


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 152046 times)

I want Earth 4.0 to be as successful as 2.0. We need a solid story-line, a history, and better game mechanics. I have homework today, so hopefully I'll start working on the thread later tonight.

I want Earth 4.0 to be as successful as 2.0. We need a solid story-line, a history, and better game mechanics. I have homework today, so hopefully I'll start working on the thread later tonight.

I can start on the story line.

Im staying in this topic as well as moving into 4.0

This topic will be locked, and you can expect me there too

Why the forget is this being locked? I do not trust your knowledge so until Will says so I am sticking around.

I might play 4.0 and i'll actually do something.

The Rise and Fall of New Porlaq.
"When we came here," says President Tupelkon Rosivich (Former President of New Porlaq) "we were hoping for friendships, working alongside each other rather than fighting each other,      Glory.. " He says, in a hushed voice. "And glory we had. But even we couldn't hold back our craving for power. I don't have much longer on Enduva, and it was a sight to behold, the fall of Porlaq. We have somehow maintained to be even since Hera. It has been an honor serving in this government, even through the ups and downs we seemed to create good memories." Was his last words before dying in sleep.

Shortly after, the president was assassinated and New Porlaq went into chaos. Many fled or got killed, but I imagine most of the population was destroyed.

Hey, well... at least battlebrain knows when to "give up" I would say. Although he still held power, he knew that we didn't like what he was doing so yeah. Props to you, battle.


New Irajinia collapses after its leader, Aruai Kasnakov, died in bed.
Reports say that his last words were something along the lines of: "We came to Hera at first to have peace. And peace we had for a *cough* long time. Then it all ended when we *cough* nearly destroyed eachother in a war over Hera, then we came here. Then we almost destroyed eachother in another war. I am sad that I am leaving this world, but it is appointed unto every man to die. Praise God that I am dying peacefully. I plan on seeing you all at the Eastern Gate."
The nation fell into anarchy and most of the population has either fled in spacecraft or died.

I'll be working on 4.0 tonight, and tomorrow after my half-day of school. New Trejirm has suffered power failures, and is now collapsing into a chaotic anarchist state. The military is going to bomb the remaining citizens, even though the majority of the nation went back to Hera or left for Cerio. Let's hope they make it on the long journey.

Expect more details on how 4.0 will be set-up in the morning.

Trint Breaking News...

A nuke has gone off...

Trint Breaking News...

A nuke has gone off...

Why is everyone killing themselves now?
Should I do it too since 4.0 is coming soon?

Why is everyone killing themselves now?
Should I do it too since 4.0 is coming soon?