Author Topic: What supplies would you bring in a Zombie Apocalypse?  (Read 27972 times)

They'd kill you on site.

I'd bring a bat and the 28 Days Later Theme song >:D

I would bring wepon and start shooting zombe goasts

Lol alot of people think they can handle the weapons there posting about.

Lol alot of people think they can handle the weapons there posting about.
Like this guy:
--44 Magnum
--Desert Eagle

--Glock 18
--.223 Rifle

Aren't magnums like super powerful?
EDIT:Stronger then games represent them?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 10:59:38 PM by mlockha »

i'd bring a famas and an rpg and a barrett .50 cal and a mp5 cuz call of duty taught me to shoot them

Aren't magnums like super powerful?
they are More then Super they Are Epic powerfull ;D

Just food to last my for a lifetime?

Remember zombies are brainless people, meaning, they dont know what you are, and they dont really run fast as forget, thats Infected/undead

can't go wrong with MRE's and canned foods + bottled water.

until you run out that is. Then what?

try to be realistic. No one is going to carry 40 Shotguns on their back, 200 pistols, 8 knives, 300 grenades, and still run / not be crushed. Be realistic.

My Response:
--44 Magnum
--Desert Eagle
--Glock 18
--.223 Rifle

--Backpack (Seems like a lot
---4 Water Bottles
---First Aid Kit
---Flashlights (2)
---Clips / Ammo
---Phone / Netbook
---Phone Charger / Netbook Charger

I would try to find a gun store first. After I got some Clips / Ammo, I would set out by car. If I experienced a roadblock, I would ditch the car and take it by foot until I found a new car. My hope would be to reach the West coast and flee the continent.

Because carrying 4 god damn super powerful and useless weapons isn't unrealistic

Don't shoot the child zombies, it's immoral.

Glock 18? Isn't that standard issue for police in the US?