Author Topic: The Taking of Isar [Episode 3 of 3] [Mini-series]  (Read 25261 times)

Only read if you saw episode 2, spoilers:

He fell out of a window after being shot in the face and hit the water 4 stories down to which he didn't re-emerge. Of course he is dead.

Only read if you saw episode 2, spoilers:

He fell out of a window after being shot in the face and hit the water 4 stories down to which he didn't re-emerge. Of course he is dead.
But you didn't die.

please note i suggest NOT READING THE TOPIC AT ALL until you are up to date so i dont have to put spoiler crap in my posts this is the last time i will do that

why was the guy like oh stuff when he shot icy? did he not mean to kill him so he could use him or something?

duud SPOLR
WTF MAN?!??!?!?!!??!/1/11

why was the guy like oh stuff when he shot icy? did he not mean to kill him so he could use him or something?

He was exploiting him for money. Now IcyGamma is dead, getting the cash via the ITD will be a long and hard procedure, and there is no bargaining power or easy way out. It just complicates things. Plus, you know, murder makes it messy.

He was exploiting him for money. Now IcyGamma is dead, getting the cash via the ITD will be a long and hard procedure, and there is no bargaining power or easy way out. It just complicates things. Plus, you know, murder makes it messy.


He fell out of a window after being shot in the face and hit the water 4 stories down to which he didn't re-emerge. Of course he is dead.

He was shot in the face and lived long enough to stumble through a window and flail his arms down a four story fall? Dayum.

He was shot in the face and lived long enough to stumble through a window and flail his arms down a four story fall? Dayum.

His arms were flapping around in the wind.

His arms were flapping around in the wind.
Tweet tweet? :u

Anywho, I'm really liking this series so far. I'm looking forward to the last part.

His arms were flapping around in the wind.


It was the only way would could make the torso seemingly move in the fall.


It was the only way we would could make the torso seemingly move in the fall.

Maybe you could have used a dummy (Bot) and evented it to play the arm flail animation then use the tumble event to fall out the window.

I'm actually going to go check if that works and see how it looks.

EDIT: Can't find a way for the bot to continue flailing his arms while tumbling. He will flail his arms while tumbling, but the animation is too short.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 11:43:19 PM by Awdax »

Only read if you saw episode 2, spoilers:

He fell out of a window after being shot in the face and hit the water 4 stories down to which he didn't re-emerge. Of course he is dead.

He didn't emerge cause he had the local ambulance submarine ready this time because he knew it all was happening because in his dream within a dream it flashbacked/flashedforward visioned to that exact thing so in his dream he called in the ambulance submarine but it wasn't actually a dream because they were there and ready for them and healed his face.

this was intentionally a run-on sentence you grammar national socialists

Relays Awdax

Tried that, you can't use the target "Bot" with "onRelay". I even tried a way around that using incrimentPrint and onPrintCountOverflow but you still can't use the target "Bot".