(JS) - Jeepserver

Author Topic: (JS) - Jeepserver  (Read 4730 times)

So when do we start doing stuff¿
I have things coming up very shortly. I have a lot going on right now both in JS and irl. Soon. This is the setup period, so you can just relax for a few days.

I have things coming up very shortly. I have a lot going on right now both in JS and irl. Soon. This is the setup period, so you can just relax for a few days.
Good since I need a few days.

Sorry for letting the topic sink. Had something happen... Anyways, I'll be keeping the topic alive from now on.

I just prefer to get these posts in early, so that when this fails, I can quote them :D
Is it too early for me to quote this? I don't want the topic to get too old to reply to.

Sorry for letting the topic sink. Had something happen... Anyways, I'll be keeping the topic alive from now on.
I get those 50$ sounds I'll willingly bump this topic every 20 minutes.

Hey Jeep. How's your site been going?

Also, {EC} would like an alliance with (JS).

Why did the SOA on the bottom of the buildbot page break, and why does jeepserver.net redirect to a broken yayfun.net?