cmds to utilize 30 inventory slots with stackable item counts, 11 equipment slots, shops, and stats (exp and level) for 10 different skills.

The trouble is every Add-On wanting a GUI keybinded to your keyboard. There's a limit to human memory of so many keybinds for so many GUIs you'll barely get use of. Also, most RPGs in Blockland work without clientside downloads. I've only found a few cases, and it is annoying to get locked out of servers by it. I have this one GUI, have no idea what it is, and it seems useless to me. I will delete it, as it is just a random keybind whereas I must manually click the X to close.
It would be cool if Blockland had some default blank overlay that you could stick all the add-on GUIs in.

My point is, if every mod makes that excuse, we'll have a stuffstorm of random GUIs with barely any use that you MUST have to play 10% of servers that use just that individual one, let alone the others that take up other percentages.
If you stop playing in a server that uses a certain client add-on, delete it.
If you happen to play in multiple servers that use different add-ons, which I guarantee you that you don't play in more than 4 of, either make multiple copies (hell, even make them instantly join a certain ip), or just deal with the fact that you'll have key combinations for 4 different guis (which isn't hard to manage). Please remember that you can use modifier keys plus any key, such as shift+q, as I used for DRPG.
If you're playing in more than 4 different servers that require GUIs, then maybe you should slow down.
If you're playing in more than 4 different servers that require GUIs because they close often for long periods of time, then they aren't worth playing in.

Besides. I can only think of 3 mods that require use of a GUI. (Things like TDM and zombies don't count because you're not using keybinds and only the server actually needs it)
One City RPG server.
Rise of Blockland (it's closed)

The rest that require keybinds are not for gamemodes, such as RTB, Compass, and whatever. But those help you on all servers, not just for one.


If you don't want the GUI, don't play on the server.

Because other people don't seem to have a problem using the GUI.

Oh and about the whole virus thing. If it were possible then someone would've done it by now. No one has done it. If you want to prove that you can then please do.

As to answer Brolaf Olaf's question. Sorry, this actually isn't possible.
The most you can do is remind them to, and instruct them how to do so.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 02:53:25 AM by Chrono »

RTB has the ability to let people download a GUI when they connect.

The problem is the thing is so limited as to make it almost impossible to do anything more than a super fancy /help screen.

Your best option is to live with the fact that some will not download your sound files.  Also consider those who play with the sound off.

for a custom client GUI - thee are several threads already that explain how to put in a check for that.

Sure, I'll just make it so you have to control a 30 slot inventory using slash commands. Sounds fun!
The community doesn't 'flow' at all, I don't even know what the forget you're saying. Downloading a GUI makes the game not a bitch to play, and more fun because you can actually see visually what you need to do. You'll find more people would rather download a GUI then play a game with slash commands.

Instead of a gui or slash commands, why not just keybinds? Seriously, for some things, keybinds are simply better. I'd much rather press the key bound to light than say /light, for example, and I'd much rather press the button than open a GUI to click a button.

Instead of a gui or slash commands, why not just keybinds? Seriously, for some things, keybinds are simply better. I'd much rather press the key bound to light than say /light, for example, and I'd much rather press the button than open a GUI to click a button.
your right - that is much easier.

But are you willing to go download the client mod required to do this? ... just to connect to the server?  If so, you have a lot more tolerance than most people.

This is one thing that I've wanted. But due to-
major starfishs
, I suppose this would be bad. D:

If you don't want the GUI, don't play on the server.

Because I keep trying to join specific people through RTB 4 Beta and I get kicked out because of that third-party client block. Ephialtes added detection for if a server isn't joinable before attempting, but this method of blocking is obviously not detected and it is frustrating when you get kicked out in the middle of joining like that. It's loving annoying.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 01:49:45 PM by MegaScientifical »

Because I keep trying to join specific people through RTB 4 Beta and I get kicked out because of that third-party client block. Ephialtes added detection for if a server isn't joinable before attempting, but this method of blocking is obviously not detected and it is frustrating when you get kicked out in the middle of joining like that. It's loving annoying.
You are supposed to check for stuff like this if you use RTB4 beta. Just Report it to Ephialtes and he will see what he can do.

Because I keep trying to join specific people through RTB 4 Beta and I get kicked out because of that third-party client block. Ephialtes added detection for if a server isn't joinable before attempting, but this method of blocking is obviously not detected and it is frustrating when you get kicked out in the middle of joining like that. It's loving annoying.
You're supposed to report stuff like that by going here:
The beta is a test, and it can't be improved unless you give some input.

Because I keep trying to join specific people through RTB 4 Beta and I get kicked out because of that third-party client block. Ephialtes added detection for if a server isn't joinable before attempting, but this method of blocking is obviously not detected and it is frustrating when you get kicked out in the middle of joining like that. It's loving annoying.
So you can't join your friends because you need to download a GUI. Big loving deal.

Instead of a gui or slash commands, why not just keybinds? Seriously, for some things, keybinds are simply better. I'd much rather press the key bound to light than say /light, for example, and I'd much rather press the button than open a GUI to click a button.
Okay. Go ahead and bind 30*3 keys for using/dropping/selling inventory, virtually infinite keys for buying items, and flooding your chat to find out what you have in inventory.
Because that would make much more sense for DRPG right? Who needs those GUIs? Just get a bunch of keybinds for the 30 slots in your inventory.

Because I keep trying to join specific people through RTB 4 Beta and I get kicked out because of that third-party client block. Ephialtes added detection for if a server isn't joinable before attempting, but this method of blocking is obviously not detected and it is frustrating when you get kicked out in the middle of joining like that. It's loving annoying.
It's highly unlikely that RTB4 is actually able to detect if an add-on is preventing them from joining.
Oh no you didn't get to join. What I want to know is why you're joining a server only because a certain person is there and not because of what kind of server it is. If you wanna stalk/talk to the person, just send a personal message. If you want in so badly, take the whole damn minute of your life to download a GUI that you need to do everything in the server which I explained why multiple times. If you really want in that badly I can give you a workaround that'll let you join but not have a keybind (that you don't have to bind if you really don't want to) so you can jump around and do absolutely nothing but annoy people.

The point of RTB detecting that a server can't be joined is so that you don't have to rejoin the server you were already in since the one you were joining is unplayable. Creating dynamic detection of this type of block is impossible, or incredibly difficult. Obtaining these means taking the long route of going to the browser, downloading a GUI you'll never use, and being forced to use it just to play with friends. You are making it a requirement to check with friends if the server has such a script in place before joining, and complicating the process which Ephialtes and others have worked so hard to streamline. I have a valid point, and just because it inconvenience you all doesn't invalidate the point. Address it logically or stop trying to discount me.

It is okay if you have a GUI and you can't play fully without it, but that shouldn't justify blocking the flow. I know noobs will complain "I don't know what to do?" and you must tell them "Get the GUI!" but blocking people without it isn't the way to go. Make it work within Ephialtes' GUI downloading, or find some other workaround. Maybe make your own GUI downloader so at the very least they all download without separate downloads. But I can't tell you how many times I've tried to join friends on RTB and got kicked out saying "Download this," which I may add has broken links sometimes.

I also need the full link, not a click link. >.>

Or you can just not join a server only because a friend is in it.
You should join a server because it's something your interested in.

But why am I even mentioning that even after I know what kind of person you are anyways?

Besides, I'd rather have them forced to download a GUI and then enter the server and likely know what to do rather than having a bunch of people clogging a busy and popular server (and seeing from experience), never getting help on how to do anything.

Sorry. I'd rather have the server filled with people who have a basic idea on how to get started than let a bunch of clueless people in (who probably think it's a variable RP) and one guy who wants to stalk his friends and not do anything.

If you want to talk to your friends, you're already using RTB4, you can talk to them that way. You don't have to be in the server, and if you want to be in really bad, then take the less than a damn minute to download a gui that takes barely any space on your computer and you never have to use anyways.

I will not impede any future projects just for the sake of people who are too lazy to download an 84.3 KB file. Joining a server is not the only way to socialize, and that's the only possible intention of joining a server that your friend is in.