Author Topic: 1.04 Update Suggestions  (Read 4429 times)

* -=>RR<=-MasterCE sticks the funnel in Lombax's mouth
* -=>RR<=-MasterCE pours mushy Torque Nerd Brain into it

Now do you know even if we did make a browser for Torque, it'd be text-only unless you want to wait for the GAME to download all the images and then you'd till have plain backrounds and junk?

Hmmm so we wouldnt have support for Flash or anything i dont think its possible it may cause client to lag alot if it was the super admin it may cause some deep lag problems for users

Bad thing is i would do all this but i dont have retail or id be working on it now instead of talking to you losers lol jk

Ok, are you Lombax's friend or something? How did you get his account info? You are WAAAAAAY too stupid to be Lombax

lol ive made games ive made a source game < enclosed for now i havent finished > ive been doing lots of modeling programing scripting all that so i know :D

I join 3 servers at once in RTB, my screen was Flickering like crazy... then it crashed.