Author Topic: Blockland single player adventure story.  (Read 5732 times)

I just think the whole thing would be better in single player map form.
Not saying I don't agree with the idea, I think people are just being completely illogical about this.

Not saying I don't agree with the idea, I think people are just being completely illogical about this.

Of course, it's bound to happen and that is basically why to this day we do not have a single player adventure mode.

I would love to see it happen on blockland one day.

I wonder if we could turn it into something like the original Lego Island, but we use our own ideas. We just don't simply copy lego island, just the concept.

I've never played Lego Island. What is it?

It's basically a small action/adventure game. It comes with quests, random trigger events, fun interactive objects, jetski and car races, etc.

It's how I picture a Blockland single player adventure to be.

And the same mechanics of the tutorial could be used?
Im all for it

I guess I'll work on this but I don't have a lot of time in my day to do it, so don't expect it to be done quickly.

Edit: Never mind scratch that.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 05:35:52 PM by infiniteLoop »

And the same mechanics of the tutorial could be used?
Im all for it

That's basically all it is.

It needs to keep a lot of the elements that are talked about in the BMAM topic.  Lots of secret and hidden stuff that isn't necessary to beat it, just makes it more entertaining.  And we should still have to explore places like Bedroom and Kitchen, and have to fight Badspot.

Lego Island 3 is stuff, i play Lego Island 2

Aw come on, someone has to at least attempt this.