
What do you think of Earth 6.0, hosted by Gojira?

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Author Topic: Earth 5.0 - Welcome to Terra (discussion)  (Read 155015 times)

Update on the war anybody?

My forces are still making progress, and the ships are within 5 miles of  the shores. Give this stuff time.

Federation forces have pushed into deep Palo and secured most towns and military bases.

Wounded: :2
Dead: 0

The FockWolfe ships land on the North coast of Palo, sandwiching the exhausted army. The Air Force has taken down over a hundred Paloian F-18s and other aircraft with only 20 JSFs destroyed and 12 damaged. The Army has pushed about 8 miles inland, finding only pockets of resistance and destroyed buildings. 2 soldiers have died and 12 are wounded.

The Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, including its several subcommitties have voice their disapproval for what they are calling an unprovoked, barbaric colonization.

"The Commissars of this house have unanimously agreed that the action against the peaceful nation of Palo was nothing less than an act of forceful colonization, with the only goal of securing the island for military and economic gain. We express our sympathy to the citizens and soldiers of Palo who were caught in this unnecessary conflict. May their souls be a peace. As for the alliance, Tharsha requests that an international effort of sending humanitarian aid to Palo in order to help it recover. Further acts of aggression against any nation unprovoked and without reason will not stand with Tharsha and its people, who seek to maintain peace and prosperity on this world."

Sorry we will not have some island controlled by leaders that would without a doubt do anything for wealth or power. and I beg your pardon, but you have no say in why happens in this planet because you are nothing but an alien to us, you haven't even a country.

Sorry we will not have some island controlled by leaders that would without a doubt do anything for wealth or power. and I beg your pardon, but you have no say in why happens in this planet because you are nothing but an alien to us, you haven't even a country.

If you are referring to us, we have made no act of aggression toward any nation. The leaders of Palo have done the same. We are of the same species and part of the international community. We have just as much of a say in these matters as any other nation.

All we want is for hostilities to cease as soon as possible and for humanitarian aid to be send to Palo. Our shuttle fleet is being prepped for this and we request you do the same. The shuttles will land in every major city in Palo and unload food and medical supplies when the war has ended.

Fockewolfe troops have arrived at the capital, where several Tomahawk missiles have caused great destruction to military bases and P.A.F airstrips. The troops are almost at the capitol, where the Palo forces will "Make their final stand, like the ancient battle of the Alamo," one corporal stated.

In other news, the SPF - 10 Hydra, the nation's first practical space fighter, was tested today. It was built and launched from Delta Charlie 181, one of the two space stations orbiting Terra from Fockewolfe. The space fighter successfully downed 3 target drones, and it also uses an armored roosterpit "module" that can eject from the rest of the craft in an emergency. The craft has a dual high-energy laser, which can burn through up to 2 inches of titanium.

Artist's drawing of the Hydra
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 07:00:25 PM by HelplessNobb88 »

Tharsha is sending a fleet of shuttles to evacuate civilians and military personell who wish to escape the deadly conflict. They will be given residence on our mothership and lunar colony until either the war ends or some nation will take them in.

They will also drop off food and medical supplies in already occupied areas.

Over 500 soldiers stormed the massive Paloian government complex, finding fierce resistance. 12 soldiers have been killed so far on the FockeWolfe side, however the armed forces of Palo took a major loss when a flight of Viper attack choppers shot rockets into occupied buildings. Still, heavy fighting rages on.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 10:36:04 PM by HelplessNobb88 »

Tharsha has successfully completed quantum fissure teleportation. This will allow things like supplies and equipment to be teleported place to place. However, animate objects cannot undergo the process; they tend to die.

We have also completed climate control, allowing for more stable weather in isolated areas such as farmland and stuff.

Advanced quantum communications have been developed, allowing for instantaneous communication across the globe.

Weather control and communications shall be given to all nations free of charge in order to help increase the general standard of living for the population.

Tharsha has developed energy weapons and kinetic weapons. They are being installed/manufactured.

The Federation has began to study energy cartriges for the Mass drivers received by Farken
« Last Edit: October 03, 2011, 10:38:45 PM by battlebrain »

Once I make a flag I'll start.

all of a sudden ALIEONS then smok and bom u all ded