Author Topic: I'm so desperate to move to the USA.  (Read 12591 times)

Im desperate to move to the UK.

No kidding.

You will like the UK more than the US.

Everyone is saying Bullstuff on how America sucks. It's not our fault that people decide to over feed their selves. There are commercials that give them an opportunity to lose it. But they don't take a chance.

Its nice here. You would love it.

South Dakota is pretty fun.
Its also super pretty and gets tons of concerts and events.
And animu conventions.
And more.
Also lots of stupid naturey stuff to do here.

come to georgia, people who have english accents here get better service than people with the normal dialect. i actually go out to malls and speak with an english accent to trick shop owners into giving me better service. other than that most people are pretty nice here, lots of religions mixed together and we have a good mix of wide open spaces and tall cities. the only problem i've ever had with this place is that my school is way far from my home, but considering it's a private catholic school that should be expected. basically anything that suits your fancy can be found in georgia. we also have lots of coca-cola here.

visit Afghanistan
Have fun.

Canada is better when have a more likeable nation, I mean whos doesn't like Maple syrup and beavers?

Nowhere is sanctified. TO THE LUNAR!

We get exciting stuff here, but we also get hurricanes and insane amounts of tornadoes.

apparently you don't live in canada
Okay okay. Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff ARE richardheads.

Okay okay. Stephen Harper and Michael Ignatieff ARE richardheads.
Micheal resigned.

that's funny, i'm so desperate to move out of it

I'd be happy to switch places with you though I've always wanted to be a brit.

Micheal resigned.
I know. But he was still a politician and a richardhead.

and they always go into a sudden panic whenever a male starts staring at them, regardless of what way.

Haha, what?