


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 151659 times)

Due to overcrowding and a growing population, New Porlaq has seized about 1,000 miles of territory to the north.

What the forget is Skeythaium? You can't just pull elements out of your ass...

Did you ever read my earlier posts?
We discovered 3 new elements while mining unless that's against the rules  (which I didn't see a rule against it)


Parillanstien Wishes to add a trade route with Farken, do you accept ambassador Feep?
we accept.


We accept alliance.
Welcome to the club.

Country name: Parillanstien (Paril for short)
Ally(s): Farken, Altara... More to come hopefully...
Weaponry**: "Xfire" Supressor
Trade routes: Farken

Reposting important crap

Country name: Altara


Government type: Democratic Republic (like the USA)
Ally(s): New Trejirm, Parillanstien
Root Country: USA
Population: we have people. is that good enough for you?
Capital: Skeytha
Languages: English
Weaponry: AL-20 (Sniper/Assault rifle) SN-53 (Former military shotgun, now a grenade launcher) JT-3 (New military shotgun)
DEFCON Alert posture: 2


Did you ever read my earlier posts?
We discovered 3 new elements while mining unless that's against the rules  (which I didn't see a rule against it)
You obviously know nothing about chemistry.

You obviously know nothing about chemistry.

Alien elements

I win.

Alien elements

I win.
No, once again:
You obviously know nothing about chemistry.
So here:

Read-up my good sir.

And let me help you:
As of May 2011, 118 elements have been identified, the latest being ununoctium in 2002.[2] Of the 118 known elements, only the first 94 are believed to occur naturally on Earth.
And as both Hera and Enduva are incredibly similar to Earth, the probability of any of the actual elements that don't occur naturally is very slim. Any new element that you create must be man-made, as the last elements on the periodic table is man-made.

I'll reiterate this in any way that you want me to until you figure out what I am trying to say.

I understand, sorry for being creative.
I just thought it would be interesting to have new elements

I understand, sorry for being creative.
I just thought it would be interesting to have new elements
You could however begin work on dark matter:
Hydrogen and helium are by far the most abundant elements in the universe. However, oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust, making up almost half of its mass.[3] Although all known chemical matter is composed of these various elements, chemical matter itself constitutes only about 15% of the total matter in the universe. The remainder is dark matter, which is not believed to consist of chemical elements as we know them since it does not contain protons, neutrons or electrons.
I would fully support your nation if you began technological work on this amazing piece of science right here.

Sorry for bursting your bubble, it's just I'd rather elements with no known use or details on them, that are created by the users here, to not be used. Then there could be fairness issues with the amount of the element and the weaponization of an element that would and probably never could be stable.


What'd I miss?  I'll update whoever I forgot to update.

What'd I miss?  I'll update whoever I forgot to update.
My country has been forgotten.
*goes to the corner and cries while this music plays: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFKLMyoZsaE*
sniff sniff all I ever wanted to was, wait wats the point of this game again?