


Author Topic: {K} Krypt  (Read 94134 times)


god dammit mak
You cannot handle the power of the BAZUMP!


On the tenth of January in the year two-thousand ten, a 16-year-old by the online alias of Kyzor had an idea for a clan. After some careful thought and consideration, he brought Khoz into existence. Sure, it had its flaws, and wasn't very different from many other clans out there, but like other clans, it was unique in its own way. Kyzor didn't think the clan would ever grow to more than, say, seven or eight members. But he soon saw that interest in the clan was growing, and rapidly.

Jump forward twelve days, to the twenty-second of January. Kyzor made an incredibly stupid decision and got himself permanently banned. Khoz quickly died down and was eventually forgotten about. But Kyzor had other plans. He wasn't going to let his clan die that easily. With the help of his friend Loopyla1, he was able to keep the clan alive, despite his ban.

On March the nineteenth, Kyzor returned to the Blockland Forums on an alternate account, under the name "Raeyok." This is still his account today.

Things with Khoz went on for a while longer, until Kyzor took back control of the clan thread. It was reposted a second time on the twentieth of April. Unfortunately, along with the new topic came quite a lot of stuffposting. This was put to an end very quickly, however. Khoz went on about its business, planning a clan build and pretending to be a mafia for a while. Then, on the fourth of May, Kyzor discovered that his permanently banned account had been unbanned for some reason. He decided that he would continue to use his Raeyok account, however, seeing as it would be somewhat irritating to have to log out of one account and into another just to edit the OP of his clan topic.

Come May the twenty-sixth, Khoz underwent a name change. It was now and forever to be known as "Krypt."


On January the tenth of the year two-thousand eleven, Krypt celebrated its one-year anniversary with the dedication of a graphic design made by Kyzor. The thread continued on for another six-hundred fourteen pages, until finally, Kyzor became too occupied in his daily life outside of the Internet to be able to properly manage the clan. So, elections were held to decide a new, temporary leader. Additionally, Kyzor presented the position of a co-leader, because it had never been seriously considered in the past. Long-time clan members Makanix and TopHat won the elections for leader and co-leader, respectively. However, that was not how it appeared at first. Kyzor wanted to see how well his clan could handle being under the control of Loopyla, now known as Kohna. Some members were okay with Kohna leading the clan now, while others couldn't have been more against it if they had tried. The third Krypt thread was officially locked on the fifteenth of April, in the year two-thousand eleven.

The fourth and penultimate Krypt thread was created the same day. And it couldn't have gotten off to a worse start. The majority of the first few pages of the thread were filled with rage, arguing, a bit of trolling, much overreacting, and overall negativity. Fortunately for everyone involved, it eventually calmed down. Nothing really happened with this thread, seeing as it was only to exist for exactly a month. After that time had expired, Makanix was designated to post the fifth and final Krypt thread; he was the winner of the election for new leader, after all. Things have been going pretty smoothly in his thread for several months now.


Fast-forward to today, December the thirty-first of two-thousand eleven. Tomorrow will be the first day of two-thousand twelve. Ten days from today will be Krypt's second anniversary. And as I type this message right here, my mind is full of not much else but the intent to do something great in our time here in Blockland. Krypt will not be around much longer, and I, Kyzor, will be damned if we don't get something done before we die away.

I'm not really one for new years' resolutions, but if I were to present just one, it would be to actually organize ourselves and get some solid work done. There's virtually nothing preventing us from doing so.

So, on behalf of Krypt and its grandiose time on these forums, I wish you all a Happy New Year. Let's make Krypt's last year a great one, shall we?

Fun fact: Krypt topics have gathered a total of 928 pages and 13867 posts (and counting).

P.S.: While scouring old clan topics for past events, dates, and information, I came across what I believe to be the strangest SMF error I've ever encountered. Just go to that page and scroll down a bit, you'll see what I mean.

woah this clan has been alive for some time :D

I dont see the smf error

Does anyone know the password to the Krypt server?

I remember that error!

Happy New year! :D

Well, in 9 hours. For me, at least. C:

My birthday is in like, 3 days :o

...I think

I dont see the smf error

The page cuts off three posts before the end of the page, after Kohna's post saying, "Hey. Re-host your server."

The page cuts off three posts before the end of the page, after Kohna's post saying, "Hey. Re-host your server."

Reading through that old thread,

memories ;-;


Join Honor's server right now if you can. Password is applejuice.

but but but i'm playing runescape :<