Author Topic: pie man- The toughest most awesome person on the forums  (Read 18652 times)

You have no idea what I look like unless your a stalker (Inb4belognaisastalker)Ikr?
Cool we could'v used a firefighter today when a burn-barrel started going out of control and went red hot luckily I had a mnt dew to keep it cool til my cuz got the water hose.
No not really I know my grammar needs work but that's how i talk and I will continue talking this way until I learn grammar.
I've bolded the particular phrases that are stupid.

1. Mountain Dew expands fires, it does not cool them off, here's proof

2. Aren't you 15 years old? Your profile says so, learn grammar you forgetwit.

I would insult pie man but he's probably too tough and he'd beat my ass down and rape my whole family. T_T

I've bolded the particular phrases that are stupid.

1. Mountain Dew expands fires, it does not cool them off, here's proof

2. Aren't you 15 years old? Your profile says so, learn grammar you forgetwit.
Mnt dew cooled the barrel that's what I said also it was diet so it didn't start any fire's

I said I will learn grammar as soon as the segment in class start's
And if I can stay awake it's kinda hard for me because her class is right after lunch and sometimes im so full I just end up using my text book as a pillow just to wake up to figure out that im 5 page's behind.

I would insult pie man but he's probably too tough and he'd beat my ass down and rape my whole family. T_T
stocking really? At least I don't lie about my love we all know your male *whispers* We all know.

BRB, head is bleeding, plus I need a new screen since I hit it with such force from reading those quotes.

More Realistically: I highly doubt you've gone through all that crap in your life. As Captain Obvious I think you're under the age of 10 and really don't think you should learn to drive.

By the way, if you really saved people's lives a trillion times, wouldn't you be on news already? "Low Intellect Internet Impersonator Saves Man's Life"?

Mmmm Hmmm I see what you guys think and btw I saved a life today so suck on that.

Get out, you sit on your computer all day.

BRB, head is bleeding, plus I need a new screen since I hit it with such force from reading those quotes.

More Realistically: I highly doubt you've gone through all that crap in your life. As Captain Obvious I think you're under the age of 10 and really don't think you should learn to drive.

By the way, if you really saved people's lives a trillion times, wouldn't you be on news already? "Low Intellect Internet Impersonator Saves Man's Life"?
What I did wasn't new worthy because it was just me saving some kid from being chocked to death no big deal

Im 15 and my dad say's I need to learn

Get out, you sit on your computer all day.
I have no were's to go im in the middle of like nowere's and walking down the road will just get me hit by a semi because my house is on a highway.

Btw I get out on weekends and visit my cousin who does somthing that will almost get us arrested/killed like yesterday driving his street ill-legal go kart on the street at speeds excess of 50 mph breaking the speed limit why we was yelling 'YEA BITCH'S HA HA HA" Just for fun.
3 time the cops were called on us not once did the cop find us :D third time they was CLOSE but we hid behind a f150 and he went right by us.

pie man, you probably don't do stuff IRL.

It's not that hard to discern reality from fictional fantasies.

he's too tough for us guys

he's too tough for us guys

Yeah you better watch out! He breaks the speed limits on gokarts!

Yeah you better watch out! He breaks the speed limits on gokarts!
he also lives on the highway like a bum
you know that's a sign of toughness and invincibility

Wrong I do stuff then flush and wash hands

Now to be serious I try my hardest to get out and do something

Someone made me mad so I tried to bash there head in with a bat but he ran away on his bike

I went go-carting illegally on the street at my cousins

I punched this one kid in the face for kicking me in the face

I tackled my cousin to keep him from killing somone

I violently flipped some douche's desk on him because he could stfu after I told him to I became a hero that day c:

I fought this one guy because he was talking stuff

I almost fought this one guy but he turned into buddy buddy and got out of it narrowly escaping a fight that would'v turned out bad (Most likely for the both of us because we had about equal strength)

That real enough? Because my life isn't the same as your's doesn't mean nothing.

Yeah you better watch out! He breaks the speed limits on gokarts!
Ikr? we almost went head on with a truck I kept yelling at him "TURN LEFT TURN loving LEFT!" he turned narrowly hitting him
he's too tough for us guys
Smart ass :P
he also lives on the highway like a bum
you know that's a sign of toughness and invincibility
My house is on the side of a highway as in by :House:side walk:Highway well technically its on a sidewalk

so um
how come like EVERY DAY something happens and makes you sound cool

-bull frickin horsestuff-
Smart ass :P
of course
My house is on the side of a highway as in by :House:side walk:Highway well technically its on a sidewalk
it's still a sign of toughness and invincibility

It's like bobblehat all over again, except you don't smoke to seem cool.

You make up stories to seem cool.

so um
how come like EVERY DAY something happens and makes you sound cool
Because I live a spontaneous and forgeted up life :D

In other words I haven't a idea as far as I know one day I will be to walking and then suddenly i would end up bungee jumping from a bridge to grab a hat

Im trying to use proper grammar so im asking am I doing any better?

It's like bobblehat all over again, except you don't smoke to seem cool.

You make up stories to seem cool.
You have no proof if there real or not
There real I know I lived them just because my life isn't the same as yours it doesn't mean im lieing
I don't smoke because its a bad habit and is NOT cool to do.